最纯正的 爱,喜,缘分的英文表达
● 爱 love; affection,like; be fond of; be keen on,cherish; hold dear; take good care of; treasure,be apt to; be in the habit of
● 母爱 maternal love; mother love; a mother's love for her children; maternal affection
● 父爱 paternal love
● 父母的爱 parental love
● 父母子女间的爱 love between parent and child
● 子女对长辈的爱 filial love
● 互爱 reciprocal affection
● 慈爱 the benevolent affections
● 疼爱 the tender love
● 夫妻之爱 conjugal love
● 深深[永恒,真挚,贞洁,坚定不移]的爱 ardent [everlasting, sincere, chaste, steadfast] love
● 狂热的爱 fanatic love; wild love
● 强烈的爱 a keen affection
● 爱如己出 cherish a child as one's own
● 爱恨交织 be overwhelmed by mixed lovehate feelings
● 爱憎分明 have a clearcut stand on what to love and what to hate 叔叔的英语怎么说
● 爱莫能助 be sympathetic but have no ability to help; be willing to, but powerless to render assistance
● 爱校如家 love the school as dearly as one does one's own home
● 永远相爱 love each other with an undying affection
● 疼爱某人 dearly love sb.; t one's affection on sb. 闫宝璋
● 终生钟爱妻子 retain a tender affection for one's wife to the end of one's life
● 真诚[温柔,疯狂,盲目]地爱 love sincerely [tenderly, wildly, blindly]
● 专一[忠诚]地爱某人 love sb. devotedly [loyally]
● 至死不渝地爱某人 love sb. to the day of one's death
● 炽热地爱…… have a burning
● 爱上某人 fall in love with sb.; grow tender of sb.
● 爱子女 feel affection to one's children; have an affection for one's children
● 表示对某人的爱 show love to sb.
● 公开表示对某人的爱 declare one's love to sb.
● 渴望得到某人的爱 desire the love of sb.
● 需要母爱 need a mother care
● 怀疑某人对……的爱 doubt sb.'s
● 博得某人的爱 earn sb.'s love; win sb.'s love
直播小说 ● 保持对某人的爱 keep one's affection of sb.; retain one's love for sb.
● 激起对……的爱 inspire a
● 喜 happy; delighted; plead,happy event (esp. wedding); occasion for celebration,pregnancy,be fond of; have an inclination for; like
● 心情喜悦 be in good mood
● 心中暗喜 cretly feel plead
● 喜在心头 feel delightful
● 喜上眉梢 be radiant with joy
● 喜不自胜 be delighted beyond measure
安徒生童话原版 ● 喜不胜言 be plead beyond description
● 喜出望外 be overjoyed; be pleasantly surprid
● 喜笑颜开 light up with pleasure; beam with smiles
● 喜形于色 be visibly plead; light up with pleasure
● 喜怒无常 subject to changing moods
● 面带喜色 wear a happy expression
● 欢天喜地 be extremely delighted
● 欣喜若狂 be wild with joy
● 喜忧参半 be half delightful and half sorrowful
● 喜获丰收 reap a bumper harvest
● 喜庆新春 celebrate Spring Festival
● 喜结良缘 tie the nuptial knot
● 接到喜讯 receive good news
● 取得喜人的成绩 gain satisfactory achievement
● 呈现出喜人的景象 assume a scene of joy
● 取得了可喜的进步 make encouraging progress
● 喜极生忧。 One feels grief at the height of joy.
● 喜降大雪。 There is a welcome heavy snowfall.
● 她向来喜怒不露。 She never shows her pleasure or anger.
● 红色显得喜庆。 Red indicates joyfulness.
● 全省普降喜雨 There was a wonderful shower through the province.
● 中国发生了可喜的变化。 Gratifying changes have taken place in China.
● 报喜 announce good news
● 办喜事 hold a wedding ceremony
● 喝喜酒 drink at a wedding feast
● 送喜报 deliver a glad message
● 办喜宴 have a wedding feast
● 喜鹊报喜。 The magpie forecasts good news.
● 喜上加喜。 Two happy events succeed one another.
● 缘分 predestined relationship_
● 缘 reason; cau; sake,relationship,edge; fringe,climb
● 无缘无故地 for no reason at all
福安旅游景点● 世上没有无缘无故的爱,也没有无缘无故的恨。 There is absolutely no such thing as love or hatred without any reason or cau.
● 不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中。 I can't tell the true shape of Lu Shan becau I mylf am on the mountain.
● 花径不曾缘客扫。 The garden path has never been cleared for the visit of a guest.
● 血缘 blood relationship
● 人缘 relations with people
● 姻缘 predestined marriage
● 前世因缘 predestination
● 天赐良缘 a godnt marriage; a good marriage arranged in Heaven
● 天缘巧合 a luck coincidence
● 投缘的街坊们 congenial neighbors
● 化缘 beg for alms
flash快捷键● 有人缘 enjoy great popularity
● 喜结良缘 tie the nuptial knot
● 缔结姻缘 form marital tie
● 聊得投缘 talk congenially
● 有缘结识某人 be lucky to get acquainted with sb.
● 无缘结识某人 have no opportunity to get acquainted with sb.
● 与某人有一面之缘 happen to have met sb. once
● 婚姻是缘分。 A couple's conjugal fate is prearranged.
山竹功效● 他们的结合是美满的姻缘。 Their wedlock is a happy marriage.
● 有缘终相逢。 Fate brings together people who are far apart.