but, however, yet(然而), on the contrary, contrary to, contrarily, by(in) contrast (to), whereas, rather than, instead of, unlike, in fact(effect), actually弱转, converly
although, much as, though, even though(if), even,despite, in spite of, nevertheless, anyhow(anyway), as, while(虽然、尽管、即使), still(尽管如此)
举例:for example、for instance、such as、including
总结:in sum,in general, overall, to sum up,on the whole, generally
in that+句子表原因
due to
thanks to
owing to+名词表原因
now that
ever since +句子表原因
becau of
on account of
in respon to+名词表原因
lead to
contribute to
result in+名词(前因后果)
so that
such that
邢济堂in order that+句子(强调目的、结果的因果)
in view of
门诊工作总结in the light of
by virtue of +名词鉴于、由于
put down to
ascribe to
attribute to
owe to +名词归因于
conquently (as a conquence/ as a result) +句子(因此)
for, as, as a result of, with(由于,由于某种条件或原因的存在出现了某种结果)
递进词:still、also、indeed、furthermore(进一步)、moreover(而且、此外)、highlighting (突出、强调)、even(甚至、更)、besides(注意区分except), additionally, in addition, what’s more
连词:if, provided/providing that, suppo, supposing, in ca (of), in the event of, assume, presumably, so long as, unless, only if, when
并列词:and(和)、as well as(也)、likewi(同样的)、while(与此同时)、similarly (类似地)、or(或者)、simultaneously(同时发生地)、meanwhile(同时)、in the meantime、neither…nor, either…or, not only…but also、more…than云南路
gains were substantial.
l) A new curity system was installed. In addition, extra guards were hired.
m) The company provides cheap Internet access. In addition, it makes shareware freely available.
n) The tax only affects people on incomes over $200, 000—in other words, the very rich. o) The clams were delicious. Likewi, the eggplant was excellent.
p) Using language is a very complex enterpri. Moreover, there is more to communication than merely putting ntences together.
q) The system was not only complicated but also ineffective.
r) The cost of food and clothing has come down in recent years. Similarly, fuel prices have fallen quite considerably.
s) Money makes money. To put it another way, the more you invest, the greater your potential pro fit will be.
t) The problem demands a global solution. To put it another way, local regulations will have very little effect.
u) First you need to collect all the information and make detailed notes. Then you can start to act ually write your essay.
v) Think about what you owe, too, in terms of mortgages, credit cards, loans or hire purcha. w) Gas is a very efficient fuel. And what' s more, it's clean. 3.表示强调
业精于勤荒于嬉行成于思毁于随above all, anyway, as a matter of fact, certainly, indeed, in fact, in particular, most important, obv iously, of cour, surely, to be sure, truly, undoubtedly, without doubt
a) Although it is somewhat limited in its applications it is easy to operate and above all it is fun.
b) He got lost and spent hours looking for the station, and anyway it was past midnight by the tim e he got home.
c) And, as a matter of fact, the U. S. Golf Association was delighted. d) Books and people certa inly affected him. e) Most of the essays were very good indeed.
f) Her teachers said she was a slow learner, whereas in fact she was partially deaf. g) Automobi le prices in particular have fallen in recent months.
h) But the rever is true when an attorney reprents a person who is obviously guilty or who guilt is widely perceived.
i) This is very obviously the approach of some one writing exclusively and specifically for the yo ung.
j) Of cour there will be some difficult times ahead.
k) If a sign were needed that the Internet has become a real market, the arrival of tax avoidance is surely it.
l) Throwing money at the problem is surely not the way to convince people of sincerity. m) It w as difficult, to be sure, but somehow we managed to finish the job.
n) If we truly believe we can win, then we have a very good chance at doing it. o) Undoubtedly , public interest in folk music has declined.办公建筑设计规范
p) Sally was without doubt one of the finest swimmers in the school.
and, besides, finally, first, firstly, further, in the first place, last, next, cond, condly, third, thir dly, to begin with, to start with,
a) It also assigned staff people to work with individual companies that wanted to launch a progra m.
b) This is a flexible and ur-friendly system suitable for beginners and advanced urs alike. c) Y ou need to know what tights you have and how to u them.
d) Besides going to aerobics twice a week, she tides hors on Saturdays. e) And finally, I' d lik
e to thank the crew. f) First, I'd like to thank everyone for coming.
g) The application of the five stages to the task illustrated would involve, firstly, the definition of the task.
h) It is possible to make good movies cheaply. Further, "low-budget" doesn't have to mean "bad. "
i) And there i. s the question of the relevance of the trading of information in the first place. j) Connect the red wires first and the black ones last.
k) First you need to lect the text you want to move. Next, click on the "Move" command at the top of the screen.
l) But, cond, in the vast majority of markets, efficient production can be attained with a high de gree of competition.
m) The more you practi the better you will become at lecting historical information to suit fir stly your essay and condly your argument.
n) To begin with, much of this new housing is not affordable.
o) I' m not going to V egas. To start with, I don' t like gambling, and I also can' t get time off work .
3、观点转折,反面论证 4.表示对比或对照
by contrast, but, converly, in contrast, instead, on the contrary, on the other hand, otherwi, un like, whereas, while, yet
a) The birth rate for older women has declined, but, by contrast, births to teenage mothers have in cread.
b) The purpo of the scheme is not to help the employers but to provide work for young people.
c) American consumers prefer white eggs; converly, British buyers like brown eggs.
d) Scandinavian cruis are very popular in the summer; converly, the Carib bean is most popul ar in the winter.
e) The stock lost 60 cents a share, in contrast to last year, when it gained 21 cents. f) Instead of being annoyed, he emed quite plead.
g) It wasn't a good thing; on the contrary it was a huge mistake.
h) Nuclear power is relatively cheap. On the other hand, you could argue that it's not safe. i) It i s equally vital that both should be mentioned, otherwi a client, particularly a buyer, could be ri ously misled.
j) Unlike most people in the office, I don't come to work by car.
k) A bowl of instant oatmeal costs about $1. 5, whereas regular oatmeal costs only $0. 5 per
l) The old system was fairly complicated whereas the new system is really very simple.
m) Schools in the north tend to be better equipped, while tho in the south are relatively poor. n) Last summer there was a drought, yet some people were still watering their lawns every day.
by comparison, equally, equally important, in comparison, in the same way, in the same manner, l ike, likewi, similarly
a) After months of living in a tropical climate, Spain emed cool by comparison. b) By compa rison with other European countries, car prices in the UK are very high.
c) Even when the correct word was given a high probability, there were many other words with a n equally high probability.
d) Many business people do not know what xual harassment is. Equally important, they do not know how to prevent it.
e) an extremely unpleasant dia which is, however, easy to treat
f) Cotton production was on the increa. However, it was still a small industry compared to hem p and canvas production.
g) The deaf children of hearing parents are almost normal in comparison, having everything exce pt language experience.
h) There is often stronger social control evident in the socialisation of girls in comparison to boys .
i) Good management accounts parate the well-organid from the rest but are not vital in the sa me way.
j) I don't want him treating me like Jim treated me.
k) The clams were delicious. Likewi, the eggplant was excellent.
l) The cost of food and clothing has come down in recent years. Similarly, fuel prices have fallen quite considerably. 6.表示让步
admittedly, after all, all the same, although, certainly, clearly, even so, it is true (that), in spite of, nevertheless, of cour, still, true
a) The technique is painful, admittedly, but it benefits the patient greatly.
b) Printing and prentation should be as attractive as possible — after all the library is an attracti ve place, isn't it?
c) I reali she can be very annoying, but I think you should apologi all the same.
d) We decided to take rooms in Longwood Hou, although we knew we could not really afford t he rent.
e) We are not especially well-treated, certainly not as well as the locals. f) Clearly, the racial pr oblems in America have no easy answers.
g) The fines for speeding are large, but even so, they are not always a deterrent.