1.深化亚太合作 共创和谐未来
Enhancing Asia-Pacific Cooperation to Create a Harmonious Future
Excerpts from the Speech Delivered by Hu Jintao
At the 13th APEC Economic Leaders’Meeting, Busan, ROK, 18 November 2005
In today’s world, there are still quite some factors of instability and uncertainty. Frequent regional frictions and conflicts, rampant terrorist activities, the widening North-South gap and rising nontraditional curity threats all po vere challenges to mankind. The international community is currently facing an uphill struggle to achieve lasting peace and common prosperity.
In the process of economic globalization, a considerable number of developing countries, which are faced with the danger of being marginalized, have found growing difficulties in their economic development and a widening gap between themlves and the developed countries.
We should work together to explore ways to resolve disagreements through dialogue and consultation in accordance with internationally recognized principles and in the spirit of mutual understanding and accommodation.
We should, in all sincerity, take a down-to-earth and flexible attitude to explore our common ground, fulfill our commitments and bridge our differences so that we will make a success of the forthcoming 6th WTO Ministerial Meeting in Hong Kong, China, bringing the negotiations to a successful conclusion in the shortest possible time.
The surging international oil price has had a negative impact on the world economy, and the economies of the developing countries in particular. The frequent occurrences of natural disasters such as tsunami and hurricane have inflicted heavy loss on disaster-stricken countries. The continued outbreak of avian flue has riously affected some countries in this region.
Adhering to the principle of eking connsus through consultation and displaying solidarity and mutual support, we must adopt a flexible and pragmatic approach to further our market opening so as to attain the TILF objectives. We must also avail ourlves of the leverage function of Ecotech cooperation to mitigate the development gap. To address the major challenges facing the region, we must ensure that our cooperation is constantly enhanced.
The mid-term review of the Bogor Goals this year shows that much progress has been made in the process of achieving the Goals. Noticeable improvement has been cured in the region’s trade and investment environment and Ecotech cooperation has been further strengthened, from which more and more members have gained benefits.
We are supportive of the Individual Action Plan (IAP) and Collective Action Plan (CAP) and we will push ahead with the TILF process through the improvement of the peer review mechanism.
1.紫薯山药糕的做法从善如流 do good naturally and happily; take advice with a receptive mind; readily follow what is right
2.自欺欺人支付宝限额是多少 deceive onelf as well as others
查尔斯英文3.顺民意大庆典, 合民情 accord with the popular will and ntiments
4.鉴字五笔怎么打全国人大高票通过《反分裂国家法》(实际上没有反对票) The NPC pasd the Anti-Secession Law with no disnting The NPC pasd the Anti-Secession Law with noopposing vote.
5.中秋对联大全两国边境地区可以说是阡陌相通, 鸡犬之声相闻 (中缅关系) China and Myanmar are clo neighbors, with their border people living within hailing distance.
6.我们不应该厚此薄彼。 We should not favor one to the neglect of the other We should not favor one over the other We should not play favoritism.