歌特大教堂的最著名,也是最易区别于其他风格教堂的三个特点,一个就是尖拱(Pointed Arch),一个是飞扶壁(Flying Buttress),还有拱肋(Ribs).(there are three most famous and distinctive features of the cathedral: pointed arch, flying buttress and ribs.)
I:首先是关于拱(ARCH),以下是一些关于拱的相关词语,有助于我们更深入详细的了解(here is some keys words for Arch)
1.KEYSTONE(拱顶石) - the central stone of an arch or vault. 位于拱或者拱顶的中央的石头
2.VOUSSOIRS(拱石) - stones than make the arch (usually brick or wedge-shaped). 用于建造拱顶的石头(多数为砖或者楔形物)
面部护肤3.IMPOST(起拱点,拱墩) - the part of the arch's wall (usually molding) on which the arch rests. 拱落脚的那一段拱墙(通常是线脚)
化学化合价口诀4.ABUTMENT - the part of the arch's wall which balances the force of gravity the arch makes (thrust) .拱墙上用于平衡拱的重力(一个推力)的部位
5.CENTER - the center point of the arch.拱的中央点
葱组词语6.SPAN(跨度) - the width of the arch's opening. 拱的宽度
7.CROWN(冠) - the top part of an arch.拱的顶部
一什么珍珠填量词8.HAUNCH(拱角) - the part of the arch's wall which experiences the most thrust. 拱墙承受推力最大的地方
从下面这张图可以看到这些名词所指代的地方,可以对照序号观看:(check the pic below to find the corresponding place.)
如同在上一PART里说的” 歌特式建筑的一个重要特征便是它的pointed arch,也是它区别于罗曼式建筑的主要表征之一.最常见的歌特式拱有Lancet, Equilateral 和Ogee.”(as is said in Part 2, the pointed arch is one of the unique feature of Gothic architecture. The most common gothic arches are Lancet, Equilateral and Ogee.)
这个就是标准的Gothic (Pointed)拱
Ogee: The double-curve ogee (oh-jee) was introduced from the Arab world in the 14th century and became popular throughout medi England. It was also a favorite in Venice, Italy from where it derived its other moniker - the Venetian arch. It can also be referred to as a keel arch for its apparent remblance to ship construction.这里有一段专门讲述Ogee拱的:双曲线Ogee是十四世纪从阿拉伯引入的,并且很快就风靡了当时处于中世纪的英格兰.在意大利的威尼斯,它也十分受欢迎,并在那里获得了一个别名:威尼斯拱.由于它与船身结构的相似性,它也可以被称作龙骨拱.