唐婿Constructing Definitive Screening Designs Using
柳树会开花吗Cyclic Generators
期刊名称: Journal of Statistical Theory & Practice
作者: Nguyen, Nam-Ky,Stylianou, Stella
冬瓜饺子年份: 2013年
期号: 第4期
售后服务维修关键词: 62K20;Coordinate exchange algorithm;D-efficiency;Incomplete block designs;Respon surface designs; Screening designs金鱼缸效应
摘要:Jones and Nachtsheim (2011) propo a new class of computer-generated three-level screening designs called definitive screening designs (DSDs). The designs provide estimates of main effects that are unbiad by any cond-order effect and require only one more than twice the nu
mber of factors. Stylianou (2011) and Xiao et al. (2012) suggest the construction of the designs using conference matrices. The resulting DSD is always global optimum. This method is only applicable when the number of factors is even. This article introduces an algorithm for constructing DSDs for both even and odd numbers of factors using cyclic generators. We show that our algorithm can construct designs that are more efficient than tho of Jones and Nachtsheim (2011)and that it can construct much larger designs.