How far can Amazon go?
It has upended industries and changed the way the world shops. But it should beware ofabusing its power奥斯特里茨战役
WHEN Jeff Bezos left his job in finance and moved to Seattle 20 years ago to start a new firm,he rented a hou with a garage, as that was where the likes of Apple and HP had been born.Although he started lling books, he called the firm Amazon becau a giant river reflected thescale of his ambitions. This week the world's leading e就业自荐书-commerce company unveiled its firstsmartphone, which Amazon treats less as a communication device than an ingeniousshopping platform and a way of gathering data about people in order to make even moreaccurate product recommendations.
The smartphone is typical of Amazon. There is the remorless expansion: if you can deliverbooks and washing machines, why not a phone? There is the ability to switch焖牛杂 between the realworld of atoms and the digital world of bits: Amazon has one of the world's most impressivephysical distribution systems, even as it has branched out into cloud computing, e-books,video streaming and music downloads (e article酒酿汤圆的做法). There is the drive for market share overimmediate profits. And there is the slightly creepy feeling that Amazon knows too much aboutits urs already. So far its insatiable appetite has helped consumers; but as it grows in sizeand power the danger is that it will go too far.
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For the moment,大艺术家蔡依林>见习助理 admiration should count for more than fear. Many things the world nowtakes for granted were introduced by Mr Bezos. Typing your credit-card number into a webbrowr was once considered a sign of insanity until Amazon showed how easy and safe buyingthings online could be. Once people had bought a book, they tried other things. Today theglobal e-commerce market is worth $1.5 trillion.
Amazon also fostered the emergence of customer reviews. From the start it let buyers rateand review books. This still irks some professional critics, and some of the most fulsomefive-star ratings may be from spous of authors. But overall they provide valuable advice tobuyers. Today everything from apps to hotels to hos can be rated online, and retail websitem incomplete without customer reviews.
Then there are the industries it has upended. Books came first. Amazon has changed publishingtwice—first by making any book in the world quickly available and then by making e-booksmainstream. Before Amazon launched the Kindle in 2007, e-readers were fiddly gadgets thatfew people ud. The Kindle was easy to u, worked anywhere and allowed instant deliverystraight to the device (rather than via a PC). Amazon also pioneered a new model for cloudcomputing. In 2006 it began renting out computer capacity by the hour. The option to rentrather than buy computing power greatly reduced the cost and complexity of launching a newcompany. Amazon's cloud rvices have since been ud by startups including Netflix,Instagram, Pinterest, Spotify and Airbnb, and have spawned a whole new industry.
低了公司的创业成本及复杂度。亚马逊的云端服务还被广泛的应用于像Netflix,Instagram,Pinterest, Spotify 和Airbnb这样的新创公司,甚至还催生出了一些全新的产业。
Apple may be better known as an innovator, but Amazon may have had just as big an impacton the workings of the digital world. And it keeps on experimenting. Unconstrained by alf-image as a company that does a particular thing, Amazon has dabbled in areas frominternet arch to robotics to film and television development.
Indeed, if your glass are particularly ro-tinted, Amazon ems to have put the “long term”溪居即事全诗拼音back into Anglo-Saxon capitalism. At a time when Wall Street is obsd by quarterly resultsand share buy-backs, Amazon has made it clear to shareholders that, given a choice betweenmaking a profit and investing in new areas, it will always choo the latter. While othertechnology giants sit on record piles of cash, Amazon still has plenty of ideas about where toinvest and innovate. And investors em happy with it: Amazon's price-to-earnings ratio haxceeded 3,500 at times. It aligns top executives' interests with tho of shareholders bypaying them largely in stock: its highest salary is $175,000 a year.