Advances in English Studies (英语学科发展前沿)权益法和成本法
Dr. Wu Benhu (吴本虎清炖豆腐的做法)
Session 2 The role of foreign language learning
Berdan, S. N. et al. 2012, January 30. English is global, so why learn Arabic? New York Times, Retrieved January 31, 2012
Question 6: What can you find out from the debaters’ general information?
Wu Benhu:
I have discovered the following points:
1. All the debaters have their international perspectives.
2. They overwhelmingly promote foreign language learning in the United States ev
en though English is global.
3. They stress the importance of foreign language learning from different perspectives.过年的意思
Question 7: What does Stacie Nevadomski Berdan mean by saying ‘The World Has Changed’? Or What has happened to the world?
Wu Benhu:
The claim ‘The world has changed’ has a profound implication:
1. Whenever you work abroad, you must compete with globally competent graduates with multilanguage competency.
2. The world knows ‘early language learning works best, and aids cognitive development beyond language arts’ just as opening a window to the world?
3. The world discovers that ‘language also matters for appreciating cultures, connectin
g and building relationships around the world’.
4. The world faces the situation in which ‘as business globalizes, our colleagues, customers, owners and investors are increasingly overas’.
Cour work for Session 2: Answer the following questions:
1. What are your updated purpos of learning English?
2. How do you improve your English learning for your new purpos?
Session 5 Connecting Theory with Practice in English Teaching
Foreword as Study Guide
鼠李糖乳杆菌的作用When you are engaging in reading, keep the following questions and considerations in mind:
1) What do you read?
2) How do you read?
3) Why do you read?
With the questions in mind, you will read with the following approaches:
1) 猫吃鱼图片Read lectively (白脖选择性阅读): Invest your time to the most rewarding parts of the most insightful works while keeping an eye on the rest.
2) Read interactively (互动性阅读): Value your respon to the reading with equal importance of what is in the reading.
3) Read professionally (专业性阅读): Aim at your professional development with multi-disciplinary approaches and with a focus on the latest development of the disciplines involved.
Fleming, Michael P., Mike Fleming and David Stevens. 2010. English Teaching in the Sec
ondary School: Linking Theory and Practice. 3rd ed. Oxon: Routledge.
1. What are the five models of English teaching?
(Fleming, Fleming and Stevens 2010: 15-16)
1 The English teacher and the National Curriculum
1.2 Models of English teaching
In the version of the National Curriculum for English bad on the Report of the Cox Committee (DES 1989), it was suggested that there were esntially five models of English teaching, and that most English teachers combined in their teaching veral if not all of the. The types of English teaching posited by Cox were as follows:
1. a personal growth view, which tends to emphasi the pupil as a creative and imagin
ative individual developing, in terms of the teaching and learning of English, primarily through an intensive engagement with literature and personal creative writing;
2. a cross-curricular approach, stressing the distinctive nature of English as the language of learning for virtually all curriculum areas and implying a definition of rvice to the areas and to education in a generic n;
3. an adult needs emphasis, as esntially a preparation for the demands of life beyond school in terms of effective understanding of and communication through the English language in its many forms, including tho vocationally bad;
4. a cultural heritage model, with the teaching bad heavily on ‘great’ works of literature, generally drawn from the past;
草编的戒指5. a cultural analysis view, leading pupils to a critical understanding of the social and cultural context of English, particularly the value systems which are inevitably embedded in the ways language is ud.