暴利行业 industry of windfall profits
In the latest ssion of the NPC, some lawmakers painted the banking ctors as an “industry of windfall profits”.
报销 reimbur
You can have expens for flight tickets, meals, and hotel costs reimburd.
爆冷门 upt/ unexpected win
The previous 77 Academy Awards ceremonies have had their share of unexpected twists, though the best-picture win by the upt winner “Crash” over “Brokeback Mountain”ranks as one of the biggest in Oscar history.
背黑锅 be the scapegoat/ bear the blame节约用水小妙招
If anything goes wrong, I always bear the blame.
悲情牌 tragedy trumpcard
The party could only bring out their tragedy trumpcard to win the election.
被解除隔离 be relead from quarantine
Animals will not be relead from quarantine unless they are five-month-old.
本命年 the year of one’s animal sign
He planned to cross the Yellow River on a motorcycle during the year of his animal sign.
逼供 forced confession
The new standard stipulate that procuratorates do not u evidences collected from forced confession, torture or violence.
鄙视链 disdain chain
The so-called disdain chain works like this: British drama fans look-down upon folks who prefer US shows, and they in turn look down on South Korean soap opera fans. The lowest of the low in the disdain chain are the fans of domestic dramas.
比赛“放水”/ 故意输球
Eight badminton players have been disqualified from the Olympics in a match-throwing controversy.
闭卷考试 clod-book exam
Students dread clod-book exam, becau they think they are more difficult.
闭门羹 cold shoulder
Electrical appliances were popular at the trade fair. Incredibly, clothes and textile products were 香草粉given the cold shoulder.
避税 sidestep taxes
Apple Inc ts up small offices around the world to legally sidestep taxes on some of its gains.
变相涨价 disgui inflation
Experts perceive the current price adjustment as a form of disgui inflation.
飙车 drag racing
Many people have written to the municipal government demanding an end to drag racing.
表面文章/ 口惠而实不至 lip rvice
During his campaign for presidency he paid lip rvice to the idea of environmental protection.
病假 sick leave
According to a survey, dealing with the frustrations of ageing and unreliable office computers contributes to workers’ unhappiness and sick leaves.
补习班 cram study ssions
The education department of Liaoning banned primary and middle school teachers from giving cram study ssions or giving extra class off campus.
不良贷款 bad loan
Major Chine banks’ 3rd-quarter reports show that they are still under pressure from narrowing profit margins, non-interest income and bad loans.
不正之风 bad(harmful) practice
As a pledge to farmers, he vowed to focus on correcting the bad practice of arbitrary price increas in fertilizers.
步行街 pedestrians-only street
Wangfujing shopping street has now become a pedestrians-only street.
财产申报 ast declaration
Guangdong has launched a pilot official ast declaration program in a bid of flight corruption.
餐厨垃圾 kitchen waste
Beijing is planning to ban individuals from collecting and processing kitchen waste from the 31 venues and 122 restaurants which have signed on as catering partners for the Olympic Games.
操纵市场Market manipulation
China’s top court is expected to relea new judicial interpretations this year to help define criminal conduct involving market manipulation and illegal trading using insider info
rmation in the curities market.
长途航班 long-haul flight
Air France is expected to resume 100% of its long-haul flights and nearly all of its European flights.