魔芋怎样做才好吃Cognitive discour functions in Austrian CLIL lessons: towards an empirical validation of the CDF
期刊名称: European Journal of Applied Linguistics
作者: Dalton-Puffer, Christiane,Bauer-Marschallinger, Silvia,Brückl-Mackey,
Katharina,Hofmann, Victoria,Hopf, Jennifer, Kr?ss, Lisa,Lechner, Lisa
年份: 2018年
关键词: cognitive discour functions;CLIL;integrated pedagogy;academic
强迫症的表现language;classroom discour
杭州社保局电话摘要:It is now widely recognized among educators that explicit attention to language is necessary in order to optimize both language and content learning in situations, such as CLIL, where learners, teachers or both operate in a cond language. However, the requirement of attention to language sits
uneasily with the fact that content-subject specialist teachers frequently feel unprepared to think
放齐and operate in linguistic dimensions. In an attempt to create a conceptualisation
广州广州that would speak to subject teachers in terms that are meaningful to them from within their own subjects, a Construct of Cognitive Discour Functions (henceforth CDFs) has been propod. This construct is theoretically founded in both educational curriculum theory and linguistic pragmatics and consists of a ven-fold categorization of verbalizations