竹笙鸡汤The Spare Room Chapter Summary
Chapter One
Introduction to main character, Akira, and his family. We discover he is a chef, he has lived in Australia, likes a girl called Angie, discovers she is coming to Japan to study, and he is writing a letter to his friend Satoshi. This letter is the form of the narrative or story.
Chapter Two
Akira’s father is very controlling and the dominant member of the family. His mother has a more loving relationship with Akira and she acts as a go-between Akira and his father. Akira’s father has nt Akira to Australia to learn English in order to join the family company. At first Akira was against the idea of going to Australia but gradually liked it and saw it as an opportunity to discover new things about the world and about himlf.
Chapter Three
Akira leaves Japan. Goes to father’s factory to say a formal goodbye. The reader gains greater insight into the very formal relationship between Akira and his father. Akira boards the plane by himlf, excited about going to another country, but wishing that Satoshi was with him.
Chapter Four
Arriving in Hobart, meets Chisuko at the airport, meeting the Moffats (except Angie), driving to their hou, falling asleep in his new room which Daisy called ‘a sad room’.
Chapter Five
Waking up in a strange room in a strange hou in a new country. Akira wonders how he will cope with all the new sights and ways of behaving and speaking English. Meets Angie and is attracted to her immediately but she is unfriendly towa
rds him. Akira attends the university and meets his new teacher and classmates. He feels “trapped inside a new language.”
Chapter Six
Second day in Australia. Akira discovers more about the Moffats. He hears Angie being nasty about him – “they all look alike to me” – and finds Alex lying on his bed and he looks like he has been crying. Later Daisy helps Akira with his homework which was to find out about his homestay family.
倒车入库方向盘怎么打Chapter Seven
Starts to help Alex with the cooking and enjoys it. Discovers Angie is repeating Year 11.
Chapter Eight
Akira is trying to learn all the different idioms in the Australian version of English.
Meets Stolly. Becoming more relaxed in the Moffat hou. Angie cross becau Daisy gave Akira a teddy bear.
排名前10的奶粉Chapter Nine
Alex brings a desk from the shed and puts it into Akira’s room – it has the initials JM on it. Akira meets Stolly again and they have a good talk and become friends. Stolly introduces Akira to his boss at the casino and Akira gets a job at the bar at the casino but on his first night as a waiter he gets muddled with the idiomatic language with humorous results. Changes his job to being in the kitchen washing dishes.
Chapter Ten份内之事
Akira wrote a note to Angie asking her why she always angry with him. She shouted back:”Becau you’re an idiot!”
The Moffats went to the beach and all had fun. Akira glad to e Angie being natura
l and happy. Akira discovers Alex was building a dinghy and lost his job about eight months ago. Akira and Alex start to build the dinghy together. Some schoolgirls are horrible and racist to Akira on the bus but the bus driver kicked them off the bus and the other pasngers cheered. Akira and stolly went out to dinner together and Stolly promid to teach Akira how to cope with any more rude people.
Chapter Eleven
Akira has lunch with Chisuko and her ‘friend’. Akira starts to help the chef with the preparation of the cooking at the casino - Akira really loves it and this makes him start to think about becoming a chef which makes him very excited. Akira also es Angie in the bar with another man and spends the night drinking and dancing with Stolly.
Chapter Twelve
Alex took Akira to their beach ‘shack’ at the beach next to a lighthou. Later back in Hobart Daisy draws a picture of the lighthou and tells Akira that “he lives there.” Akira wonders who the “he” is. Akira also meets Gordon, Alex’s father, and Gordon did not shake Akira’s hand. Akira discovers it was becau Gordon was a prisoner of war in Burma. Akira remembers eing awful movies about what happened in the cond world war and how he and Satoshi were so shocked at what the Japane army had done to their prisoners. Later at work Akira es Jess at the bar with another man.
Chapter Thirteen
Akira feels there is definitely something wrong with the Moffat family. He receives a parcel from Japan and discovers that jess was at the bar with a work colleague – she was not having an affair. Akira promis to cook dinner for all the Moffat family. That day Akira feels good about being in Hobart as he feels he is discovering what he is good at – languages and cooking. He es Angie shoplifting
and helps her from being caught but she doesn’t thank him. He also es a photograph of a young man in Angie’s room and feels jealous….but at the same time he thinks that the young man’s face looked familiar.