Adver Event01234
Allergic reaction/ hypernsitivity (including drug fever)none transient rash, drug
fever <38°C (<100.4°F)
urticaria, drug fever
≥38°C (≥100.4°F),
and/or asymptomatic
requiring parenteral
medication(s), with or
without urticaria;
Note: Isolated urticaria, in the abnce of other manifestations of an allergic or hypernsitivity reaction, is graded in the DERMATOLOGY/SKIN category.
Allergic rhinitis (including sneezing, nasal stuffiness, postnasal drip)none mild, not requiring
moderate, requiring
Autoimmune reaction none rologic or other
evidence of
autoimmune reaction
but patient is
asymptomatic (e.g.,
vitiligo), all organ
function is normal and
no treatment is required evidence of
autoimmune reaction
involving a non-
esntial organ or
function (e.g.,
requiring treatment
other than
reversible autoimmune
reaction involving
function of a major
organ or other adver
event (e.g., transient
colitis or anemia),
requiring short-term
autoimmune reaction
causing major grade 4
organ dysfunction;
progressive and
irreversible reaction;
administration of high-
do immuno-
suppressive therapy
Also consider Hypothyroidism, Colitis, Hemoglobin, Hemolysis.
Serum sickness none--prent-Urticaria is graded in the DERMATOLOGY/SKIN category if it occurs as an isolated symptom. If it occurs with other manifestations of allergic or hypernsitivity reaction, grade as Allergic reaction/hypernsitivity above.
Vasculitis none mild, not requiring
treatment symptomatic, requiring
requiring steroids ischemic changes or
requiring amputation
Allergy/Immunology - Other (Specify, __________)none mild moderate vere life-threatening or
Conductive hearing loss is graded as Middle ear/hearing in the AUDITORY/HEARING category. Earache is graded in the PAIN category.
External auditory canal normal external otitis with
erythema or dry
desquamation external otitis with
moist desquamation
external otitis with
discharge, mastoiditis
necrosis of the canal
soft tissue or bone
Note: Changes associated with radiation to external ear (pinnae) are graded under Radiation dermatitis in the DERMATOLOGY/SKIN category.
Adver Event01234
Inner ear/hearing normal hearing loss on
audiometry only tinnitus or hearing loss,
not requiring hearing
aid or treatment
tinnitus or hearing loss,
correctable with hearing
aid or treatment
vere unilateral or
bilateral hearing loss
(deafness), not
Middle ear/hearing normal rous otitis without
subjective decrea in
hearing rous otitis or infection
requiring medical
intervention; subjective
decrea in hearing;
rupture of tympanic
membrane with
otitis with discharge,
mastoiditis or
conductive hearing loss
necrosis of the canal
soft tissue or bone
Auditory/Hearing - Other (Specify, __________)normal mild moderate vere life-threatening or
Bone marrow cellularity normal for age mildly hypocellular or
≤25% reduction from
normal cellularity for
不忘初心牢记使命征文age moderately hypocellular
or >25 - ≤50%
reduction from normal
cellularity for age or >2
but <4 weeks to
recovery of normal
bone marrow cellularity
verely hypocellular or
>50 - ≤75% reduction
in cellularity for age or
4 - 6 weeks to recovery
of normal bone marrow
aplasia or >6 weeks to
recovery of normal
bone marrow cellularity
Normal ranges:
children (≤18 years)90% cellularity
younger adults (19-59)60 - 70%
cellularity average
older adults (≥60 years)50% cellularity
Note: Grade Bone marrow cellularity only for changes related to treatment not dia.
CD4 count WNL<LLN - 500/mm3200 - <500/mm350 - <200/mm3<50/mm3 Haptoglobin normal decread-abnt-
Hemoglobin (Hgb)WNL<LLN - 10.0 g/dL
<LLN - 100 g/L
<LLN - 6.2 mmol/L 8.0 - <10.0 g/dL
80 - <100 g/L
4.9 - <6.2 mmol/L
6.5 - <8.0 g/dL
65 - <80 g/L
4.0 - <4.9 mmol/L
<6.5 g/dL
<65 g/L
<4.0 mmol/L
For leukemia studies or bone marrow infiltrative/ myelophthisic process, if specified in the protocol.WNL10 - <25% decrea
from pretreatment
25 - <50% decrea
from pretreatment
50 - <75% decrea
from pretreatment
≥75% decrea from
Hemolysis (e.g., immune hemolytic anemia, drug-related hemolysis, other)none only laboratory
evidence of hemolysis
[e.g., direct antiglobulin
test (DAT, Coombs’)
evidence of red cell
destruction and ≥2gm
decrea in hemoglobin,
no transfusion
requiring transfusion
and/or medical
intervention (e.g.,
conquences of
hemolysis (e.g., renal
failure, hypotension,
Also consider Haptoglobin, Hemoglobin.
Adver Event01234
Leukocytes (total WBC)WNL<LLN - 3.0 x 109 /L
<LLN - 3000/mm3≥2.0 - <3.0 x 109 /L
≥2000 - <3000/mm3
≥1.0 - <2.0 x 109 /L
≥1000 - <2000/mm3
<1.0 x 109 /L
For BMT studies, if specified in the protocol.WNL≥2.0 - <3.0 X 109/L
≥2000 - <3000/mm3
≥1.0 - <2.0 x 109 /L
≥1000 - <2000/mm3
≥0.5 - <1.0 x 109 /L
≥500 - <1000/mm3
<0.5 x 109 /L
For pediatric BMT studies
(using age, race and x
normal values), if specified
in the protocol.
≥75 - <100% LLN≥50 - <75% LLN≥25 - 50% LLN<25% LLN
Lymphopenia WNL<LLN - 1.0 x 109 /L
<LLN - 1000/mm3≥0.5 - <1.0 x 109 /L
≥500 - <1000/mm3
<0.5 x 109 /L
For pediatric BMT studies
(using age, race and x
normal values), if specified
in the protocol.
≥75 - <100%LLN≥50 - <75%LLN≥25 - <50%LLN<25%LLN
Neutrophils/granulocytes (ANC/AGC)WNL≥1.5 - <2.0 x 109 /L
≥1500 - <2000/mm3
≥1.0 - <1.5 x 109 /L
≥1000 - <1500/mm3
≥0.5 - <1.0 x 109 /L
≥500 - <1000/mm3
<0.5 x 109 /L
For BMT studies, if specified in the protocol.WNL≥1.0 - <1.5 x 109 /L
≥1000 - <1500/mm3
≥0.5 - <1.0 x 109 /L
≥500 - <1000/mm3
≥0.1 - <0.5 x 109 /L
≥100 - <500/mm3
<0.1 x 109 /L
For leukemia studies or bone marrow infiltrative/ myelophthisic process, if specified in the protocol.WNL10 - <25% decrea
from baline
25 - <50% decrea
from baline
50 - <75% decrea
from baline
≥75% decrea from
Platelets WNL<LLN - 75.0 x 109 /L
<LLN - 75,000/mm3≥50.0 - <75.0 x 109 /L
≥50,000 - <75,000/mm3
≥10.0 - <50.0 x 109 /L
≥10,000 - <50,000/mm3
<10.0 x 109 /L
For BMT studies, if specified in the protocol.WNL≥50.0 - <75.0 x 109 /L
≥50,000 - <75,000/mm3
≥20.0 - <50.0 x 109 /L
≥20,000 - <50,000/mm3
≥10.0 - <20.0 x 109 /L
≥10,000 - <20,000/mm3
<10.0 x 109 /L
For leukemia studies or bone marrow infiltrative/ myelophthisic process, if specified in the protocol.WNL10 - <25% decrea
from baline
25 - <50% decrea
from baline
50 - <75% decrea
from baline
≥75% decrea from
Transfusion: Platelets none--yes platelet transfusions and
other measures required
to improve platelet
increment; platelet
refractoriness associated
with life-threatening
bleeding. (e.g., HLA or
cross matched platelet
For BMT studies, if specified in 1 platelet transfusion in
24 hours
2 platelet transfusions in
24 hours
≥3 platelet transfusions
in 24 hours
platelet transfusions and
other measures required
to improve platelet
increment; platelet
refractoriness associated
with life-threatening
bleeding. (e.g., HLA or
cross matched platelet
Also consider Platelets.
Adver Event01234 Transfusion: pRBCs none--yes-
For BMT studies, if specified in ≤2 u pRBC in 24 hours
elective or planned
3 u pRBC in 2
4 hours
elective or planned
≥4 u pRBC in 24 hours hemorrhage or
hemolysis associated
with life-threatening
anemia; medical
intervention required to
improve hemoglobin
For pediatric BMT studies, if specified in ≤15mL/kg in 24 hours
elective or planned
>15 - ≤30mL/kg in 24照烧茄子
hours elective or
>30mL/kg in 24 hours hemorrhage or
hemolysis associated
with life-threatening
anemia; medical
intervention required to
improve hemoglobin
Also consider Hemoglobin.
Blood/Bone Marrow - Other (Specify, __________)none mild moderate vere life-threatening or
Conduction abnormality/ Atrioventricular heart block none asymptomatic, not
requiring treatment
(e.g., Mobitz type I
cond-degree AV
block, Wenckebach)
symptomatic, but not
requiring treatment
symptomatic and
requiring treatment
(e.g., Mobitz type II
cond-degree AV
block, third-degree AV
life-threatening (e.g.,
arrhythmia associated
with CHF, hypotension,
syncope, shock)
Nodal/junctional arrhythmia/dysrhythmia none asymptomatic, not
requiring treatment
symptomatic, but not
requiring treatment
symptomatic and
requiring treatment
life-threatening (e.g.,
arrhythmia associated
with CHF, hypotension,
syncope, shock)
Palpitations none prent---Note: Grade palpitations only in the abnce of a documented arrhythmia.
Prolonged QTc interval (QTc >0.48 conds)none asymptomatic, not
requiring treatment
symptomatic, but not
盛装舞会requiring treatment
symptomatic and
requiring treatment
life-threatening (e.g.,
arrhythmia associated
with CHF, hypotension,
syncope, shock)
Sinus bradycardia none asymptomatic, not
requiring treatment symptomatic, but not
requiring treatment
symptomatic and
requiring treatment
life-threatening (e.g.,
arrhythmia associated
with CHF, hypotension,
syncope, shock)
Sinus tachycardia none asymptomatic, not
requiring treatment symptomatic, but not
requiring treatment
symptomatic and
requiring treatment of
underlying cau
Supraventricular arrhythmias (SVT/atrial fibrillation/ flutter)none asymptomatic, not
requiring treatment
symptomatic, but not
requiring treatment
symptomatic and
requiring treatment
life-threatening (e.g.,
arrhythmia associated
with CHF, hypotension,
syncope, shock)
Syncope (fainting) is graded in the NEUROLOGY category.
Vasovagal episode none-prent without loss of
consciousness prent with loss of consciousness
Adver Event01234
Ventricular arrhythmia (PVCs/bigeminy/trigeminy/ ventricular tachycardia)none asymptomatic, not
requiring treatment
symptomatic, but not
requiring treatment
symptomatic and
requiring treatment
life-threatening (e.g.,
arrhythmia associated
with CHF, hypotension,
syncope, shock)
Cardiovascular/ Arrhythmia - Other (Specify, ___________)none asymptomatic, not
requiring treatment
symptomatic, but not
requiring treatment
symptomatic, and
requiring treatment of
underlying cau
life-threatening (e.g.,
arrhythmia associated
with CHF, hypotension,
Acute vascular leak syndrome abnt-symptomatic, but not
requiring fluid support
respiratory compromi
or requiring fluids
requiring pressor
support and/or
ventilatory support
Cardiac-ischemia/infarction none non-specific T - wave
flattening or changes asymptomatic, ST - and
T - wave changes
suggesting ischemia
angina without evidence
of infarction
acute myocardial
Cardiac left ventricular function normal asymptomatic decline
of resting ejection
fraction of ≥10% but
<20% of baline value;
shortening fraction
≥24% but <30%
asymptomatic but
resting ejection fraction
below LLN for
laboratory or decline of
resting ejection fraction
≥20% of baline value;
<24% shortening
CHF responsive to
vere or refractory
CHF or requiring
CNS cerebrovascular ischemia is graded in the NEUROLOGY category.
Cardiac troponin I (cTnI)normal--levels consistent with
unstable angina as
defined by the
manufacturer levels consistent with myocardial infarction as defined by the manufacturer
Cardiac troponin T (cTnT)normal≥0.03 - <0.05 ng/mL≥0.05 - <0.1 ng/mL≥0.1 - <0.2 ng/mL≥0.2 ng/mL
Edema none asymptomatic, not
requiring therapy symptomatic, requiring
symptomatic edema
limiting function and
unresponsive to therapy
or requiring drug
anasarca (vere
generalized edema)
Hypertension none asymptomatic, transient
increa by >20 mmHg
(diastolic) or to
>150/100* if previously
WNL; not requiring
treatment recurrent or persistent
or symptomatic increa
by >20 mmHg
(diastolic) or to
>150/100* if previously
WNL; not requiring
requiring therapy or
more intensive therapy
than previously
hypertensive crisis
*Note: For pediatric patients, u age and x appropriate normal values >95th percentile ULN.
Adver Event01234
Hypotension none changes, but not
requiring therapy
(including transient
orthostatic hypotension)requiring brief fluid
replacement or other
therapy but not
hospitalization; no
requiring therapy and
sustained medical
attention, but resolves
without persisting
shock (associated with
acidemia and impairing
vital organ function due
to tissue hypoperfusion)
Also consider Syncope (fainting).
Notes:Angina or MI is graded as Cardiac-ischemia/infarction in the CARDIOVASCULAR (GENERAL) category.
For pediatric patients, systolic BP 65 mmHg or less in infants up to 1 year old and 70 mmHg or less in children older than 1 year of age, u two successive or three measurements in 24 hours.
Myocarditis none--CHF responsive to
treatment vere or refractory CHF
Operative injury of vein/artery none primary suture repair
for injury, but not
requiring transfusion
primary suture repair
for injury, requiring
vascular occlusion
requiring surgery or
bypass for injury
myocardial infarction;
rection of organ (e.g.,
bowel, limb)
Pericardial effusion/ pericarditis none asymptomatic effusion,
not requiring treatment
pericarditis (rub, ECG
changes, and/or chest
with physiologic
tamponade (drainage or
pericardial window
Peripheral arterial ischemia none-brief episode of
ischemia managed non-
surgically and without
permanent deficit requiring surgical
life-threatening or with
permanent functional
deficit (e.g.,
Phlebitis (superficial)none-prent--Notes:Injection site reaction is graded in the DERMATOLOGY/SKIN category.
Thrombosis/embolism is graded in the CARDIOVASCULAR (GENERAL) category.
Syncope (fainting) is graded in the NEUROLOGY category.
Thrombosis/embolism none-deep vein thrombosis,
not requiring
anticoagulant deep vein thrombosis,
requiring anticoagulant
embolic event including
pulmonary embolism
Vein/artery operative injury is graded as Operative injury of vein/artery in the CARDIOVASCULAR (GENERAL) category.
Visceral arterial ischemia (non-myocardial)none-brief episode of
ischemia managed non-
surgically and without
permanent deficit
requiring surgical
life-threatening or with
permanent functional
deficit (e.g., rection of
General - Other (Specify, ______________)none mild moderate vere life-threatening or