目录 Contents
1. 工艺设备 Process Equipment 1
1.1. 塔Column 1
1.1.1. 板式塔和填料塔 Plate Column and Packed Column 1 液流型式 Liquid – Flow Patterns 2
2. 泡罩(帽)塔盘 Bubble Cap Trays 3 浮阀塔盘 Valve Trays 4 筛板塔盘 Sieve Trays 6 穿流式塔盘和喷射型塔盘 Dual – Flow Trays and Jet Trays 7 塔盘的支承 Supports of Tray 8 塔底结构及重(再)沸器 Bottom Structures and Reboilers 9 进料和抽出 Feed and Draw – Off 10 填料 Packing 12 液体分配(布)器,再分配(布)器及填料支持版 Liquid Distributors, Redistributors and Support Plates 13 塔附件 Tower Attachments 14
2. 楼梯(梯子)和平台 Stair and Platform 15
2. CO2吸收塔 CO2 Absorber 16
1.1.3. 再生塔/CO2汽提塔 Regenerator / CO2 Stripper 17
1.1.4. 造粒塔 Prill Tower 18白豚 (造粒塔)总图及造粒喷头组装图 General Asmbly and Prill-Spray Asmbly 18
2. 造粒塔 扒料机 Prill tower Reclaimer 20
1.2. 反应器 Reactor 22
1.2.1. 氨合成塔 Ammonia Converter 22
1.2.2. 聚合釜 Polymerizer 24
1.2.3. 电解槽 Cell 26 隔膜电解槽 Diaphragm Cells 26 水银电解槽 Mercury Cells 27
1.3. 贮罐 Storage Tanks 28
1.3.1. 浮顶罐 Floating Roof Tanks 30 浮顶型式 Floating Roof Types 32
2. 浮顶罐的密封形式 Seal Types of Floating Roof Tank 34
2. 内浮顶罐 Covered Floating Roof Tanks 35
1.3.3. 低温贮罐 Refrigerated Storage Tanks 36
1.4. 蒸发器 Evaporators 37
1.5. 换热器 Heat Exchangers 38
1.5.1. 换热器的名称 Nomenclature of Heat Exchanger 40
梦见下大雨1.5.1.1. 换热器部件 Components of Heat Exchanger 40
2. 固定端头盖(或管箱),壳体及后端头盖型式 Types of Stationary Head, Shell and Rear End Head 42 管板 Tube sheets 43 管子-管板连接,膨胀节及其他零件 Tube-Tube Sheet Joints, Expansion Joints and Other Parts 44 横向折流板和纵向折流板 Transver Baffles and Longitudinal Baffles 46
2. 套管式换热器和刮面式换热器 Double-Pipe Heat Exchanger and Scraped-Surface Exchanger 47
1.5.3. 套管式纵向翅片换热器 Double Pipe Longitudinal Finned Exchanger 48
1.5.4. 板式换热器 Plate-Type Exchangers 49
1.5.5. 蒸汽表面冷凝器,凝汽器 Steam Surface Condenrs 50
1.5.6. 空冷器,空气冷却器 Air-Cooled Heat Exchangers 51 空冷器的组合形式 Bay Arrangements of Air-Cooled Heat Exchanger 52
2. 管束和头盖(管箱)的典型结构 Typical Construction of Tube Bundles and Headers 53 空冷器的驱动装置 Drive Arrangements for Air Cooler 54 翅片 Fins 55 空冷器的温度控制 Temperature Control of Air Cooler 56
1.5.7. 冷却塔,凉水塔(1) Cooling Towers(Ⅰ) 57
冷却塔,凉水塔(2) Cooling Towers(Ⅱ) 58
1.6. 工业炉 Furnace 60
1.6.1. 管式加热炉 Pipe Heater 60 管式加热炉型式 Types of pipe Heaters (pipe Still Heater) 60
2. 加热炉 Heaters 62 燃烧器,烧嘴 Burners 63
受让股权1.1.6.4. 炉管,联管箱和回弯头 Tube, Headers and Return Bends 64 管架 Tube Supports 65
2. 转化炉 Reformers (Reforming Furnaces) 66
1.6.3. 二段转化炉 Secondary Reformer 67
1.6.4. 变换炉 Shift Converter 68
1.6.5. 热回收和废热锅炉 Heat Recovery and Waste Heat Boiler 69 热回收 Heat Recovery 69
2. CO燃烧废热锅炉 CO Firing Waste Heat Boiler 70 第一废热锅炉 Primary Waste Heat Boiler 71 第二废热锅炉 Secondary Waste Heat Boiler 72
1.6.6. 火炬 Flare Stacks 73
1.7. 混合设备 Mixing Equipment 74
1.7.1. 搅拌器型式(1) Types of Agitator(Ⅰ) 74
搅拌器型式(2) Types of Agitator(Ⅱ) 76
2. 混合(搅拌)槽 Mixing Tanks 77
篮球社团活动记录1.7.3. 管道混合器 Line Mixers (Flow Mixers) 78
1.7.4. 静止混合器 Static Mixers 79
1.7.5. 膏状物料及粘性物料混(拌)合设备 Paste and Viscous-Material Mixing Equipments 80
1.7.6. 固体混合机械 Solids Mixing Machines 82
1.7.7. 双螺杆连续混合机 Double Screw Continuous Mixer 83
1.8. 萃取器 Extractors 84
1.8.1. 连续萃取设备,连续抽提设备 Continuous Contact (Differential Contact) Equipments 84
2. 浸提设备 Leaching Equipments 86
1.9. 旋风分离器、沉清器、过滤器和离心机 Cyclone, Decanter, Filter and Centrifuge 87
1.9.1. 旋风分离器(1) Cyclone Separators (Ⅰ) 87
旋风分离器(2) Cyclone Separators (Ⅱ) 88没有感情的婚姻
2. 气体洗涤器 Gas Scrubbers 90
1.9.3. 沉降罐,澄清器 Gravity Settlers (Decanters) 92
1.9.4. 过滤机 Filter 93 压滤机 Pressure Filters 93 叶滤机 Pressure Leaf Filters 94 袋式过滤器 Bag Filters 95 转鼓真空过滤机 Rotary-Drum Vacuum Filter 96
1.9.5. 离心式分离机 Centrifugal Separator 97 双鼓真空离心过滤机 Double-Bowl Vacuum Centrifuge 97
2. 离心机 Centrifuges 98 静止叶片型离心式分离器 Stationary Vane Type Centrifugal Separators 100
1.10. 干燥器 Dryers 101
1.10.1. 间接干燥器 Indirect Dryers 101
2. 直接干燥器 Direct Dryers 102
1.10.3. 喷雾干燥器 Spray Dryers 104 雾化喷头,喷雾嘴,雾化器 Spray Nozzles (Atomizers) 105
1.10.4. 气流(气动)输送干燥器 Pneumatic Conveyor Dryers 106
1.11. 其他 Miscellaneous 107
1.11.1. 石油炼制中的流化过程 Fluidization Process in Petroleum Refinery 107 流态化 Fluidization 108
2. 流化床分布器 Distributors for Fluidized Bed 109
2. 破沫器及其应用 Demister and Its Applications 110
2.1. 破沫网的安装和纤维除雾器Installation of Mesh and Fiber Mist Eliminator 111
1.11.3. 设备的支座和封头 Supports and Heads of Equipments 112
1.11.4. 立式容器的外部保温 External Thermal Insulation for Vertical Vesl 113
2. 泵 Pump 114
2.1. 各种型式的泵(1) Various Types of Pump (Ⅰ) 114
各种型式的泵(2) Various Types of Pump (Ⅱ) 116
各种型式的泵(3) Various Types of Pump (Ⅲ) 117
各种型式的泵(4) Various Types of Pump (Ⅳ) 118
2.2. 离心泵(1) Centrifugal Pump(Ⅰ) 119
离心泵(2) Centrifugal Pump(Ⅱ) 120
离心泵(3) Centrifugal Pump(Ⅲ) 121
2.3. 管道泵 Inline Pump 122
2.4. 双作用蒸汽往复泵Duplex Acting Steam-Driven Reciprocating Pump 123
2.5. 双作用活塞式往复泵 Double Action Reciprocating Pump, Bucket Type 124
2.6. 混流泵 Mixed-Flow Pump 126
2.7. 计量泵 Metering Pumps 127
2.8. 喷射泵 Jet Pumps 128
2.9. 喷射装置 Ejector Units 129
2.9.1. 喷射器的结构 Ejector Structures 130
3. 压缩机、鼓风机和风机 Compressors Blowers and Fans 131
3.1. 螺杆压缩机 Screw Compressors 131
3.2. 旋转式螺杆压缩机 Rotary Helical Screw Compressors 132
3.3. 活塞式压缩机 Piston Compressors 133
3.4. 往复式压缩机 Reciprocating Compressors 134
3.5. 低密度聚乙烯(超)高压压缩机High Pressure Compressor for Low Density Polyethylene Process 136
3.5.1. 高压气缸和中心型组合阀High-Pressure Cylinder and Central Valve 138
3.5.2. 卸荷阀并及其他阀 Unloading Valve and Other Valves 140
3.6. 水平剖分式离心压缩机 Horizontally Split Centrifugal Compressor 142 3.7. 鼓风机,压气机 Blowers 144
3.8. 风机 Fans 146
3.9. 典型的空气压缩机装置 Typical Compressor Installation 148
4. 输送机和提升机 Conveyor and Elevator 149
4.1. 垂直提升(输送)机 Vertical Elevator (Conveyor) 149
4.1.1. 斗式提升机 Bucket Elevator 149
4.1.2. 垂直提升输送机和箱类提升机Vertical Rising Conveyor and Ca Elevator 150
4.1.3. 双带提升机 Twin Rir 151
4.2. 带式输送机 Band (Belt) Conveyor 152
4.2.1. 带式输送机示意图 Band Conveyor Sketch 152
4.2.2. 输送机系统 Conveyor Systems 153
4.2.3. 带式输送机 Band Conveyor 154
4.2.4. 中心距超过600英尺的单轮传动带式输送机用的张紧装置Take-up Unit for Single Drum Drive Belt Conveyor Exceeding 600 Feet Centers 155
5. 双轮传动带式输送机的张紧装置Take-up Unit for Dual Drum Drive Belt Conveyor 156
4.2.6. 拼装式皮带运输机和移动式皮带运输机Pre-built Sectional Belt Conveyor and Mobile Belt Conveyor 157
4.3. 螺旋输送机 Screw Conveyor 158
4.4. 吊挂式链输送机和振动输送机Chain Trolley Conveyor and Vibrating Conveyor 159
4.4.1. 吊挂式链输送机部件 Units of Chain Trolley Conveyor 160
4.5. 辊子输送机 Roller Conveyors 162
4.6. 惰轮(托辊)型式 Types of Idlers 163
4.6.1. 托辊(惰轮)结构 Construction of Iders 164
5. 破碎和筛分设备 Crushing and Screening Equipment 166
5.1. 颚式破碎机 Jaw crusher 166
5.2. 颚式冲击破碎机 Impact Jaw Crusher 168
5.3. 回转球形破碎机 Gyrasphere Crusher 169
5.4. 盘式回转破碎机 Tray Type Gyratory Crusher 170
5.5. 液压锥形破碎机和冲击式破碎机(叶片破碎机) Hydraulic Cone Crusher and Impact Crusher (Impeller Breaker) 172
5.6. 辊子粉碎机 Roller Mill 173
5.7. 双轴锤击破碎机 Double Shaft Hammer Mill 174
5.8. 球磨机 Ball Mill 176
5.9. 干燥粉磨机 Dryer-Pulverir 177
5.10. 返混设备布置 Layout of Back mixing Equipment 178
5.11. 振动筛 Vibrating Screen 179
5.12. 分级机 Classifiers 180
6. 塑料和橡胶加工成型机械 Forming Machine For Plastics and Rubber 181 6.1. 挤压机 Extruder 181
6.2. 螺杆注塑机 Screw Injection Molding Machine 182
6.3. 聚氯乙烯辊压机生产线 Calender Line for PVC Production 183
6.4. 四辊辊压机 Four-Roll Calender 184
7. 给料机,称量器和包装机 Feeder, Weighing and Bagging Machine 186 7.1. 振动给料机 Vibrating Feeder 186
7.2. 电振动给料机 Electric Vibrating Feeder 188
7.3. 板式给料机 Apron Feeder 189
7.4. (粉末)均匀自动给料机 Smooth Auto-Feeder 190
7.5. 带式计量秤 Dosing Belt Weigher 191
7.6. 定量给料秤 Constant Feed Weigher 192
7.7. 自动装袋系统 Automatic Bagging System 193
8. 汽轮机 Steam Turbine 194
8.1. 汽轮机的分类(1) Classification of Steam Turbines (Ⅰ) 194
汽轮机的分类(2) Classification of Steam Turbines (Ⅱ) 196
8.2. 汽轮机的循环 Steam Turbine Cycles 197
8.3. 汽轮机供汽方式 Methods of Steam Supply to a Turbine 198
8.4. 单级汽轮机 Single Stage Steam Turbine 199
8.5. 冲动式汽轮机 Impul Turbines 200
8.6. 汽轮机轴封 Turbine Glands and Gland Sealings 202
8.7. 汽轮机的润滑 Lubrication of Steam Turbine 204
8.8. 汽轮机调速器及调速 Governors and Governing of Steam Turbine 206 8.9. 汽轮机调速器 Turbine Governor 208
8.10. 超速脱扣装置(保安器) Overspeed Tripping Device 210
8.11. 汽轮机的安装 Installation of Steam Turbine 211