when it comes to leadership十五选
1. Social intelligence (SI)
According to psychology today, social intelligence is one of the best predictors of effective leadership, so it is also one of the highest abilities of leadership. Social intelligence is about our ability to understand different social situations and dynamics. It also includes our ability to operate effectively in various social situations.
2. Conflict management
This is a leadership ability that is suitable for both this category and the "ability to lead others" category. It involves helping others in the organization, whether they are leading colleagues or people in the team, to avoid or resolve conflicts between people.
Conflict management is related to what organizational theorist fons Trompenaars calls reconciliation ability. Reconciliation is the "art of merging". You can find a way to combine them, instead of choosing between two emingly opposite views or asking people to make
3. Decision making
Decision making is one of the key abilities of leaders, becau it is the core of leaders' activities. A good leader knows when to make decisions by himlf, when to consult their team members or peers and ask their opinions on certain things, and most importantly, when to step back and let others decide.
4. Have a convincing vision
Company vision - what kind of person your organization hopes to become at some time in the future according to its goals and aspirations is an important reason why people want to (continue) work for you.
Leaders must be able to share the company's vision in a convincing way. It should support other people in the organization as well as candidates.
5. Change management
The organization is constantly changing. Some of the changes are relatively small, while others take a long time. A good example is the automated and / or digital process that many organizations are currently experiencing.
女生背心Effective leaders know how to prepare, support and guide employees through various organizational changes.
6. Interpersonal skills
Interpersonal skills are also called interpersonal skills or soft skills. Examples include active listening, giving and receiving feedback, informal communication, problem-solving skills, and teamwork.
7. Emotional intelligence (EI)
Emotional intelligence is about our ability to understand people's emotions and emotional conditions. This is also related to our ability to understand and manage our emotions.
Emotional intelligence consists of veral components:
Self awareness – know your strengths and weakness.
Self regulation – be able to control your emotions.
陋室铭文言文翻译Motivation – people with high EQ usually have high motivation.
Empathy - compassionate people tend to make better connections with others.
Social skills – the social skills of highly emotional people show that they really care about and respect others.
8. Become a good coach and be trustworthy
Leaders need to do many different things to many different people. One of them is to become a good coach, not only for people in the team, but also for their peers.
This means, for example, knowing when (gently) to push someone out of their comfort zone, providing uful feedback when necessary, and helping people find their personal vision.
Honesty should be emphasized here, not only becau trust is crucial to a successful coaching relationship. It is also crucial for leaders to establish and maintain strong relationships with their managers.
Francis Frey, a professor at Harvard Business School, explained the three components of trust:
过分着迷2017选秀True and reliable – simplicity means you can be yourlf at any time.
Rigorous your logic - this is about ensuring the quality of our logic and our communication skills.
Empathy – direct empathy to the people we interact with, really listen to their opinions, and immer yourlf in their views.
9. Inclusiveness
Good leaders know how to create a working environment that everyone feels welcome. T
hey ensure that every employee is treated equally and respectfully, has the same opportunities and resources, and can participate and thrive. In other words: good leaders are inclusive.
According to the rearch done by Harvard Business Review, inclusive leaders have the following six characteristics:
Visible commitment – commitment to diversity, challenge the status quo, hold others accountable, and treat D & I as a personal priority.
抚顺有几个区Modesty – they are modest about their abilities, admit their mistakes and make room for others.