For each of Questions 1-3, lect one answer choice unless otherwi instructed.
Questions 1 to 3 are bad on the following reading passage.
Paule Marshalls Brown Girl, Brownstones (1959) was a landmark in the depiction of female characters in Black American literature. Marshall avoided the oppresd and tragic heroine in conflict with White society that had been 5 typical of the protest novels of early twentieth century.Like her immediate predecessors, Zora Neale Hurston and Gwendolyn Brooks, she focud her novel on an ordinary Black womans arch for identity within the context of a Black community. But Marshall extended the 10 analysis of Black female characters begun by Hurston and Brooks by depicting her heroines development in terms o
f the relationship between her Barbadian American parents, and by exploring how male and female roles were defined by their immigrant culture, which in turn 15 was influenced by the materialism of White America.By placing characters within a wider cultural context, Marshall attacked racial and xual stereotypes and paved the way for explorations of race, class, and gender in the novels of the 1970s. For the following question, consider each of the choices parately and lect all that apply
1. It can be inferred that the author of the passage would describe Brown Girl, Brownstones as being
□A highly influenced by novels written in the early wentieth century
□B important in the late 1950s but dated today
□C an important influence on novels written in the1970s
2. According to the passage, Hurston, Brooks, and Marshall are alike in that they 边牧是中型犬还是大型犬
○A did not examine the effects of White culture on their characters lives
○B were heavily influenced by the protest novels of the early twentieth century
○C ud Black communities as the ttings for their novels.
○D wrote primarily about the difficulties their characters encountered in White culture
○E wrote exclusively about female characters and the experiences of women
3. The author‘s description of the way in which Marshall depicts her heroines development is most probably intended to
○A continue the discussion of similarities in the works of Brooks, Hurston, and Marshall
○B describe the specific racial and xual stereo-types that Marshall attacked
不偏不倚的拼音 ○C contrast the characters in Marshalls novels with tho in later works
○D show how Marshall extends the portrayal of character initiated by her predecessors
○E compare themes in Marshalls early work with themes in her later novels
阳江美食 答案:1. C. 2. C 3 D
Calculations of the density of alloys bad on Bernal-type models of the alloy‘s metal component agreed fairly well with the experimentally determined values from measurements on alloys consisting of a 5 noble metal together with a metalloid, such as alloys of palladium and silicon, or alloys consisting of iron,phosphorus, and carbon, although small discrepancies remained. One difference between real alloys and the hard spheres ud in Bernal models is that the 10 components of an alloy have different sizes, so that models bad on two sizes of spheres are more appropriate for a binary alloy, for example. The smaller metalloid atoms of the alloy might fit into holes in the den, random-packed structure of the larger metal atoms.
4. The authors speculation about the appropriateness of models using spheres of two sizes for binary alloys would be strongly supported if models using spheres of two sizes yielded 层次论
描写荷花的诗句 ○A values for density identical to values yielded by one-sphere models using the smaller spheres only
○B values for density agreeing nearly perfectly with experimentally determined values
○C values for density agreeing nearly perfectly with values yielded by models using spheres of three sizes
○D significantly different values for density depending on the size ratio between the two kinds of spheres ud
日本动漫少女 ○E the same values for density as the values for appropriately chon models that u only medium-sized spheres
Questions 5 and 6 are bad on the following reading passage.
One of the principal themes of Walzers critique of liberal capitalism is that it is insufficiently egalitarian.Walzers ca against the economic inequality generated bycapitalism and in favor of a radical redistribution of 5 wealth is prented in a widely cited essay entitled In Defen of Equality. The most striking feature of Walzers critique is that, far from rejecting the principle of reward according to merit, Walzer insists on its validity.People who excel should receive the superior 10 benefits appropriate to their excellence. But people exhibit a great variety of qualities—intelligence, physical strength, agility and grace, artistic creativity,mechanical skill, leadership, endurance, memory, psychological insight, the capacity for hard 15 work—even moral strength, nsitivity, the ability to express compassion.Each derves its proper recompen, and hence a proper distribution of material goods should reflect human differences as measured on all the different scales. Yet, under capitalism, the ability 20 to make money (the green thumb of bourgeois society) enables its posssor to acquire almost every other sort of social good, such as the respect and esteem of others. For the following question, consider each of the choices parately and lect all that apply