
更新时间:2023-05-20 20:20:55 阅读: 评论:0

北京信息科技大学是一本还是二本How To Write An Informal Letter
•不不要忘了了你在写作,不不是在说话。跟朋友随便便聊天的话,写在作⽂文中是不不合适的。 •不不要为了了凑字数⽽而写。写作的⽬目的是为了了传达信息,因此写下的每句句话都须有⽤用。不不要⻋车轱辘话来回说,把没⽤用且重复的话删去。不不必要的废话说明你控制不不好⾃自⼰己的语⾔言。 •不不要期待你的读者有“读⼼心术”。你知道,不不代表你的读者知道。如果某个原因你没在⽂文章中说明,等于不不存在。
什什么是⾮非正式信件(informal letter)
An informal letter or email is usually between people who know each other fairly well. In addition to giving news, they are often ud to request information, congratulate people, give advice and ask questions. There are a lot of similarities between informal letters and conversation. Informal letters ask a lot of questions, show interest and enthusiasm.
In many exam questions, you will be told what to include in your reply. Make sure that your reply answers any questions that you were asked in the task and takes into account any additional information that you have been told to mention. It is important that you include the in order to get a good grade.
RANGE 词汇和语法⼴广度
It is important that you u grammatical expressions and vocabulary appropriate to the level of the exam. Even if there are no mistakes in your writing, you will not be able to get a good grade if you u only the language and vocabulary that you learnt at elementary level. Even in informal writing, there is a good range of language you can u (conditional ntences, a range of perfect and continuous tens, indirect questions…)
U informal language, including phrasal verbs, informal vocabulary, contractions, question tags.
使⽤用⾮非正式的语⾔言,包括短语动词(turn up, bump into, come across, look up, etc)、不不正式的词汇(I guess you loved the pics)、缩写(I’ve been really busy)、反意疑问句句(It’s beautiful, isn’t it?)
All good writing makes good u of connectors. However, many of the connectors you have learnt for other styles of writing are inappropriate in an informal letter or email. For informal writing, you need to u some of the connectors that are more specific to spoken language.
To introduce a topic:
Well, you'll never guess who I bumped into yesterday.
I know how much you love tennis, so I've got us some tickets to Wimbledon.
By the way, did you know that John's got a new job?
To go back to a previous topic:
Anyway, as I was saying earlier, I really wasn't very happy there.
Now where was I? Oh yes, I nearly forgot, Mary asked me tell you about the cinema.
玉怎样保养To introduce surprising or bad news:
Actually, he came to the party after all.
I'm really sorry but I can't make it.
To tell you the truth, I don't really like sports much.
To summari what you've already said:
Anyway, we had a really nice time in the end.
Well, to cut a long story short, we didn't get there on time.
Start with Dear followed by the first name of the person to whom you are writing. In emails, you can also start with Hi (and the person's name).
Dear Ben,
Hi Ben,
Don't forget to u only the first name of the person you are writing to and not Dear Mr John, which is never ud, or Dear Mr John Brown, which sounds too formal.
别忘了了只使⽤用收信⼈人的名字,⽽而不不是 Dear Mr John,英⽂文从不不这样⽤用,也不不要⽤用 Dear Mr John Brown,这太正式了了!
BODY 正⽂文
射手座女生的性格OPENINGS 开头
When writing an informal letter, you are usually replying to another letter. You would normally start with a greeting, then acknowledge the letter to which you are replying. It is often a good idea to acknowledge some key information given in the original letter too. You can also make a comment on your own reply.
Uful phras for the opening
How are you? / How have the family been? / I hope you are well.
Thank you / Many thanks for your (recent/last) letter / postcard.
It was good / nice / great to hear from you again.
I was so surprid to
I’m sorry I haven’t written / haven't been in touch for such a long time.

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