morning glory的俚语俗语意思是什么
morning是早上的意思,glory是荣誉的意思。那morning glory的俚语是什么意思呢?下面跟着本人一起去看看morning glory的俚语意思吧。
morning glory的俚语意思
初一必读课外书 n.(名词)
1. Any of numerous, usually twining vines of the related genera Argyreia, Calystegia, Convolvulus, Merremia, and Ipomoea, having funnel-shaped, variously colored flowers that clo late in the day.
门神的由来 牵牛花:任一种番茄属的植物,通常生有孪生藤,其相关属打碗花属,旋花科 和 番茄属 开有漏斗状的各色花朵,且在一天的晚些时候合上花瓣
morning glory的俚语意思拓展一
scare the *** out of someone 吓死某人了
我家的菜园 Don't sneak up behind me like that You scared the *** out of me
pull strings 运用关系(源于“拉木偶的线”)
He pulled some strings and managed to get us front row ats for the concert
come again 再说一遍
Come again? I didn't quite understand what you said
come clean 全盘托出,招供
The criminal decided to come clean
人类的群星闪耀时 罪犯决定供出事实。
spring for 请客
Let me spring for dinner
spill the beans 泄漏秘密
Don't spill the beans It's suppod to be a cret
stick in the mud 保守的人
Cathy is such a stick in the mud She never wants to try anything new
Cathy 真保守,她从不想尝试新事物。烤蛋挞的做法
john 厕所
I have to go to the john Wait for me in the car生气的小莹
morning glory的俚语意思拓展二
keep in line 管束
He needs to be kept in line He's too wild
jump the gun 草率行事
Don't jump the gun We have to be patient for a while
jump to conclusion 妄下结论
Don't jump to conclusion We have to figure it out first
lemon 次
廉洁齐家 This car is a real lemon It has broken down four times
怎么说话声音好听 这辆车真次,已经坏了四次了!
fishy 可疑的
His story sounds fishy We should e if it's really true
flip out 乐死了
Chris flipped out when I told him that we won the game
fix someone up 撮合某人
I think Xixi and Macaulay would make a perfect couple Let's fix them up
我想 Xixi 和 Macaulay 会是理想的一对,我们来撮合他们吧。
take a shine to 有好感
He really likes you There are very few people he takes a shine to right away
third wheel 累赘,电灯泡
You two go on ahead I don't want to be a third wheel