
更新时间:2023-05-22 11:40:14 阅读: 评论:0

A/A/O法 anaerobic—anoxic-oxic process(厌氧-缺氧—好氧法)
A—A-O生物脱氮除磷工艺 A-A—O biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal process
A-O脱氮工艺 A—O nitrogen removal process
A—O除磷工艺 A-O phosphorus removal process
AB法 Adsorption Biodegradation process(吸附生物降解法)
总a放射线 Total a radioactivity
氨氮 ammonia-nitrogen
氨基酸 amino acid
氨化反应 Nitragen
铵盐 ammonium salt
A/O法(厌氧—好氧法) anaerobic—oxic process
奥贝尔(Orbal)型氧化沟 Orbal oxidation ditch
巴登福脱氮除磷工艺  Bardenpho nitrogen and phosphorus removal process
白水(漂洗废水) white water(bleaching water)
板框压滤 plate pressure filtration教学方法与手段
离心机 centrifugal machine
半渗透膜 mi—permeable membrane
棒状杆菌属 corynebacterium
薄膜式淋水填料 film packing
饱和常数(Ks) saturation constant
暴雨公式 storm flow formula
暴雨径流 storm runoff
溢流井 overflow well
入党积极分子苯 benzene
苯胺 aniline
总B放射性 Total B radioactivity
泵型叶轮暴气器 paddle impeller aerator
泵站 pumping station
BMTS型一体化氧化沟 BMTS intrachannel clarifier oxidation ditch
闭路循环 clod loop
表面冲洗 surface washing
表面负荷 surface load
表面过滤 surface filtration
表面活性剂 surfactant
表面活性物质 surface active additive agent
表面曝气 surface aeration
表面曝气器 surface aerator
表面淹灌 surface flood irrigation
表面冲洗装置 surface washing facility
丙烯酸 acrylic acid
丙烯腈 acrylonitrile
病毒 virus
病原菌(致病菌) pathogen
病原微生物 pathogen microorganism
BOD—污泥负荷 BOD—sludge load
补充水 make-up water
布朗运动 Brownian movement
财务评价 financial evaluation
配水系统 distribution system
侧渠型一体化氧化沟 integrated oxidation ditch with side ditch
产氢气乙酸菌 Rydrogenes and acetic aid genes
产甲烷细菌 methanogenes
产率系数 yield coefficient
常规给水处理工艺 conventional water treatment process
敞开式循环冷却水系统 opened recirculating cooling water system
超高纯水 ultra—high—purify water
超过滤 ultrafiltration
超过滤膜法 ultrafiltration membrane process
沉淀 precipitation, dimentation
沉淀池 dimentation tank
沉砂池 grit chamber
城市废水 municipal wastewater
城市废水处理 municipal wastewater treatment
澄清 clalification
可持续发展 sustainable development
充满度 degree of fullness
重现期 exceedion interval, period of recurrence
抽风式机械通风冷却塔 induced draft mechanical cooling tower
臭氧发生器 ozone generator
臭氧法 ozonation process
臭氧消毒 ozone disinfection
初次(级)沉淀池 primary clarifier, primary dimentation tank
除水器 drift eliminator
除铁除锰 iron and mangane removal
除盐水(脱盐水) desalted water,demineralized water
除渣 desilication, silica removal
除藻 algal removal
除氟 algal fluorine
穿透曲线 penetration curve
活性污泥法 activated sludge process
生物脱氮工艺 biological nitrogen removal process
船型一体化氧化沟 Boat Type in intrachannel clarifier oxidation ditch
纯(富)氧曝气法 pure—oxygen aeration process
磁凝聚 magnetic coagulation
磁盘法 magnetic disk process
磁过滤法 magnetic fierration process
萃取 extraction
萃取剂 extractant
达西定律 Darcy’s law
大肠菌群 Coliform—group bacteria
大气泡曝气装置 large bubble aerator
代谢 metabolism
带式过滤 belt press filtration]
单级传统消化池 single-stage conventional digester
单螺旋式曝气装置 single spiral aerator
氮 nitrogen
氮循环 nitrogen cycle
蛋白质 protein
倒虹管 inverted siphon
低放射性废物 low-level radio active waste
制浆废水 kraft mill wastewater
敌百虫 dipterex
敌敌畏 dichlorvos
涤纶纤维 polyester fiber
地表漫流系统 overland flow system(OF)
地表水 surface water
地面(表)水环境质量标准 environmental quality standard for surface water
地下滤场 underground filtration field
地下渗漏 underground percolation
地下渗滤系统 subsurface infiltration system
地下水 groundwater生日祝福语搞笑
人工湿地系统 artificial(constructed) wetland
再生水回流地下水质标准 water quality standard for recharging parified wastewater
water into groundwater aquifer
地下水位 underground water level
淀粉生产废水 starch producing wastewater
点滴—薄膜式淋水填料 splash-film packing
点滴式淋水填料 splash packing
点污染源 point pollufion source
电动电位 electromotance potential
电镀废水 electroplating wastewater
电极 electrode
电解法 electrolytical process
电流密度 eletronic density
电渗析 electrodialysis
电渗析器 electrodialyzer
电晕放电 brush discharge
动态年成本 dynamic annual cost
动植物油 oil and grea
坐井观天教案对硫磷 parathion
多层床 multibed
多环芳烃 polycyclic hydracarban
多氯联苯 polychlorinated biphenyls(PCBs)
二次(级)沉淀池 condary clarifier, condary dimentation tank
二级处理 condary tratament
乏燃料  spent fuel
反冲洗  black washing
反渗透(逆渗透)  rever osmosis
反渗透法  rever osmosis process
反渗透膜  rever osmosis membrane
反硝化,脱氮  denitrification
防止腐蚀  corrosion prevention
纺丝    spining
纺织废水  textile wastewater
放射性半衰期  radioactive half—life
放射性废水处理  radioactive wastewater treatment
放射性排出物  radioactive effluent
非点源污染(面源污染) non-point source pollution
非离子氨  non-ionic ammonia

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标签:表面   废水   系统   放射性
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