遗组词English Proficiency Certificate for XXXXX
Dear Sir or Madam,
I have extensively communicated with XXX in a skype interview, with regular email exchange and during preparation of the rearch proposal to discuss scientific details. In the cour of our communication, she proved am excellent command of English both written and spoken.
Within the Institut für Technische und Makromolekulare Chemie at RWTH Aachen University, English is the major working language. All prentations, minars and group discussions are carried out in English language. Our previous discussions and email communication have clearly shown that her command of English is excellent and will certainly allow her an efficient integration in the working environment facilitating a successful joined doctorate.
淘气小熊乌龙茶可以减肥吗We look forward to welcome XXX as visiting PhD student at the Institut für Technische Chemie und Makromolekulare Chemie at RWTH Aachen University. We feel this opportunity will clearly contribute to her professional development for a successful future career.
Yours sincerely,石榴的英语