可以定义surface 然后用ction file 输出
其中,这个surface可以在cae中定义,也可以在inp中定义,但是由于涉及到边的编号问题,所以在inp中容易出错。ction file 的结果直接在dat中可见。需要编制小程序将其数据提取。
ction file是输出在*.fil文件中。要直接得到截面的total force,moment,heat flux可以在inp中添加:
*SECTION PRINT,name=*,surface=**
我做钢筋混凝土的问题,模型分为两个part,分别是钢筋和混凝土,然后Asmbe在一起,将钢筋embeded到混凝土内。我在keywords编辑器End asmble前定义
*surface, type=cutting surface,name=surface_1
Displaying a free body cut
You can define a free body cut to view the resultant forces and moments transmitted across a lected surface of a model. Force vectors are displayed with a single arrowhead and moment vectors with a double arrowhead.
To create a free body cut:
1.To display the entire model in the viewport, lect ToolsDisplay GroupPlotAll from the main menu bar.
2.From the main menu bar, lect ToolsFree Body CutManager.
3.Click Create in the内存占用率 Free Body Cut Manager.
4.From the dialog box that appears, lect 3D element faces as the Selection method and click Continue.
5.In the Free Body Cross-Section dialog box, lect Surfaces as the Item and Pick from viewport as theMethod.
6.In the prompt area, t the lection method to by angle and accept the default angle.
7.Select the surface, highlighted in Figure 4–33, to define the free body cut cross-ction.
a.From the Selection 泡菜的做法大全toolbar, toggle off the Select the Entity Clost to the Screen tool and ensure that the Select From All Entities tool is lected.
b.As you move the cursor in the viewport, Abaqus/CAE highlights all of the potential lections and adds ellipsis marks (...) next to the cursor arrow to indicate an ambiguous lection. Position the cursor so that one of the faces of the desired surface is highlighted, and click to display the first surface lection.
Figure 4–33 Selected faces for the free body cross-ction.
c.U the Next and Previous buttons to cycle through the possible lections until the appropriate vertical surface is highlighted, and click OK.
8.Click Done in the prompt area to indicate your lection is complete. Click OK in the Free Body Cross-Sectiondialog box.
9.In the Edit Free Body Cut dialog box, accept the default ttings for the Summation Point and theComponent Resolution. Click OK to clo the dialog box.传记片
10.Click Options in the Free Body Cut Manager.
11.From the Free Body Plot Options dialog box, lect the Force tab in the Color & Style win7安全模式怎么进高中不规则动词表tabbed page. Click the resultant color sample to change the color of the resultant force arrow.
12.Once you have lected a new color for the resultant force arrow, click OK in the Free Body Plot Options dialog box and click Dismiss in the Free Body Cut Manager.
The free body cut is displayed in the viewport, as shown in Figure 4–34.花未央
Figure 4–34 Free body cut displayed on the connecting lug.
Generating tabular data reports for subts of the model
Tabular output data were generated earlier for this model using printed output requests. However, for complicated models it is convenient to write the data for lected regions of the model using Abaqus/Viewer. This is achieved using display groups in conjunction with the report generation feature. For the connecting lug problem we will generate the following tabular data reports: