The ed of a lie can be produced simply. Telling a friend you are sorry for missing their phone call when, in fact, you purpoly ignored it becau you just didn’t feel like being disturbed. The ed is planted. Theoretically, white lies like this em to actually come from a place of kindness―we want to avoid hurting someone’s feelings. So, perhaps a few eds can be scattered harmlessly here and there. It’s when a lie starts to sprout that trouble begins.
The unfortunate thing about lying is that it can crossbreed(使杂交) with other undesirable qualities such as stealing and cheating. Ca in point(相关的): my co-worker who miraculously had money missing from his cash register at the end of each shift. “I think I’ve been hitting the wrong buttons on the computer,”he would say. Sadly, there was no excu to save him when the manager busted(逮住) him slipping avb
fiddy(俚语,50美元) into his pocket. Then there was the friend who was cheating on her boyfriend. Lies were laid upon lies, friends were brought in to help with the lying and eventually no one could tell up from down. In the end, not only did the relationship implode(破裂), but I called it quits(结束) on the friendship also.
Undoubtedly, the ugliest characteristic of lying is its ability to destroy trust. I am instantly reminded of a friend whom I shall refer to as “The Girl
随机漫步理论Who Has Done Everything.”Tell her you’ve been to Japan and she will promptly tell you she’s been there three times…and stayed with a Samurai(日本武士). Have an interest in music? She studied violin at Juilliard(美国朱利亚音乐学院,成立于1968年,是最受欢迎的美国艺术学院之一) (yet, oddly you’ve never en her with a violin). She has a keen interest in every sport ever invented, no matter how obscure, yet she complains about walking two flights(一段楼梯) of stairs. Hmm? When lies are this overgrown (畸形发展的), when not even the sharpest pruning shears(修枝剪) can tame(制服) them, it is impossible to form true friendships becau, to be honest, no one has the time to wade through(辛苦地读完) the bullshit to get to what’s real.
同甘共苦The cold hard truth is: lies suck(令人厌恶). With all the tragedy that occurs on a daily basis, it is completely illogical to willfully(蓄意地) give birth to more wickedness(邪恶). So, the next time you reject a friend’s phone call, tell them you just needed some time to yourlf. They will appreciate your honesty, and there will be one less ed in the world.