By Sun Huijie
plea visit
Journey to the West
Buddhist art and murals of the Kizil Thousand-Buddha Caves.
Travelling by jeep will give us a good look at the lifestyle of tho who live in the sparly populated areas of western China, and we’ll get an idea of what it might have been like to travel the Silk Road in days gone by – in air-conditioned comfort, of cour.
Our jeep team is local to the area, and they’ve helped us pick out a few extra places to visit … places we wouldn’t have otherwi known about!
The Journey to the West (西游记 xī yóu jì) is one of the four classics of Chine literature, and is a fictionalid account of the actual journey made by Buddhist monk Xuanzang in the sixth cen-tury. Some of the historical information known about the stops we make along the way is attributed to notes made by Xuan Zang (玄奘) on his journey.
成立公司的流程和要求There has been a ttlement at Korla since at least the Han Dynasty (206 BC – 220 AD), when the town there was known as Weili and had a population of around 10,000 people. A river runs through Korla, and the river valley formed a natural passage be-tween mountains and dert — no need for the Silk Road traders to
ne of our most popular long distance trips is the ‘Journey from the West’, starting from Urumqi and h
eading east to Jiayu-guan. On this trip we’re going the other
way, following the Silk Road west to Kashgar — a journey of more than one thousand five hundred kilo-meters!
S kirting the fringes of the huge Taklamakan Dert, we’ll pass through obscure S ilk Road stops like Korla, Kuqa, and Aksu. We’ll take a hike to e the stunning scenery of the Baicheng Landform and the Dakziliya Grand Canyon, and will explore the
L i n k s
T r ip o v e r v ie w
D a y O n e
F ly t o K o rl a v ia U ru m
q i, t o u r K o -
rl a ’s O ld C it y .
D a y T w o
D r iv e to K u q a , v is it O ld T o w n ,
G ra
n d M o s q u e , K in g ’s P a la c e . D a y T h r e e
A n c ie n t C it y o f S u b a s h i, D a -k z il iy a G r a n d C a n y o n h ik in g ,
B a ic h e n g L a n d fo rm , c a m p o
v e r-n ig h t.
优秀学生干部D a y F o u r
黑8台球比赛规则K iz il T h o u s a n
d -B u d d h a
C a v e s ,
A k s u O ld C it y
D a y F iv e D ri v
e t o K a s h g a r, e v e n in g w a lk -a b o u t.
D a y S ix
T o u r K a s h g a r ’s O ld T o w n
, Id
K a r M o s q u e , Q in g D y n a s ty c o n -c u b in e ’s t o m b
, G ra n d B a z a
车位标准尺寸a r.
D a y S e v e n
a s h g a r L iv e s to c k M a r k e t, fl y
b a
c k t o B e ij in
g v ia U ru m q i.
cross the high mountain ranges nearby. One of the key fortifications in the area is the Tiemen (Iron Gate) Pass, a mili-tary checkpoint from the Tang Dynasty (618 – 907).
the Han Dynasty, with a population of 470,000 recorded by the 2007 census. The majority of inhabitants are Han Chine, and there’s a substantial per-centage of Uyhgurs, Mongolians, and Huis. Our jeep drivers come from Ko-rla, and, for some of them, Mongolian is their first language.
The economy has also changed in modern times, particularly with the discovery of oil in the Taklamakan Dert. Another key product of the area is the fragrant pear, which we’re sure to get a taste of!
In the book version of Journey to the West, Xuanzang convinced a local river-ogre to become Buddhist, and to stop terrorizing villagers and travellers. were Khotan, to the south, Kashgar, to the west, and Karashahr, north of Korla.) The garrisons were built dur-ing a time when the Tibetan Empire was vying with China for control of the area. Later, during the eighth century, Kucha became the center of the Uyghur Kingdom.
Even further back, in ‘Antiquity’ (that is, before 476 or so), Kuqa was a Buddhist center, with notes made by Xuanzang of “100 convents, with 5,000 Buddhist disciples following doctrine and rules of discipline like tho of India“.
Kuchean music and dance was very popular during the Tang Dynasty, and we’ll e depictions of lutes, drums,
us, and we’ll enjoy a bonfire and some stargazing, weather permitting!
In Uyghur, Aksu means ‘White Water’, and a big river nearby is likely the reason for this name. During the Han Dynasty, and until the early Tang Dynasty, it was known as Kumo, and described as
a kingdom. It’s sited at a fork in the S ilk Road, with a ction that cross the mountains to get to the Ili River splitting from the main line of the northern Silk Road that skirts the top of the Tarim Basin.City, which we’ll visit. We’ll be visiting quite a few Old Cities along the way, building up to the visit to Kashgar.
Kashgar is an ancient city in the far west of China, with many his-torically interesting sites and a strong Muslim influence from the large Uy-ghur community.
The earliest recorded mention of Kashgar can be found in Han Dynasty records that date back to 125 BC. At that point it was already one of the many stops on the Northern Silk Road,
and, despite wars and battles, has been populated ever since.
In Kashgar, we will visit many of the most interesting sights.
Kashgar Old City
Known as an excellent example of a traditional Islamic city, Kashgar’s Old City has undergone signifi
cant changes in recent times — some parts have been knocked down due to new regulations about building to meet earthquake and fire codes, and some ctions are undergoing reconstruction.