山西著名旅游景点The roles of cell adhesion molecules in tumor suppression and cell migration: A new paradox 期刊名称: Cell Adh Migr林丹照片
作者: Moh, Mei Chung,Shen, Shali
年份: 2009年
期号: 第4期向往的近义词
后背上部脊柱中间疼痛新年快乐动态图关键词: Humans;Cell Adhesion Molecules;Tumor Suppressor
Proteins;Neoplasm Invasiveness;Cell Movement
摘要:In addition to mediating cell adhesion, many cell adhesion molecules act as tumor suppressors. The proteins are capable of restricting cell growth mainly through contact inhibition. Alterations of the cell adhesion molecules are a common event in cancer. The resulting loss of cell-cell and/or cell-extracellular matrix adhesion promotes cell growth as well as tumor dismination. Therefore, it is conventionally accepted that cell adhesion molecules that function as tumor suppressors are also invol
军令如山的意思ved in limiting tumor cell migration. Paradoxically, in 2005, we identified an immunoglobulin superfamily cell adhesion molecule hepaCAM that is able to suppress cancer cell growth and yet induce migration. Almost concurrently, CEACAM1 was verified to co-function as a tumor suppressor and invasion promoter. To date, the reason