Sythesis of biogenic mangane oxide and its application for heavy metals
Mangane oxidizing bacteria is a type of phylogenetical microbe which can oxidizes soluble Mn2+ into insoluble Mn3+/Mn4+ oxides. Nowadays, there are plenty of reports about pure cultured mangane oxidizing bacteria (MnOB), but rare work concerned on the mangane oxidizing consortium. In terms of application, mangane oxidizing consortium was more suitable than pure cultured MnOB. This work was performed to obtain an acclimated microbial consortium from the marine diments and conduct the 16S rRNA gene quencing of microbial consortium. Then the growth and Mn2+oxidation performance of microbial consortium in various conditions was investigated. The results showed that a significantly shift has taken place during the acclimation process. In the phylum level, the relative abundance of Proteobacteria firstly decrea from 56.72% to 35.1%, and then increa again to 76.12%. When the initial concentration of Mn2+ was up to 5 mM, the consortium could still oxidize mangane ion. Metal ions had different effects on Mn2+oxidation performance of community and Zn2
+ ,Co2+ and Cd2+ restrained the Mn2+ oxidation capacity to varying degree, but Fe3+ could accelerate the rate of Mn2+ oxidation. pH 7.0 and the salinity below 3.5% are suitable for growth and Mn2+ oxidation of community. The characterization results showed that the BioMnO X was amorphous with specific surface area of 31-41 m2 g-1.
In order to study the heavy metals removal efficiency which performed in bioreactor by mangane oxidizing consortium, we firstly studied the heavy metals removal by BioMnO X only. Element mapping and N2 adsorption/desorption curves indicated that it contains C, O, N, Mn and Fe elements, and with specific surface area of 81.426 m2 g-1. Then BioMnO X was ud to adsorb various heavy metals, and the results showed that BioMnO X have stronger affinity for Pb2+over other metal ions. The results of FTIR and exciation-emission matrix fluoscence spectra indicated that the amide group, hydroxyl group, tryptophan protein-like molecules and aromatic protein-like molecules on BioMnO X surface plays an important role in adsorption of Pb2+. The adsorption of Pb2+ on BioMnO X could be approximated favorably by pudo-cond-order model and Langmuir model, and the maximum adsorption capacity of Pb2+ was 507.61 mg g-1. The adsorption was spontaneous of monolayer adsorption and exothermic process. It also suggested that the chemisorption was main process in the adsorption of Pb2+.
Finally, we attempted to enrich MnOB in bioreactor and produce BioMnO X in situ to remove Mn2+. We built the biological aerated filter (BAF) bioreactor and moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) to remove Mn2+. The results showed that the removal efficiency of Mn2+ by BAF was unstable. The falling biofilm has a bad effluent quality. However, the MBBR kept the
removal of Mn2+ and the removal efficiency of Mn2+ was up to 86.53% when the influent Mn2+ concentration was 5.5 mg L-1. Therefore, the MBBR is more suitable for enriching MnOB and produce BioMnO X in situ.
Key words:mangane oxidizing consortium; biogenic mangane oxide; heavy metal; adsorption; biofilm reactor
摘要..................................................................................................................................... I Abstract ............................................................................................................................. II 引言 (1)
1 绪论 (2)
1.1 重金属污染现状 (2)
1.1.1 重金属污染的来源 (2)
1.1.2 重金属的危害 (2)
1.1.3 重金属污染的处理方法 (3)
1.2 锰氧化菌 (7)
1.2.1 锰氧化菌的种类 (7)
1.2.2 锰氧化菌氧化Mn2+的原因 (7)
1.3 锰氧化物 (8)
1.3.1 化学合成的锰氧化物 (9)
1.3.2 生物锰氧化物 (10)
1.3.3 生物锰氧化物的应用 (10)
1.4 研究目的、内容和研究路线 (12)
1.4.1 研究目的 (12)
1.4.2 研究内容 (12)
2 锰氧化微生物群落的驯化及锰氧化特性研究 (14)泡茶的步骤
2.1 材料和方法 (14)
2.1.1 实验材料 (14)
2.1.2 实验方法 (16)
2.2 结果与讨论 (19)
2.2.1 锰氧化微生物群落的解析及鉴定结果 (19)
大声说英语2.2.2 不同培养条件对群落的锰氧化性能的影响 (20)
2.2.3 生物锰氧化物的表征 (24)
2.3 结论 (27)
3 生物锰氧化物的特性及其对重金属的吸附 (28)
3.1 材料和方法 (28)
3.1.1 生物锰氧化物的合成 (28)
3.1.2 生物锰氧化物的表征 (28)
3.1.3 生物锰氧化物对金属离子的吸附性能 (29)
3.1.4 生物锰氧化物对Pb2+的吸附动力学 (29)
3.1.5 生物锰氧化物对Pb2+的吸附等温线 (30)
3.1.6 生物锰氧化物对Pb2+的吸附热力学 (31)
3.2 结果与讨论 (31)
3.2.1 生物锰氧化物的表征 (31)
3.2.2 生物锰氧化物对金属离子的吸附性能 (40)
3.2.3 生物锰氧化物吸附Pb2+的吸附动力学 (41)
3.2.4 生物锰氧化物对Pb2+的吸附等温线 (43)元旦活动方案
3.2.5 生物锰氧化物对Pb2+的吸附热力学 (46)
3.3 结论 (47)
4 生物膜反应器对Mn2+的去除 (48)
4.1 BAF生物膜反应器对Mn2+的去除 (48)
4.1.1 BAF反应器的构建和操作条件 (48)
暑假两个月4.1.2 分析方法 (49)
4.1.3 结果与讨论 (49)
4.2 MBBR生物膜反应器对Mn2+的去除 (51)
4.2.1 MBBR反应器的构建和操作条件 (52)
4.2.2 分析方法 (53)
4.2.3 结果与讨论 (53)
4.3 结论 (55)
结论 (56)
1 结论 (56)
2 展望 (57)
3 创新点 (57)
参考文献 (58)
攻读硕士学位期间发表学术论文情况 (66)
致谢 (67)
锰氧化菌是一类在系统进化关系上无直接关联,但是均能将可溶的Mn2+氧化成不溶的高价锰氧化物的微生物的总称,其已被用于含铁、锰地下水的处理中。锰氧化菌在去除锰污染的同时,生成的锰氧化物还可以吸附/氧化其他污染物。与化学法合成的锰氧化物相比,微生物合成的锰氧化物的比表面积较大,如Pudomonas putida产生的锰氧化物的比表面积为98 m2g-1,Leptothrix discophora SS-1产生的锰氧化物的比表面积为224 m2 g-1,而化学法合成的δ-MnO2的比表面积为58 m2 g-1。同时,生物锰氧化物还是一种强氧化剂,能够氧化低价金属离子,也可以将难降解的有机污染物氧化分解成较低分子量的有机物,低分子量的有机物可以供微生物利用,达到了去除污染物的目的。而在实际应用中,锰氧化菌通常与其他功能的微生物构成微生物群落,因此可以适应不同的环境条件,维持功能的相对稳定。