67 项能力 选自Lominger 如何自我提升
描写声音的词语1.以行动为导向 Action oriented
2.处理不明朗局面 Dealing with ambiguity
3.亲和力 Approachability剁辣椒
4.与上司的关系Boss relationships
5.商业头脑Business Acumen
6.职业抱负Career Ambition
7.关心下属 Caring about direct reports
8.与上级相处轻松自如 Comfort around higher management
9.发号司令的技能 Command Skills
10.富有同情心 Compassion
香辣牙签牛肉11.沉着应对 Composure
12.冲突管理 Conflict Management
13.勇于面对下属 Confronting direct reports
14.创造力 Creativity
15.以顾客为中心 Customer Focus
16.及时作出决策 Timely decision making
17.决策的质量 Decision quality
18.授权 Delegation
19.培养下属和其它人员 Developing direct reports and others
20.指挥他人 Directing others
21.管理多样化 Managing Diversity
22.道德观与价值观 Ethics and values
23.对下属一视同仁 Fairness to direct reports
24.行政技能、技术技能 functional/technical skills
25.人员雇佣与配置 Hiring and staffing
26.幽默感 Humor
27.告知 Informing
28.创新管理 Innovation Management
29.正直可靠 Integrity and Trust
30.智慧 Intellectual Horpower
31.善于社交 Interpersonal Savvy
32.快速学习 Learning on the fly
33.聆听 Listening
34.管理魄力 Managerial Courage
35.工作的管理与衡量 Managing and measuring work
36.激励他人 Motivation others
37.谈判能力 Negotiating
38.组织的灵活性 Organizational ability
40.处理矛盾问题 Dealing with paradox
41.耐心 Patience
42.同事关系 Peer relationships
43.毅力 perrverance
44.开诚布公 personal disclosure
45.个人学习 personal learning
46.高瞻远瞩 perspective
47.制定计划 planning
48.人际手腕 Political savvy
49.表达技能 prentation skills
50.确定轻重缓急 priority tting
51.解决问题 problem solving
52.流程管理 process management
53.追求成效 drive for results
actionscript54.自我发展 lf-development
55.自我认识 lf-knowledge
56.慧眼识人 Sizing up people
学习机排名57.独当一面 Standing alone
58.策略的敏锐性 Strategic Agility
59.管理制度化 management through systems
60.组建高效团队 building effective teams
如出一辙的意思61.技术学习 technical learning
62.时间管理 time management
64.了解他人 Understanding others
65.管理愿景和目标 Managing Vision and Purpo
66.工作、生活的平衡 Work/Life balance