Reading 3
Why We Sleep: A Biological Perspective
By Jerome M. Siegel
Section 1
1 Birds do it, bees do it, and even fruit flies appear to do it. Humans certainly do it. The subject is not love, but sleep. Shakespeare's Macbeth said it “knits up the raveled sleeve of care” and was the "balm of hurt minds, great nature's cond cour, chief nourisher in life's feast." Cervantes's Sancho Panza sang its prais as "the food that cures all hunger, the water that quenches all thirst, the fire that warms the cold, the cold that cools the balancing weight that levels the shepherd with the king, and the simple with the wi. "
2 The simple and the wi have long contemplated two related questions: What is sleep, and why do we need it? An obvious answer to the latter is that adequate sleep is necessary to stay alert and awake. That respon, however, dodges the issue and is the equivalent of saying that you eat to keep from being hungry or breathe to ward off feelings of suffocation. The real function of eating is to supply nutrients, and the function of breathing is to take in oxygen and expel carbon dioxide. But we have no comparably straightforward explanation for sleep. That said, sleep rearch --- less than a century old as a focud field of scientific inquiry --- has generated enough insight for investigators to at least make reasonable proposals about the function of the somnolent state that consumes one third of our lives.
人们长期关注着两个相关的问题:什么是睡眠,为什么要睡眠?一个最新的答案是:睡眠是为了保持警觉和清醒的需要.然后,这个答案回避了问题本身,如同说吃饭是为了充饥,呼吸是为了免除窒息一样.其实,吃饭的作用是提供营养,呼吸的作用是吸入氧气和呼出二氧化碳.但我们没有同样地直接回答睡眠是为了什么.也就是说, 人们对睡眠的研究,在不到一个世纪以来将之作为一个重要的研究领域已经进行了充分的探究,至少对于这一占去人生三分之一的睡眠的功能提出了合理的解释.关于春季的古诗
Section 2
如何打屁股What is sleep?
3 Despite the difficulty in strictly defining sleep, an obrver can usually tell when a subject is sleeping: the sleeper ordinarily exhibits relative inattention to the environment and is usually immobile. (Dolphins and other marine mammals swim while sleeping, however, and some birds may sleep through long migrations.)
4 In 1953 sleep rearch pioneer Nathaniel Kleitman and his student Eugene Arinsky of the University of Chicago decisively overthrew the commonly held belief that sleep was simply a cessation of most brain activity. They discovered that sleep was marked by periods of rapid eye movement, commonly now known as REM sleep. And its existence implied that something active occurred during sleep. All terrestrial mammals have been examined exhibit REM sleep, which alternates with non-REM sleep, also called quiet sleep, in a regular cycle.
5 More recently, the field has made its greatest progress in characterizing the nature of sleep at the level of nerve cells (neurons) in the brain. In the past 20 years, scientists hav
e mastered techniques for guiding fine microwires into various brain regions. Such wires produce no pain once implanted and have been ud in humans as well as in a wide range of laboratory animals while they went about their normal activities, including sleep. The studies showed, as might be expected, that most brain neurons are at or near their maximum levels of activity while the subject is awake. But neuronal doings during sleep are surprisingly variable. Despite the similar posture and inattention to the environment that a sleeper shows during both REM and non-REM sleep, the brain behaves completely differently in the two states.
主婚人6 During non-REM sleep, cells in different brain regions do very different things. Most neurons in the brain stem, immediately above the spinal cord, reduce or stop firing, whereas most neurons in the cerebral cortex and adjacent forebrain regions reduce their activity by only a small amount. What changes most dramatically is their overall pattern of activity. During the awake state, a neuron more or less goes about its own individual business. During non-REM sleep, in contrast, adjacent cortical neurons fire synchronously, with a relatively low frequency rhythm. (Seemingly paradoxically, this synchronous electrical activity generates higher-voltage brain waves than waking does. Yet just as in an idling automobile, less energy is consumed when the brain "idles" in this way.) Breathing and heart rate tend to be quite regular during non-REM sleep, and reports of vivid dreams during this state are rare. 山西的名人