
更新时间:2023-05-22 11:45:25 阅读: 评论:0


1 Acetoacetic Ester Condensation
2 Acetoacetic Ester Synthes
3 Acyloin Condensation
4 Adkins Catalyst
5 Adkins-Peterson Reaction
6 Akabori Amino Acid Reactions
7 Alder-Rickert Rule
8 Aldol-Condensation
9 Algar-Flynn-Olyamada(AFO)Reaction
10 Allan-Robinson Reaction
11 Allylic Rearrangement
12 Amadori Rearrangement
13 Andrussov Oxidation
14 Arens-van Dorp Synthesis; Isler Modification
15 Arndt-Eistert Synthesis
16 Auwers Synthesis
17 Aza-Clain Rearrangemment
18 Baeyer-Drewson Indigo Synthesis
19 Baeyer-Villiger Rearrangement
20 Bakeland(Bakelite)Process
21 Baker-Venkataraman Transformation
22 Bally-Scholl Synthesis
23 Bamberger Rearrangement
24 Bamberger Triazine Synthesis
25 Bamford-Stevens Reaction
26 Barbier Reaction
27 Barbier-Wieland Degradation
28 Bardhan-Sengupta Phenanthrene Synthesis
29 Bart Reaction (Scheller Modification
30 Barton Deoxygenation (Barton-McCombie Reaction)
31 Barton Olefin Synthesis (Barton-Kellogg Reaction)
32 Barton Reaction
33 Baudisch Reaction
34 Baylis-Hillman Reaction
35 Bechamp Reaction
36 Beckmann Rearrangement
37 Benary Reaction
38 Benker Reduction
39 Benzidine Rearrangement; Semidine Rearrangement
40 Benzilic Acid Rearrangement
41 Benzoin Condensation
42 Bergman Reaction
43 Bergmann Azlactone Peptide Synthesis
44 Bergmann Degradation
45 Bergamann-Zevars Carbobenzoxy Method
46 Bernthn Acridine Synthesis
47 Betti Reaction
48 Biginelli Pyrimidine Syntheis
49 Birch Reduction
50 Bischler-M鰄lau Indole Synthesis
51 Bischler-Napieralski Reaction.
52 Bischler-Triazine Synthesis
53 Blai Ketone Synthesis
54 Blai Reaction
55 Blanc(Chloromethylation ) Reaction
56 Blanc Reaction(Blanc Rule)
57 Bodroux-Chichibabin Aldehyde Synthesis
58 Bodroux Reaction
59 Bogert-Cook Synthesis
60 Bohn-Schmidt Reaction
61 Boord Olefin Synthesis
62 Borsche-Drechl Cyclization.
63 Bosch-Meir Urea Process
64 Bouveault Aldehyde Synthesis
65 Bouveault-Blanc Reduction
66 Boyland-Sims Oxidation
67 Bradsher Cyclization(Bradsher Cycloaddition)
68 Bradsher Reaction
69 Brook Rearrangement
70 Bucherer-Bergs Reaction
71 Bucherer Carbazole Synthesis
72 Bucherer Reaction
73 Buchner-Curtius-Schlotterbeck Reaction.
74 Buchner Method of Ring Enlargement
75 Buchwald-Hartwig Cross Coupling Reaction
76 Camps Quinoline Synthesis
77 Cannizzaro Reaction
78 Carroll Rearrangement
79 Castro-Stephens Coupling(Castro Reaction,Stephens-Castro Coupling)
80 Chapman Rearrangement
81 Chichibabin Pyridine Synthesis
82 Chichibabin Reaction
83 Chugaev Method
84 Chugaev Reaction (Tshugaeff Olefin Synthesis)
85 Ciamician-Dennstedt Rearrangement
86 Clain Condensation
87 Clain Rearrangement
88 Clain-Schmidt Condensation
89 Clemmenn Reaction
90 Combes Quinoline Synthesis.
91 Conrad-Limpach Synthesis
92 Cope Elimination Reaction
93 Cope Rearrangement
94 Corey-Bakshi-Shibata Reduction(CBS)
95 Corey-Hou Synthesis
96 Corey-Kim Oxidation
97 Corey-Winter Olefin Synthesis
98 Cornforth Rearrangement
99 Craig Method
100 Criegee Reaction
101 Cram's Rule of Asymmetric Induction
102 Creighton Process
103 Criegee Reaction
104 Crum Brown-Gibson Rule
105 Curtius Rearrangement (Curtius Reaction)
106 Dakin Reaction
107 Dakin-West Reaction
108 Darapsky Degradation
109 Darzens Condensation (Darzens-Clain Reaction; Glycidic Ester Condensation)
110 Darzens Procedure
111 Darzens Synthesis of Tetralin Derivatives
112 Darzens-Nenitzescu Synthesis of Ketones
113 Delepine Reactions
114 Demjanov Rearrangement
115 Dess-Martin Oxidation
116 de Mayo Reaction
117 D-Homo Rearrangement of Steroids
118 Dieckmann Reaction
119 Diels Alder Reaction
120 Diels Ree Reaction
121 Dienol Benzene Rearrangement
122 Dienone-Phenol Rearrangement
123 Dimroth Rearrangement
124 Doebner Reaction
125 Doebner-Miller Synthesis (Beyer Method for Quinolines).
126 Doering-LaFlamme Carbon Chain Extension
127 Dotz Reaction
128 Dowd-Beckwith Ring Expansion Reaction
129 Duff Reaction
130 Dutt-Wormall Reaction
131 Eastwood Reaction (Eastwood Deoxygenation)
132 Eder Reaction
133 Edman Degradation
134 Ehrlich-Sachs Reaction
135 Einhorn-Brunner Reaction
136 Elbs Persulfate Oxidation
137 Elbs Reaction
138 Eltekoff Reaction
139 Emde Degradation
140 Emmert Reaction
141 Ene Reaction ( Alder-Ene Reaction)
142 Erlenmeyer-Plochl Azlactone and Amino Acid Synthesis
143 Eschenmor Fragmentation
144 图片链接
145 Eschweiler-Clarke Reaction.
146 Etard Reaction
147 Favorskii-Babayan Synthesis.
148 Favorskii Rearrangement
149 Feist-Benary Synthesis
150 Fenton Reaction
151 Ferrario Reaction
152 Fickelstein Reaction
153 Fischer-Hepp Rearrangement
154 Fischer Indole Synthesis
155 Fischer Oxazole Synthesis
156 Fischer Peptide Synthesis
157 Fischer Phenylhydrazine Reaction
158 Fischer Phenylhydrazone and Oxazone Reaction
159 Fischer-Speier Esterification Method
160 Flood Reaction
161 Forster-Decker Method
162 Forster Reaction
163 Franchimont Reaction
164 Frankland-Duppa Reaction
165 Frankland Synthesis
166 Freund Reaction
167 Friedel-Crafts Reaction
168 Friedlaender Synthesis
169 Fries Rearrangement
170 Fritsch-Buttenberg-Wischell Rearrangement
171 Fujimoto-Belleau Reaction
172 Gabriel-Coleman Rearrangement(Gabriel Isoquinoline Synthesis)
173 Gabriel Ethylenimine Method
174 Gabriel Synthesis
175 Gallagher-Hollander Degradation
176 Gastaldi Synthesis
177 Gattermann Aldehyde Synthesis
178 Gattermann-Koch Reaction
179 Gattermann-Skita Synthesis
180 Gibbs Phthalic Anhydride Process
181 Glar Coupling永利街
182 Gogte Synthesis
183 Goldschmidt Process
184 Gomberg-Bachmann-Hey Reaction
185 Gomberg-Free Radical Reaction
186 Gould-Jacobs Reaction
187 Graebe-Ullmann Synthesis
188 Griess Diazo Reaction; Witt and KnoevenagelDiazotization Methods
189 Grignard Degradation
190 Grignard Reaction
191 Grundmann Aldehyde Synthesis
192 Gryszkiewicz-Trochimowski and McCombie Method.
193 Guareschi-Thorpe Condensation
194 Guerbet Reaction
195 Gutknecht Pyrazine Synthesis.
196 Haller-Bauer Reaction
197 Hammick Picolinic Acid Decarboxylation (Hammick Reaction).
198 Hantzsch Pyridine Synthesis;Gattermann-Skita Synthesis;Guareschi-Thorpe Condens.;Knoevenagel-Fries Modification
199 Hantzch Pyrrole Synthesis
200 Harries Ozonide Reaction
201 Haworth Methylation
202 Haworth Phenanthrene Synthesis.
203 Hayashi Rearrangement
204 Helferich Method
205 Heck Reaction
206 Hell-Vollard-Zelinsky Halogenation
207 Henkel Reaction(Raecke process,Henkel process
208 Henry Reaction;Kamlet Reaction
209 Herz Reaction; Herz Compounds
210 Herzig-Meyer Alkimide Group Determination
211 Heumann Indigo Synthesis
212 Hilbert-Johnson Reaction
213 Hinsberg Oxindole and Oxiquinoline Synthesis
214 Hinsberg Reaction
215 Hinsberg Sulfone Synthesis
216 Hinsberg Synthesis of Thiophene Derivatives
217 Hoch-Campbell Ethylenimine Synthesis
218 Hofmann Degradation(Exhaustive Methylation
219 Hofmann Isonitrile Synthesis (Carbylamine Reaction).
220 Hofmann-Loffler Reaction (Loffler-Freytag Reaction)
221 Hofmann-Martius Rearrangement
222 Hofmann Reaction (Hofmann Rearrangement)
223 Hofmann Rule
224 Hofmann-Sand Reactions
225 Hooker Reaction
226 Houben-Fischer Synthesis
227 Houben-Hoesch Reaction
228 Hunsdiecker Reaction(Borodine Reaction)
229 Hydroboration Reaction
230 Ivanov(Ivanoff) Reagent
231 Jacobn Epoxidation
232 Jacobn Rearrangement
233 Janovsky Reaction
234 Japp-Klingemann Reaction
235 Jones Oxidation
236 Jourdan-Ullmann-Goldberg Synthesis
237 Julia Olefination (Julia-Lythgoe Olefination)
238 Kendall-Mattox Reaction
239 Kiliani-Fischer Synthesis
240 Kishner Cyclopropane Synthesis
241 Knoevenagel Condensation
242 Knoop-Oesterlin Amino Acid Synthesis
243 Knorr Pyrazole Synthesis
244 岗位编制Knorr Pyrrole Synthesis
245 Knorr Quinoline Synthesis
246 Koch-Haaf Carboxylations
247 Kochi Reaction
248 Koenigs-Knorr Synthesis
249 Kolbe Electrolytic Synthesis
250 Kolbe-Schmitt Reaction
251 Kondakov Rule
252 Kostanecki Acylation
253 Krafft Degradation
254 Krapcho Decarbaloxylation
255 Krohnke Aldehyde Synthesis
256 Krohnke Pyridine Synthesis
257 Kucherov Reaction
258 Kuhn-Winterstein Reaction.
259 Ladenburg Rearrangement
260 Lebedev Process
261 Lehmstedt-Tanascu Reaction
262 Letts Nitrile Synthesis
263 Leuckert Amide Synthesis
264 Leuckart(Leukart) Reaction
265 Leuckart Thiophenol Reaction
266 Leuckart-Wallach Reaction
267 Levinstein Process
268 Lieben Iodoform Reaction (Haloform Reaction)
269 Lobry de Bruyn-van Ekenstein Transformation.
270 Losn Rearrangement
271 McFadyen-Stevens Reaction.
272 McLafferty Rearrangement
273 Madelung Synthesis
274 Malaprade Reaction (Periodic Acid Oxidation)
275 Malonic Ester Synthesis
276 Mannich Reaction
277 McMurry Reaction
278 Merckwald Asymmetric Synthesis
279 Marschalk Reaction
280 Markownikoff Rule
281 Martinet Dioxindole Synthesis
282 ter Meer Reaction
283 Meerwein Arylation
284 Meerwein-Ponndorf-Verley Reduction;
285 Meinheimer Rearrangements
286 Meldrum Acid
287 Menshutkin Reaction
288 Mentzer Pyrone Synthesis
289 Merrifield Solid-Pha Peptide Synthesis (SPPS)
290 Meyer and Hartmann Reaction
291 Meyer Reaction
292 Meyer-Schuster Rearrangement; Rupe Reaction
293 Meyer Synthesis ( Victor Meyer Synthesis)
294 Meyers Aldehyde Synthesis
295 Michael Reaction (Condensation, Addition)
296 Michaelis-Arbuzov Reaction
297 Miescher Degradation
298 Mignonac Reaction
299 Milas Hydroxylation of Olefins
300 Mislow-Evans Rearrangement
301 Mitsunobu Reaction
302 Moore Myers Cyclization
303 Mukaiyama Aldol Reaction
304 Mukaiyama-Michael Reaction
305 Nagata Hydrocyanation
306 图片链接
307 Nametkin Rearrangement
308 Nazarov Cyclization Reaction
309 Neber Rearrangement
310 Nef Reaction
311 Nef Synthesis
312 Negishi Cross Coupling
313 Nenitzescu Indole Synthesis
314 Nenitzescu Reductive Acylation
315 Nicholas Reaction
316 Niementowski Quinazoline Reaction
317 Niementowski Quinoline Synthesis
318 Nierenstein Reaction
319 Normant Reagents
320 Norrish Type Cleavage
321 Noyori Hydrogenation
322 Nozaki-Hiyama Coupling Reaction (Nozaki-Hiyama-Kishi Reaction)
323 Olefin Metathesis
324 Oppenauer Oxidation
325 Ostromyslenskii(Ostromisslenskii)Reaction
326 房屋安全鉴定机构Overman Rearrangement
327 Paal-Knorr Pyrrole Synthesis
328 Paneth Technique
329 Parham Cyclization
330 Paolini Reaction
331 Pasrini Reaction
332 Paterno-B點hi Reaction
333 Pauson-Khand Reaction
334 Payne Rearrangement
335 Pechmann Condensation
336 Pechmann Pyrazole Synthesis
337 Pellizzari Reaction
338 Pelouze Synthesis
339 Perkin Alicyclic Synthesis
340 Perkin Reaction
341 Perkin Rearrangement (Coumarin桞enzofuran Ring Contraction).
342 Perkow Reaction
343 Peterson Reaction (Olefination)
344 Petrenko-Kritschenko Piperidone Synthesis
345 Pfau-Plattner Azulene Synthesis
346 Pfitzinger Reaction
347 Pfitzner-Moffatt Oxidation (Moffatt Oxidation)
348 Pictet-Gams Isoquinoline Synthesis 安全伴我行黑板报
349 Pictet-Hubert Reaction
350 Pictet-Spengler Isoquinoline Synthesis
351 Piloty Alloxazine Synthesis
352 Piloty-Robinson Pyrrole Synthesis
353 Pinacol Coupling Reaction
354 Pinacol Rearrangement
355 Pinner Amidine Synthesis
356 Pinner Method for Ortho Esters
357 Pinner Triazine Synthesis
358 Piria Reaction
359 Polonovski Reaction
360 Pomeranz-Fritsch Reaction (Schlittler-M黮ler Modification)
361 Ponzio Reaction
362 Pr関ost Reaction
363 Prilezhaev (Prileschajew) Reaction
364 Prins Reaction
365 Pschorr Reaction (Pschorr Synthesis)
366 Pummerer Reaction
367 Purdie (Irvine-Purdie) Methylation
368 Quelet Reaction
369 Ramberg-B鋍klund Reaction
370 Rap-Stoermer Condensation
371 Salol Reaction
372 Raschig Phenol Process
373 Reed Reaction
374 Reformatsky (Reformatskii) Reaction.
375 Reilly-Hickinbottom Rearrangement
376 Reimer-Tiemann Reaction
377 Reisrt Indole Synthesis
378 Reisrt Reaction (Reisrt Compounds
379 Reppe Chemistry
380 Retro-Diels-Alder Reaction
381 Retropinacol Rearrangement
382 Reverdin Reaction
383 Riehm Quinoline Synthesis
384 Riemschneider Thiocarbamate Synthesis
385 Riley Oxidations (Selenium Dioxide Oxidation)
386 Ritter Reaction
387 Robinson Annelation Reaction
388 Robinson-Sch鰌f Reaction
389 Ronmund von Braun Synthesis
390 Ronmund Reaction(Arsonic Acids)
391 Ronmund Reduction
392 Rothemund Reaction
393 Rowe Rearrangement
394 Rubottom Oxidation
395 Ruff-Fenton Degradation
396 Ruzicka Large Ring Synthesis
397 Saegusa Oxidation
398 Sakurai Reaction (Hosomi-Sakurai Reaction)
399 Salol Reaction
400 Sandmeyer Diphenylurea Isatin Synthesis
401 Sandmeyer Isonitrosoacetanilide Isatin Synthesis
402 Sandmeyer Reaction
403 Sarett Oxidation
404 Saytzeff Rule
405 Schiemann Reaction
406 Schiff Reaction(Schiff Bas)
407 Schmidlin Ketene Synthesis
408 Schmidt Reaction
409 Scholl Reaction
410 Schorigin (Shorygin) Reaction; Wanklyn Reaction
411 Sch鰈lkopf Bis-Lactim Amino Acid Synthesis
412 Schotten Baumann Reaction
413 Semmler-Wolff Reaction (Wolff-Semmler Aromatization, Woff Aromatization)
414 Serini Reaction
415 Sharpless Dihyroxylation
416 Sharpless Epoxidation
417 Sharpless Oxyamination
418 Simmons-Smith Reaction
419 Simonini Reaction
420 Simonis Chromone Cyclization
421 Skraup Reaction
422 Smiles Rearrangement
423 Sommelet Reaction
424 Sommelet Rearrangement
两宋时期425 Sonn-Muller Method
426 Sorenson Formol Titration
427 Staedel-Rugheimer Pyrazine Synthesis.
428 Staudinger Reaction
429 Stephen Aldehyde Synthesis
430 Stevens Rearrangement
431 Stieglitz Rearrangement
432 Stille Coupling
433 Stobbe Condensation
434 Stoll? Synthesis
435 Stork Enamine Alkylation and Acylation
436 Strecker Amino Acid Synthesis
437 Strecker Degradation
438 Strecker Sulfite Alkylation
439 Stuffer Disulfone Hydrolysis Rule
440 Suarez Reaction(Suarez Fragmentation)
441 Sugasawa Reaction
442 Suzuki Coupling
443 Swarts Reaction
444 Swern Oxidation
445 Tafel Rearrangement
446 Tebbe Olefination(Methylenation)
447 Thiele Reaction(Thiele-Winter Acetoxylation)
448 Thorpe Reaction
449 Tiemann Rearrangement
堂皇是什么意思450 Tiffeneau Reaction (Ring Enlargement)
451 Tishchenko Reaction (Tischischenko-Clain Reaction)
452 Tollens Reagent
453 Traube Purine Synthesis
454 Trost Allylation ( Tsuji-Trost Reaction)
455 Trost Desymmetrization
456 Truce-Smiles Rearrangement
457 Tscherniac-Einhorn Reaction
458 Twitchell Process
459 Tyrer Sulfonation Process
460 Ugi Reaction (Four component condensation , 4CC)
461 Ullmann Reaction
462 Urech Cyanohydrin Method
463 Urech Hydantoin Synthesis
464 Van Slyke Determination
465 Varrentrapp Reaction
466 Vilsmeier-Haack Reaction
别史467 Voight Amination
468 Volhard-Erdmann Cyclization
469 von Braun Amide Degradation
470 von Braun Degradations; von Braun Cyanogen Bromide Reaction
471 von Richter Reaction(Rearrangement)
472 von Richter (Cinnoline) Synthesis
473 Vorbr黦gen Glycosylation
474 Wacker Oxidation
475 Wagner-Jauregg Reaction
476 Wagner-Meerwein Rearrangement
477 Walden Inversion
478 Wallach Rearrangement
479 Weerman Degradation
480 Weiss Reaction
481 Wenker Ring Closure
482 Wesly-Mor Rearrangement
483 Westphalen-Lettr? Rearrangement
484 Wharton Reaction
485 Whiting Reaction
486 Wichterle Reaction
487 Widman-Stoermer Synthesis
488 Willgerodt-Kindler Reaction
489 Williamson Synthesis
490 Wittig Reaction
491 〖1,2〗Wittig Rearrangement
492 〖2,3〗 Wittig Rearrangement
493 Wohl-Aue Reaction
494 Wohl Degradation
495 Wohl-Ziegler Reaction
496 Wohler Synthesis
497 Wolff-Kishner Reduction
498 Wolff Rearrangement
499 Wolffenstein-Boters Reaction
500 Woodward cis-Hydroxylation
501 Wurtz-Fittig Reaction
502 Wurtz Reaction
503 Zeil Determination
504 Zerevitinov (Zerewitinoff) Determination
505 Ziegler Method (Thorpe-Ziegler Method)
506 Zimmermann Reaction
507 Zincke Disulfide Cleavage
508 Zinke Nitration
509 Zinke-Suhl Reaction

本文发布于:2023-05-22 11:45:25,感谢您对本站的认可!



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