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石 油 仪 器 2003 年 04 月
王艳琴 杨富周 安明泉 付文利 王志强
(东营 石油大学石油资源科学系)
王艳琴 ,杨富周 ,安明泉 ,付文利 ,王志强.  岩心地面伽马测试系统及其在岩心归位中的应用. 石油仪器 ,2003 ,17( 2) :18 ~19 摘
要 文章介绍了系统结构及伽马测试 、岩心归位 、样品深度校正等 。应用岩心地面自然伽马曲线与测井自
然伽马曲线对比法对岩心进行归位 ,进而对岩心样品进行深度校正 ,在很大程度上提高了岩心资料的准
确性 。
关  键  词 伽马测试系统  岩心  自然伽马曲线  岩心归位  样品深度校正
作者介绍 王艳琴 助理工程师 ,1974 年生 ,1998 年毕业于中国地质大学 (武汉) 油藏工程专业 ,目前在胜利油田地
质科学研究院岩心室从事岩心综合研究工作 ,并为石油大学 (华东) 2000 级在读硕士研究生 。邮编 :257015
引 言
息的第一手资料 ,岩心资料准确与否直接影响到科
研工作 。岩心地面伽马测试技术是近年来针对岩心 资料的再利用和深入研究而发展起来的测试技术 , 其原理与测井中自然伽马测量原理基本相似 ,即测 量岩石中自然伽马射线强度[ 1 ] 。利用此技术对岩心 进行伽马测试分析 ,为科研人员提供准确的岩心资 料 。 系统结构[ 2 ]
(CGR ) 是一种用于对岩 心进行连续伽马射线总强度测量的专用系统 。CGR
系统由硬件系统和应用软件系统组成 。硬件系统主
要由计算机 、绘图打印机 、闪烁计数器潮汕小菜
(伽马探头) 、 深度传感器 、电机及标准刻度器等附件组成 。岩心 地面伽马测量系统原理结构图如图 1 所示 。 伽马测试
月怎么组词在测试前应对岩心进行检查整理 ,对同一筒次
的岩心按照从顶到底的顺序找准位置 , 卡准长度 。 将整理好的岩心按顺序连续放在岩心地面伽马测量
仪的传送带上 ,传送带相对匀速运动通过伽马探头 ,
探头对岩心进行连续测量 ,经过 CGR 软件的分析与
计算 ,最终得到岩心地面伽马强度 (API ) 曲线 。
(API ) 曲线与测井自然伽马 强度曲线相似 ,可用于岩心泥质含量分析 、岩性判别 等 ,并且二者可以对比进行岩心归位 。
图 1  岩心地面伽马测量系统原理结构图
岩心归位是指将钻井所取岩心的钻井深度统一 归在某一标准深度上 ,目前科研工作所用的标准深 度一般是指测井深度[ 3 ] 。
目前主要是采用岩性与电性的对应关系将岩心 统一归在测井曲线上
,该方法较为繁琐 ,且受人为因 素影响较大 ,准确度相对较差 。岩心地面自然伽马 归位是将岩心进行地面自然伽马测试 ,用所测曲线
与测井自然伽马曲线进行对比归位 ,它受人为因素 干扰较小 ,准确度有很大的提高 ,且方便快捷 。
1996 年以来岩心地面伽马测试技术在新疆塔 指现场实验室得到广泛应用 ,产生了良好的经济效
第17 卷第2 期王艳琴等:岩心地面伽马测试系统及其在岩心归位中的应用·19  ·
1.  L1 井归位实例
L1 井是新疆塔里木塔中地区的一口取心探井,
取其井段为  4 986. 23 m~4 995. 33 m 的岩心测试分
进行对比,如图2 所示,对比效果较好,两条曲线基
中国剪纸文化介绍本吻合,结合岩性分析得出系统误差为- 5. 60 m ,即
钻井深度上提  5. 60  m , 归位后的取心井
4 980. 63 m~4  989. 73 m。
误差为1. 00 m ,即钻井深度下放+ 1. 00 m ,归位后的
取心井段为  2 730. 00 m~2 742. 00 m。
进行校正。样品深度校正计算公式为: 样品的测井
深度= 样品的钻井深度+ 系统误差。L2 井的取心
层共取孔、渗、饱、电镜、五敏性等样品69 块。其前
21 块样品的样品深度校正结果见表1 。
表1    样品深度校正结果表
图  2    L1 井岩心对比归位图
2.  L2 井岩心归位实例
L2 井隶属王家岗油田,
东营凹陷王家岗断阶带王24 —34 断块构造高部位。
取其井段为  2 729. 00 m~2 741. 00 m 的岩心测试分
与测井自然伽码曲线进行对比,如图3 所示,对比效
图  3    L2 井第一筒岩心对比归位图
对比法对岩心归位,人为因素影响小,且方便快捷, 准
分析资料才会反映地下相应位置的实际情况, 应用这
种准确的岩心资料, 才会得出正确的结论。应用岩
1 胜利油田钻井指挥部《钻井地质》编写组. 钻井地质.  北
2    周远田.  石油测井.  中国地质大学(武汉) ,1994 (教材)
3 李建. 岩心剖切、伽马测量、荧光照相技术操作规程及其
小鸟卡通画应用.  胜利油田地质科学研究院岩心室,1998 (内部资料)
(收稿日期:2002 -  10 -  14    编辑: 高红霞)
Wang Yangen , Yang Changming , Shang Ziyuan and Dong Yan wu. Increasing the sphere of  action of  ultrasonic wave  in  do wnhole  rock stratum by  using  the  cylinder  sound lens.  PI, 2003 ,  17( 2) :1~4
The main defect of the oil extraction by ultrasonic wave is that the propagation di stance of the ultrasonic wave in rock stratum is verily small. The reason is that the wave front of the ultrasonic wave  in rock stratum is the cylinder.  The  wave front of the cylinder spreads with the increa of the propagation di stance. The wave front of the ultrasonic wave can be changed by usi ng the sound lens. The intensity of the ultrasonic wave will increa when the ultrasonic wave is focud by the sound lens in rock stratum. A sound lens usi ng for oil extraction was designed in the paper accordi ng to the  refracti on law of sound. The sphere of action and the pha difference of ultrasonic wave in rock stratum were calculated.  The  i nfl u2 ence of  the  size of  sound lens and the sound veloci ty of  sound lens material  and crude oil and rock  stratum on the  sphere of action was studied. When the material and size of sound lens is chon , the sound vel ocity of crude oil and rock stra2 tum and the size of oil well must be taken into account.  The  sphere of  action of  ultrasonic wave  in rock  stratum by  usi ng the  sound  lens can be  tens centimeter.
Key  Words : sound  lens ,cylinder  surface ,oil  well ,ultrasonic wave ,action  sphere
Li Wei , Cao  Gang ,Li  Kaifeng , Wang  Yongxiang and Wang  Fang.  SJ -  CY  memory  manometer.  PI,  2003 , 17 ( 2) :5~8
The paper introduces the characteristics and technology targets of SJ  -  Y memory  manometer ,describes project  de2 si gn ,driver program design of the logging i nstrument ,surface software desi gn ,and gi ves conclusion and developing di rec2 tion.  This instrument  is fit for production well  loggi ng and  testing.
Key  Words :formati on  pressure  testing ,manometer ,production  logging ,well  testing ,aling testing Li Qian and Qin Wei. Design of  sampling  program for  CSJ2B long spaced sonic logging.  PI, 2003 ,17( 2) :9~10 The long spaced sonic tool bad on SKC2000 computerized l oggi ng system has many different aspects on data acqui2 sition.一闪念
Bad on  description of  hardware  environment ,  the paper  introduces  desi gn  spirit  and  method  of  sampling  pro2 gram , and provide  specific  realizing process.
Key  Words :l ong  spaced  soni c  l oggi ng ,sampling program ,sync ,command word ,interrupt  rvice program ,pha
Huang Zhaoxiang , Guo Maicheng and Shen  Lixiang.  Design  of  processing  system  of  pul  logging  tools.  PI, 2003 ,17( 2) :11~14
Desi gn a system of processing pul logging tool. Its hardware takes modularization. Si gnal processing system us Auto2gai n , auto2threshol d and sluggi sh2comparator. Thi s circuit has better adaptability. Capability in anti2i nterference is strong. It also shows a few simple program correspondi ng to its hardware. Besides measuring frequency of pul , it has special circuit of measuring cycle of pul. Ud in computerized logging surface system ,the system is proved to be rela2 tively simple  and practicable.
Key  Words :L oggi ng  tool , pul  signal , auto2gain , auto2threshold ,  sl uggi sh2comparator , counter ,  port
Deng Guangyu. Rearch of zonal  pressure  measuring  technique  in  t wo2rervoir  commingled  producing  w ell . PI,  2003 ,17( 2) :15~17
We devel op a zonal pressure measuring technique in two2rervoir commingled producing well aiming to sol ve the problem that we could not measure that before ,and integrally desi gn downhol e instruments and tool s combining the speci f2 ic lifting mandrel in two2rervoir commingled produci
ng well. The downhol e instruments can simultaneousl y inspect the pressure of rervoir Putaohua and that of rervoir Fuyu by specific pressure2conducting  structure.  The  data  after inte2 grated modificati on are transferred to the surface equipment through a m ono2conductor cable , the  surface  equipment  can work at two modes , m emory and direct reading. On2si te testing results proves that the techni que can meet the demands of zonal  pressure  measuring in two2rervoir  commingled  producing well.
Key  Words : commingled producing well , zonal  pressure ,downhole  instrument
Wang Yanqin ,Yang Fuzhou , An Mingquan , Fu Wenli and Wang Zhiqiang. Core gramma testing system and its application  to core  location.  PI, 2003 ,17( 2) :18~19
The  paper introduces system  structure ,gamma2ray  testing ,core  location , sample  depth  emendation  and  so  on. C on2
Vol . 17 No . 2 PE TROL EUM INSTRUME NTS·61  ·trasting core ground gamma  curve with l ogging gamma  curve  locate the core , and then emend the  depth of  the core  sam2 ple , which improve  veracity of  the core  data.
Key  Words : gamma  testing  system ,core ,gamma  raycurve ,core  l ocation ,sample  depth emendation
Hu Changsong and Chi Shan wu. Development of a multif unction memory surface pressure and temperature monitor.  PI, 2003 ,17( 2) :20~21
A new multifuncti on m em ory surface pressure and temperature m oni tor is introduced. Techni cal contents such as working principle ,main configuration ,performance parameter ,applied fields ,and technical features such as l ow2powered consume ,miniaturizati on , multifunction , compressi ve m emory , data interpretation are prented. Several desi gni ng tech2 niques are  stated ,  such as the space  restriction or defect of  hardware can be made  up for by software  technique , all    kinds of  requirement  can be  m et  by the technique of  sampling interval  table  ,etc.
Key  Words : m emory ,pressure ,temperature ,moni tor  ,software
Liu Qinglong ,Ding Jingli and Lin Nan. E ffect analysis and f ield application of the nature gamma2induction log2 ging  tool  w hile  drilling.  PI, 2003 ,17( 2) :22~24
The NGR and induction resi sti vity while loggi ng System is compod of MWD , NGR and resistivity
tool. The paper introduces measuring principle of NGR and L WD Induction Resi sti vity Tool . Field  application of  this L WD  system  and som e  effect factor of  instrument  respon were  described.
Key  Words :induction resi sti vity tool while loggi ng ,nature gamma  ray tool while ,electric and magnetic  Induction ,skin  ef2 fect  correction , trajectory C ontrol
教学常规Jiang Yiwan , Gu Baojiang , Sun  Houling , Wang  Shouwen and Cheng  Huayang.  DST2 Ⅰ、Ⅲpetroleum electrical de watering analytical  instrument.  PI, 2003 ,17( 2) :25~26
Distillation and centrifugation are conventional methods of crude  oil2bearing  analysis.  The  paper  introduces opra2 tional principle ,structural composi tion ,technical index and properties of the petroleum electrical dewateri ng anal ytical i n2 strument. The real application results show that ,the instrument overcomes a l ot of shortcomings of distillation and cen2 trifugati on analysi s methods ,and has advantage of large analytical capacity , high accuracy , rapid speed ,simple operation , safety ,power  saving ,and non2condary  sampling error.
Key  Words :crude ,analysis ,principle ,composi tion  ,index
Shao  Zaiping.  Calibration  of  the  high resolution  induction  logging tool.  PI, 2003 ,17( 2)  :27~28 ,
31 The equation that describes the relati onship between conductivi ty (both in2pha and quadrature) and impedance ,is derived according to the calibration theory of the induction loggi ng tool. The optimum calibration positi on and optimum ra2 dius of  the calibration l oop  ,which calibrates  HRI tool ,are obtained in this paper. The  calibration  method of  HRI tool    is gived.
Key  Words :HRI tool  , calibration , in2pha  conductivity ,  quadrature  conductivity
Zhang Keq in , Zheng Ling , Zheng Qing and Bao Jie. HDC2 Ⅱcombination annulus logging tool and its applica2 tion.  PI, 2003 ,17( 2) :29~31
HDC2 Ⅱcombi nati on  annulus  logging  tool s  is  a  new  tools  developed  after  paratel y ones. The  Wireline Tel emetry Cartridge  is led into  the  string ,packer2technology is adopted in testing of  Hydro2Hol d  and  Fl owmeter ,parameter  ands  up to ven . Its circuit is simplified ,and performance is improved becau of the application of the  Central  Processor  Unit. Seven curves can be obtained once. The tool is ud to dynamic detection of pumping well. The strucure characteri stic and circuit principle and application of  the tools is  described.
Key  Words :annul us logging ,pumping  unit well ,production profile ,parameter ,transducer ,packer  ,telemtry
Zhang Weibing , Sun Lei , Wang Feng , Wang Hongjun and Liu Yuqing. Viscous oil rervoir identif ication using crossplot  technique. PI, 2003 ,  17( 2) :32~33
The flow2abili ty of viscous oil is poor in the rervoir , so the depth of mud filtrate invasi on is l ow ,and the value of difference between the resi stance of lateral  resi stance l oggi ng is small.  Bad on the characters and the other parameters  , the cross2pl ot parameters (RR2RK) are created in the paper. The better effect is gotten in the identification of viscous oil rervoir.
Key  Words :vi scous oil ,resistance ,crossplot  m ap  ,identification
Li Lipin , Song Xijin , Gao Guo wang and Dang Ruirong. Testing method and experimental study of large impact current.  PI, 2003 ,  17( 2) :34~36
In resistivity l ogging  and formati on  testing ,in order  to  im prove  exploration  deepness  to  medi um ,we  hope  to  adopt

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标签:岩心   地面   归位   系统   测试   样品   深度
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