The bacterial genotoxin colibactin promotes colon tumor growth by modifying the tumor
海洋里的鱼期刊名称: Gut Microbes2002年的第一场雪歌词
作者: Guillaume Dalmasso,Antony Cougnoux,Julien Delmas,Arlette Darfeuille-Michaud,Richard Bonnet
关键词: colibactin;colorectal cancer;Escherichia coli, microbiota;toxin,
摘要:The gut microbiota is suspected to promote colorectal cancer (CRC). Escherichia coli are more frequently found in CCR biopsies than in healthy mucosa; furthermore, the majority of mucosa-associated E. coli isolated from CCR harbors the pks genomic island (pks+ E. coli) that is responsible for the synthesis of colibactin, a genotoxic compound. We have recently reported that transient contact of a few malignant cells with colibactin-producing E. coli increas tumor growth in a xenograft mou 中国移动查询流量
model. Growth is sustained by cellular nescence that is accompanied by the production of growth factors. We demonstrated that cellular nescence is a conquence of the pks+ E. coli-induced alteration of p53 SUMOylation, an esntial post-translational modification in eukaryotic cells. The underlying mechanisms for this process