Chine Food
"Few things in life are as positive as food, or are taken as intimately and | | |
completely by the individual. One can listen to music, but the sound may enter in | |
one ear and go out through the | other; one may listen | to | a lecture | or. conversation, |
and day-dream about | many other甘之如饴作文 | things; | one may attend | to matters of business, | and |
one's heart or interest may be In the matter of food and | |
eating however one can hardly remain completely indifferent to what one is doing | |
for long. How can one remain entirely indifferent to something which is going to | |
enter one's body and become part of onelf How can one remain indifferent to | |
something which will | determine one's | physical | strength and | ultimately | one's |
| | | | | | 采购报告 | |
spiritual and moral fibre and well-being"
-Kenneth Lo
“生活中极稀有什么 西像食品真切 在,也许 那么 底的 个人接 吸取。一个人可能在听音 ,但是音 可以从一只耳 从另一只耳 出;一个人可以在听 座 胡
思乱想;一个人可以在料理买卖上的事 而他的心思和 趣还有所属⋯⋯ . 。而在吃 就餐 ,一个人几乎不可以能 的 自己正在做的事完好无 于衷。一个人怎么能 立刻
入身体并成 身体一部分的 西保持 的无 于衷呢一个人怎么能 立刻决定自己体力以及最 决定自己的精神和道德品 以及幸福安康的 西无 于衷呢——肯尼斯·洛
This is an easy question for a Chine to ask, but a Westerner might find itdifficult
to answer. Many people in the West are gourmets and others are gluttons, but
scattered among them also is a large number of people who are apparently pretty
indifferentto what goes into their stomachs, and do not regard food as having any
ultimate moral effect on them. How, they might ask, could eating a hamburger or
drinking Coca Cola contribute anything to making you a saint or a sinner For them,
food is quite simply a fuel.
是一其中国人常 的 ,而西方人却很 作答。在西方,好多人都是美食家, 有其他一些是暴 暴食者,而混 于 两者中 的 有一种 吃 肚子的食品充耳不闻的。 些人也 会 ,吃一个 堡,喝点可口可 就会 成圣人或罪人 于他 来 ,食品就是一种能量。
Kenneth Lo, however, express a point of view that is profoundly different and typically Chine, deriving from thousands of years of tradition. The London
restaurateur Fu Tong, for example, quotes no less an authority than Confucius (the ancient Sage known in Chine as K'ung-Fu-Tzu) with regard to the primal importance of food. Food, said the sage, is the first happiness. Fu Tong adds: "Food to my countrymen is one of the ecstasies of life, to be thought about in advance; to be smothered with loving care throughout its preparation; and to have time lavished
on it in the final pleasure of eating."
肯尼斯·洛 却表达了一种截然相反的,典型的中国化的 点。 种 点源于从几千年中国文化。比方,一家 敦餐 的董福就引用了仿佛孔夫子(中国人 位古代圣人 孔夫
子)的 威人士的 。圣者言,食乃是人生最大的幸福。董福 : “食品 中国人来 是
生活中的一大 事,需要 先准 ,需要精心烹 , 要肯花 去享受吃得 趣。”
Lo obrves that when Westerners go to a restaurant they ask for a good table, which means a good position from which to e and be en. They are usually there to be
entertained socially -- and also, incidentally, to eat. When the Chine go to a
restaurant, however, they ask for a small room with plain walls where they cannot be en except by the members of their own party, where jackets can come off and
they can proceed with the rious business which brought them there. The Chine intentions "are both honourable and whole-hearted: to eat with a capital E."
洛发现西方人进餐馆时都会要个不错的桌位,也就是自己可以看到他人,他人也可以看到你的好位子。他们去那处平时可是一种社交娱乐,同进附带着吃些什么。但中国人却不一样样,他会选一个除了聚会成员谁都看不到的地方,这样他们可以很任意的脱掉外套,可以开始这件严肃的事情 -- 吃饭,那才是他们来这的目的。中国人的妄图“是崇敬的,是全心全意的, 即吃饭是优等大事。 ”
Despite | such a marked difference | in attitudes towards | what one consumes, there is |
特蕾莎修女简介no doubt that | people in the West have cometo regard | the cuisine of China as something |
special. | In | fact, one can asrt | with some justice | that | Chine food is, nowadays, |
| 长胖的方法 | | | | |
the only truly international food. It is ubiquitous. Restaurants bedecked with dragons and delicate landscapes -- rving Such exotic as Dim Sin Gai (sweet and sour chicken), and Shao Shing soup, Chiao-Tzu and Kuo-Tioh (northern style), and Ging Ai Kwar (steamed aubergines) -- have sprung up everywhere from Hong Kong to Honolulu to Hoboken to Huddersfield.
致风景画的中式餐厅,经营者各种异国风味的糖醋鸡、绍兴汤、烧酒、锅贴(北方味) 、和清蒸茄子等。
How did this come about Certainly, a kind of Chine food was exported to North | | |
America when many thousands of Chine went there in the 19th century to work on | |
such things as the U.S. railways. They ttled on or near the west coast, where | | |
the famous | or infamous | "chop | suey joints" | grew up, with their | rather | inferior |
brand of Chine cooking. | The standard of | the | 摸乳restaurants | improved | steadily in the | 高考落榜生
United States, but Lo | | considers that the | crucial factor in | | spreading this kind | of |
food throughout the Western world was population pressure in the British colony | | |
of Hong Kong, especially after 1950, which nt families out all over the world | | |
to ek their | fortunes | in | the | opening | of | restaurants. | He adds,, | however, | that | this |
could not have happened if | the | world | had not | been interested | in | what the | Hong Kong |
Chine had to cook and ll. He detects an incread interest in nsuality in | | |
the Western world: | "Colour, texture, | movement, food, | drink, | and rock music | all |
the have become much more part | and parcel | of the average person's | life | than | they |
have ever been. It | is | this | incread | nsuality | and the | desire | for | 西洋参泡枸杞greater | freedom |
from age-bound habits in the West, combined with the inherent nsual concept of | | |
Chine food, always quick to satisfy the taste buds, that is at the root of the | | | |
sudden and phenomenal spread of | Chine food | throughout | the | length | and breadth of |
the Western World." | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |