作者:姚媛媛 龙辰 王斌 李珣 李秀仙 张冬华 闫春财 刘文彬
摘要 为了解新烟碱类杀虫剂对红裸须摇蚊的毒性影响,以休眠期和发育期红裸须摇蚊(Propsilocerus akamusi)幼虫为材料,测试吡虫啉(IMI)、噻虫嗪(THI)、噻虫胺(CLO)、呋虫胺(DIN)、啶虫脒(ACE)5种新烟碱类杀虫剂对幼虫的急性毒性差异,并探究亚致死浓度胁迫下发育期幼虫体长和湿重的变化。结果表明,IMI、ACE和CLO毒性始终处于剧毒水平,且CLO毒性低于IMI和ACE;IMI对发育期幼虫毒性略高于ACE,对休眠期则相反;DIN毒性始终为高毒水平;暴露于THI下,休眠期幼虫耐受性显著高于发育期幼虫,
并且在24~96 h的持续时间内LC50出现30.90~95.49倍不等的耐受性差异。IMI胁迫组体长略有增长,其余组均表现为缩短,仅ACE组出现显著变化;幼虫湿重变化方面,IMI处理组幼虫湿重增长显著,均值在23.3 mg,其余组均保持在20.0 mg左右。
关键词 红裸须摇蚊;新烟碱类杀虫剂;休眠期;发育期;急性毒性
中图分类号 S482.3 文献标识码 A 文章编号 0517-6611(2021)20-0001-05
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Study on Acute Toxicity of Five Neonicotinoid Incticides to the Larvae of Propsilocerus akamusi in Dormant and Developmental Pha
YAO Yuan-yuan1, LONG Chen2, WANG Bin3 et al
(1.Tianjin Natural History Muum, Tianjin 300201; 2.College of Life Sciences, Tianjin Key Laboratory of Conrvation and Utilization of Animal Diversity, Tianjin Norm唐朝边塞诗人
al University, Tianjin 300387; 3.Tianjin Beidagang Wetland Nature Rerve Management Center, Tianjin 300270)
Abstract To understand the toxic effects of neonicotinoid incticides on Propsilocerus akamusi, the larvae of Propsilocerus akamusi during the dormant and developmental phas were ud as materials to test the acute toxicity difference of 5 neonicotinoid incticides of imidacloprid (IMI), thiamethoxam (THI), clothianidin (CLO), dinotefuran (DIN) and acetamiprid (ACE) to larvae,and explore the changes of body length and wet weight of larvae during developmental pha under sublethal concentration stress.The result showed that the toxicity of IMI, ACE and CLO was always at a vere level, and toxicity of CLO was lower than that of IMI and ACE.The toxicity of IMI higher than that of ACE in developmental pha, but lower in dormancy period;the toxicity of DIN was at a high level.In the ca of THI,the tolerance of dormant larvae was significantly higher than that of developmental larvae, and the tolerance difference of LC50 varied from 30.90 to 95.49 times in 24-96 h.The body length of IMI stress group incread slightly, while that of the other groups decread. Only AC东方山
E group showed significant changes. In terms of the change of larvae wet weight, the larvae wet weight of IMI treatment group incread significantly, with an average of 23.3 mg, and the rest groups maintained about 20.0 mg.
Key words Propsilocerus akamusi;Neonicotinoid incticides;Dormant pha;Developmental pha;Acute toxicity
基金项目 国家自然科学基金项目(3167232 31801994);天津市应用基础计划项目(18JCQNJC14700,18JCYBJC96100)。
作者简介 姚媛媛(1987—),女,天津人,助理馆员,硕士,从事动物系统学研究。*通信作者,讲师,博士,从事动物系统学研究。
收稿日期 2021-02-03;修回日期 2021-03-29
质的比例在我国大型流域一直位于較高水平[3]。一系列研究发现污染物对水生生物产生较大毒害作用,为评估多种污染物对水生生物的毒性效应,许多学者以摇蚊幼虫为材料开展了毒理学研究,如Arambourou等[4]研究发现暴露于重金属污染的沉积物会使摇蚊幼虫生长和繁殖活动受到显著抑制;邓万蓉等[5]探究菲对摇蚊幼虫的毒性效应,发现大于5 mg/kg的菲胁迫下可使摇蚊羽化时间显著提前;Dos Santos Morais等[6]研究发现摇蚊暴露于亚慢性浓度邻苯二甲酸苄基丁酯时,出现头壳变窄、雄性成虫翅长减小的现象,但这些研究多集中于重金属和有机污染物,对杀虫剂类污染物毒性研究较少。