更新时间:2023-05-22 10:34:44 阅读: 评论:0

OC-Test 2-Section 3
1.  Although  visitors  initially  may  find  touring  the city by subway to be ______, they are plead to
discover  that  subways  are  an  inexpensive  and ______ way to get around.
A. wastefulgenerous
B. dauntingefficient
C. extravagantprohibitive
D. convenientsolitary
E. enjoyableeasy
2.    One    critic    asrts    that    modern    urban  architecture caus nsory deprivation becau  it fails to provide visual and tactile ______.
A. latency
B. stimulation
C. complacence
D. confusion
E. extension
3.  Becau  little  rain  falls  in  the  district  during  summer, municipalities are necessarily ______ to
酱鸡爪______ water from winter storms.
A. readysquander
B. reluctantretain
C. freeabsorb
D. carefulstore
E. unwillingconrve
4.  Toni  Cade  Bambara's  novels  are  engrossing  becau  the  protagonists,  in  striving  to  achieve
goals, are not simply ______ characters.
A. passive
B. tangible
C. abandoned
D. autonomous
E. redundant
5.  Once  his  integrity  had  been  ______,  the  mayoral  candidate  was  quick  both  to 
the attacks and to issue counterattacks.
A. debunkedbuttress
B. restoredrecommence
C. revokedrelinquish
D. impugned蝴蝶的一生repudiate
E. vitiatedavoid
OC-Test 2-Section 7
1.  New  data  measuring  the  ______  of  land  beneath  the  ocean  permit  accurate generalizations  about  the  topography  of  the afloor.
A. models
B. contours
C. remnants
D. populations
E. pigments
2. Excessive crecy tends to ______ excessive  curiosity  and  thus  rves  to  ______  the  very impuls against which it guards.
A. inhibitprotect
B. disguisupplant
C. satisfylimit
D. compelderide
E. inviteprovoke
3. In frigid regions a layer of permafrost under the soil surface prevents water from sinking deep into the  soil,  and  so  the  water  ______  the  land, helping to create bog and ______ conditions.
A. freezes朱易欢tropical
B. parchesmarsh
C. inundatesdert
D. aeratesjungle
E. floodsswamp
4. Although  the  bystander's  account  of  the  car accident at first emed ______, the police officer was surprid, on further investigation, to find that it was_______.
A. dubiouserroneous
B. incongruousinconsistent
关于边塞的诗句C. implausiblecorrect
D. logicalpertinent
E. probablecoherent
5. The legislation facing Congress was so ______ that it threatened to shatter the governing body's fragile bipartisanship.
A. divisive
B. transparent
C. concordant
D. repetitive
E. rhetorical
6.  In  All  God's  Children  Need  Traveling  Shoes, author    Maya    Angelou    us    __
____,    brief descriptive  sketches,  to  provide  ______  view  of Ghana that clearly details the land and its people.
A. missivesan illusory
B. themesa thorough
C. vignettesa vivid
D. treatisan authentic
E. abstractsan ambiguous
7. Becau an older hor is more ______ than a younger one, it is safer for a novice rider.
A. frolicsome
B. cantankerous
C. gargantuan
D. tractable
E. precipitate
8.  The  library's  collection  is  a  ______  of  Asian American  historical  documents,  including  rare materials about race relations.
A. summary
B. fabrication
C. connsus
D. trove
E. replication
OC-Test 2-Section 9
1. Seeking to______ what people view and read by determining what art and  literature should be
available,  censorship  laws  directly______  fee expression.
A. governliberate
B. juxtapoprescribe
C. defernullify
D. control长高的秘密prohibit
E. balancepromote
2.  Myra  laughed  exuberantly  and  embraced  her friends  repeatedly,  so  ______  was  she  about having been lected.
A. ambivalent
B. quizzical
C. euphoric
D. jaded
E. exacting
3. It would be a waste of time for any reviewer to bother______ a book who utter worthlessness
is______ to even the least discerning reader.
A. enjoyingdoubtful
B. mockingfigurative
C. asssingwelcome
D. condemningobvious
4.  The  new  policy  has  been  called  a  quiet revolution  becau,  though  introduced  without ______, it is already producing ______ changes.
A. warningspecious
B. fanfaremomentous
C. concealmenttransient
D. hesitationostensible
E. debatenegligible
5. When two chemical compounds are combined, a  ______  effect  can  be  achieved:  the  resulting combination can be more potent than either of the individual compounds alone.
A. synergistic
B. naturalistic
C. competitive
D. retroactive
E. neutralizing

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