Effects of Ammonium Toxicity on Nitrogen Metabolism and Elemental Profile of Cucumber
期刊名称: Journal of Plant Nutrition
d的笔顺怎么写作者: Roosta, Hamid R., Schjoerring, Jan K.
年份: 2007年高新技术企业认定管理办法
期号: 第11期房产个税
关键词: amino acid, cations, glutamine syntheta, nitrate reducta, Cucumis sativus
摘要:Aspects of ammonium (NH4 +) toxicity in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) were investigated following growth with different N sources [nitrate (NO3 ), NH4 +, or NH4NO3] supplied in concentrations of 1, 5, 10, or 15 mM. Plant dry weights and root: shoot ratios were lower with NH4 +-fed plants than with NO3 -fed plants. Ammonium accumulated strongly in leaves, stem, and roots when
羞耻的近义词the concentration in the growth medium exceeded 1 mM. The increa in tissue NH4 + coincided with saturation of glutamine syntheta activity and accumulation of glutamine and arginine. Low tissue levels of calcium and magnesium in the NH4 +-fed plants constituted part of the NH4 +-toxicity syndrome. Additions of small amounts of NH4 + to NO3 -grown cucumber plants markedly incread the growth.