Chromium(VI) Oxide-Catalyzed Benzylic Oxidation圆形的特点
with Periodic Acid
歌曲想念妈妈期刊名称: Organic Letters
作者: Yamazaki, Shigekazu
面豉酱年份: 1999年
证劵协会期号: 第13期
关键词: sulfone systems;antimicrobial agents
英国人英语怎么写摘要:CrO3 has been found to be an efficient catalyst for benzylic oxidation with periodic acid as the terminal oxidant in acetonitrile. Substituted toluenes with an electron-withdrawing group at the 4- or 3-position and diarylmethanes such as diphenylmethane and fluorene were oxidized to the corresponding substituted benzoic acids and ketones in excellent yields. Benzyl ethers such as isochro
man and phthalan were converted to 3,4-dihydroisocoumarin and phthalide in quantitative yields.