Non-Disclosure Agreement
This agreement is made between (hereinafter Party A) And (hereinafter Party B)
甲乙双方为了保护在合作过程中, 彼此之间可能披露的某些专有信息(技术、商务等) 的机密, 经双方友好协商, 就有关信息的保密事宜达成如下协议:
Both parties have the intention to cooperate on the ******* and will provide some confidential or proprietary information(technical ) to each other during this cooperation. In consideration of the mutual benefits, both parties are agreed to the following terms and
1. 保密信息
1. Confidential Information
保密信息是指双方以寻求建立合作关系为目的, 提供给对方的需要保密的资料、软件、 数据、 技术等。 凡是一方提供给另一方的任何书面文件所记载的信息均视为本协议项下的保密信息, 任何一方不得将从另一方收到的机密信息透露于第三方,或用于任何其他目的。
Confidential information refers to the information, software, data or technology given to the other party for the purpo of establishing a cooperative relationship. Any information recorded in any written document provided by one party to the other shall be treated as confidential information under this agreement, and neither party may disclo confidential information received from the other party to a third party or for any other purpo.
2. 保密信息的范围
2. Scope of confidential information
2. 1 甲方在生产中, 以物理化学的、 口头的或其它形式的载体所表现的设计、工艺、 数据、 配方、 诀窍等形式的技术或技术信息; 甲方、 与甲方经营有关联的企业或者单位, 在货源情报、 产销策略、 客户名单、 产能规划、 生产技术信息(含生产线、 生产工艺、 流程等)、 可行性报告、 市场分析报告、 重要会议记录等的商业信息;
Party A’s any technical information like design, process, data, formula, know how, etc. available to the Party B in the form of a physical, chemical or verbal terms in the production; sources of supplier information, marketing strategy, customer list, capacity planning, production information (including production lines, production process, technical process, etc.), contracts, agreements, letters of intent and feasibility reports, market analysis reports, important meeting records, etc. of Party A’s enterpri or affiliated companies;
2. 2 乙方提供的生产线设备的设计、 功能、 控制有关的技术信息; 以口头、 书面、 图形、 机器可识别、 样品表等形式的载体所表现的信息; 乙方、 与乙方有关联的合作企业或者单位, 在货源情报、 生线技术信息、 市场分析报告、 重要会议记录等的商业信息;
2.2 The design function and control information of the production line equipment provided by party B, and the information prented in the form of oral, written, graphic, machine-readable, sample-form, etc. sources of supplier information, production information (including production lines, production process, technical process, etc.), contracts, agreements, market analysis reports, important meeting records, etc. of Party B’s enterpri or affiliated companies;
3. 保密要求
3. None-disclosure Requirements
双方特此同意, 从签订本协议五年内, 双方应严格履行保密责任。益州之战
Both Parties shall perform the duty of none-disclosure within 5 years upon the date of receiving all the above confidential information,
3. 1 双方仅将上述机密信息的传播限制在必须直接涉及机密信息的子公司或附属公司的雇员和/或雇员之间;
3.1 The parties only restrict the dismination of the above confidential information to the employees and/or employees of the subsidiary or subsidiary companies that must directly involved;
哲学句子3. 2 在使用信息时, 双方高度重视保密工作, 并在任何情况下合理谨慎地使用保密信息, 以防止向第三方披露机密信息。
3.2 In the u of information, both parties attach great importance to the confidentiality of the work, and in any ca guarantee the reasonable and prudent u of confidential information to prevent the disclosure of confidential information to third parties.
3. 3 除非获得对方许可, 否则不得将任何上述的规定的机密信息用于项目以外用途。
精确的近义词3.3 No such confidential information shall be ud for purpos other than the project except with the permission of the other party.
4. 特别规定
4. Special Provisions
4. 1 在本协定的期限内, 尽管有本协定的其他规定, 接收方所收到的以下内容均不得解释为机密信息
4. 1. 1 现已提供, 或在不违反本协定的情况下可供公众使用的信息;
4. 1. 2 是从第三方合法获得的, 对披露方没有保密义务的信息;
4. 1. 3 接收方在收到本合同之前知道的信息;
4. 1. 4 由接收方独立开发的信息。
4.1 During the term of this Agreement and notwithstanding the other provisions of this Agreement, nothing received by the receiving party shall be construed as CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION that
(1) is now available or becomes available to the public without breach of this Agreement,
(2) is relead to the public in writing by the disclosing party,
(3) is lawfully obtained from a third party without a confidentiality obligation to the disclosing party,
(4) is known to the receiving party prior to receipt hereunder, or
猴面鱼(5) is independently developed by the receiving party.
4. 2. 接收方向披露方保证, 根据本协议接收机密信息的子公司或附属公司将遵守本合同规定的保密义务, 而接收方将直接向披露方负责此类子公司或附属公司违反此类义务的行为, 并将采取一切必要措施来纠正此类违约行为并防止其发生。
4.2 Each receiving party warrants and guarantees to the disclosing party that its subsidiaries and affiliates receiving Confidential Information pursuant to this Agreement will comply with the confidentiality obligations herein, and the receiving party will be directly responsible to the disclosing party for any breach of such obligations by such subsidiaries or affiliates and will take all steps required to remedy any such breach and prevent its reoccurence.