一 名词全称
1 NPM : new public management
2 ALJ : administrative law judges
1. public administration(administrator):公共行政 2. accountant 富有哲理的名言:会计3.budgeter:预算 3.policy analyst :政策分析4.purpos and goals of government :政府的宗旨和目标5.political values :政治价值观6.legislative body:立法体系 7.authoritative agent :权威代理机构8.executive legislative and judicial 行政立法和司法:9.court:法院 10.governor and president: 11.congress :国会12.constitution :宪法
1.free, competitive market:自由竞争市场 2.governmental operation :政府运作3.revenue and taxation:财政税收 4.governmental agency:政府机构 5.fiscal constrai
n:财政约束 6.Non-for-profit organization:非营利组织 7. utility :公共事业8.public goods or quasi-public goods:公共物品或准公共物品 9.power and authority:权利和权威 10.the formulation and implementation of policy :政策的制定和实施11.the coercive power :强制力12.public policy making and implementation:公共政策制定和实施 13.dichotomy between politics and administration :政治行政二分法14.formulation, analysis, evaluation and revision of policy:政策的制定,分析,评估和调整 18.race, ethnicity, gender, and other social factor :种族,民族,性别和其他社会因素15.partisan patronage :政党庇护16.the spoils system什么叫cpu:政党分肥制
1.the political approach :政治途径2.the legal approach:法律途径 3.the managerial approach:管理途径 4.reinventing government:重塑政府 5.NPM :新公共行政6.all levels of government 情人节出租:各级政府7.a class of politicians:政治类别 8.hiring and firing:雇佣和解雇 9.bureaucratic:官僚制 10.hierarchy :层级制11.position orientation :职位导向12cost-effectiveness :成本效益
第二单元 Text B
1.NPM :新公共行政2.reform-oriented:改革导向 3.public ctor:公共部门 4. negative press coverage:负面报道 5. public opinion polls:民意调查 6.drastic reform:大刀阔斧的改革 7.market-like competition :类似市场竞争8.the provision of goods and rvices:商品和服务的供给 9. one-shop shopping :一体化10.NPR:国家绩效评估 11.market mechanism :市场机制12.social harmony:社会和谐 13.per capita income:人均收入 14.customoer satisfaction:客户满意度
1. responsibility and responsiveness :责任性和回应性2.descretianary power:
第三单元 Text B
1. hearing examiners :听证者2. administrative law judges 行政法法官ALJ :3. adversary procedure:抗辩程序
特征 | 传统公共行政 | NPM | 政治途径 | 法律途径 |
价值观 | 效能、效率、经济 | 成本效能 顾客的回应性 | 代表性、政治回应性、责任性 | 1.正当的法律程序 2.公民的实质权利,平等保护 3.公平 4.诚实,公正 |
组织结构 | 官僚制、层级制 | 竞争性的企业化模型 | 组织多元主义 | 行政裁决制 抗辩模式 |
阳邪对人的认识 | 非人格化 | 顾客 Client | 一知半解将个人看成是群体成员 | 完整的个体 理性的个体 |
认知模式 | 科学方法及通则化 | 理论推理,经验观察,指标测量,实验 | 协议,民意,政治,争辩 | 归纳性案例分析,演绎式的法律分析,反复辩论程序 |
预算 | 理性预算体系,成本——效率 | 以绩效为基础,市场驱动 | 渐进主义(福利分配和负担) | 以权利保护为基础 |
决策观 | 最具成本——效益的决策 | 分散化,降低成本 | 渐进模型,胡乱决策 | 程序性渐进主义 |
| | | | |
二 汉译英
Not only the need to effectively manage tho who are willing and able to adopt practical methods of management, but also need to authorize the manager to adopt his view, the most effective way to manage, which is unique problems of public managers.
2 20世纪后期,实际上所有发达国家都试图重新构建政府,官僚制组织和公民之间的关系。
The late 20th century, virtually all developed countries have attempted to re-build government, bureaucratic organizations and citizens relations.
Acts without legal authority is not a true government action. Result of such acts are not legally valid, and often with illegality.
For some reason, when the private ctor can not be optimized to provide certain exclusive quality products, the Government can provide the products. A natural monopoly is one of the more common caus。
Public and non-profit organizations must be flexible and must be able to adapt to the needs of society.
Volunteers have become an integral part of the pubic and non-profit organizations.
People know little about the Government's actions, therefore, the mass media can increa the capacity of citizens monitor government actions.
It is widely believe that corruption is one of the biggest obstacles that hinder development. The latest data show that corruption at odds with the major economic achievements.
Form of government in different countries can be divided into the national system, constitutional monarchy, constitutional system, people's reprentation.
Appointment and promotion of civil rvants, its principle is bad on merit and fitness rather than political partisanship.
Formulate rules and regulations and entry into force was an important duty of the government.
When veral government agencies provide the same rvices, the public can freely choo which agency to go to receive this rvice, inter-agency competition will reduce corruption.