1. 什么是决策树法?
2. 为什么要用决策树法?
元宝图片3. 什么是决策树?
4. 如何构建决策树?
5. 决策树的优缺点是什么?
6. 决策树如何处理连续型变量?
7. 什么是剪枝?
1. What is the decision tree method?
The decision tree method is a predictive model ud to split a data t into smaller, more manageable subts.
2. Why u the decision tree method?
The decision tree method can be ud for both classification and regression analysis, and it has practical applications in many fields such as medicine, finance, natural language processing, etc.
3. What is a decision tree?
A decision tree is a flowchart that models solutions to a problem, where each internal nod
e reprents a test attribute and each branch reprents an output for the test attribute. Each leaf node stores a decision.
4. How to construct a decision tree?
The basic steps to construct a decision tree include lecting a root node and a test attribute, splitting the data t into smaller, more manageable subts, and repeating the process for each subt until either the tree reaches maximum depth or there are no more attributes available to split the data t.
5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the decision tree?
Advantages: easy to understand and interpret, can handle both numerical and categorical data, and is robust to missing data.
王者荣耀最厉害的英雄Disadvantages: prone to overfitting, constructing a decision tree for a data t with many attributes can be time-consuming and complex.
6. How does a decision tree handle continuous variables?
For continuous variables, the decision tree method can u the binary split approach. First, find a split point to divide the data t into two subts, and then choo the best split point as the test attribute.
7. What is pruning?
Pruning is a technique ud to prevent overfitting in decision trees. It involves removing some of the leaf nodes to simplify the model. Pruning methods can be categorized into pre-pruning and post-pruning.