General vocabulary -- 一般词汇 | ||
No. | Chine | English |
1 | 标准电压值 | Standard voltages |
2 | 标准电流值 | Standard current ratings |
3 | 额定电压 | Rated voltage |
4 | 额定电流 | Rated current |
5 | 发电, 输电和配电 | Generation, transmission and distribution of electricity |
6 | 变电站(所) | Substation 功勋章 |
7 | 降压变电站 | Step-down substation |
8 | 升压变电站 | Step-up substation |
9 | 输电线路 | Power lines |
10 | 架空输电线路 | Overhead power lines |
11 | 铝绞线 | Aluminium stranded conductors |
12 | 钢芯铝绞线 | Steel-core aluminium stranded conductors |
13 | 铜绞线 | Copper stranded conductors |
14 | 绝缘子 | Insulators |
15 | 盘式瓷绝缘子串单元 | Cap-type porcelain insulators string unit |
16 | 针式瓷绝缘子 鹌鹑蛋怎么做好吃 | Pin-type porcelain insulators |
17 | 绝缘套管 | Insulated bushings |
18 | 电缆输电线路 | Cable power lines |
19 | 高压电缆 | High-voltage cables |
20 | 低压电缆 | Low-voltage cables |
21 | 电力电缆 | Power cables |
22 | 控制电缆 | Control cables |
23 | 铠装电缆 | Armoured cables |
24 | 屏蔽电缆 | Screened cables |
25 | 交联聚乙烯绝缘聚乙烯护套电缆 | XLPE insulated and PE sheathed cables (XLPE: Cross-link polythene) |
26 | 聚氯乙烯绝缘聚氯乙烯护套电缆 | PVC insulated and PVC sheathed cables (PVC: Polyvinyl chloride) |
27 | 橡胶绝缘电缆 | Rubber insulated cables |
28 | 电气设备我们的故事 | Electrical equipment |
29 | 电气设施 | Electrical installations |
30 | 短路电流 | Short-circuit current |
31 | 三相交流电力系统中的短路电流 | Short-circuit current in three-pha AC systems |
32 | 相间短路电流 | 杭州有什么景点Line-to-line short-circuit current |
33 | 相对地短路电流(最后你还是离开了我单相短路电流) | Line-to-earth short-circuit current |
34 | 三相交流电力系统中的短路电流计算 | Short-circuit current calculation in three-pha AC systems |
35 | 短路热效应 | Short-circuit thermal effects |
36 | 短路耐受能力 | Short circuit withstanding ability |
37 | 短路热稳定电流 | Short-circuit thermal stability current |
38她是一个废物 | 短路动稳定电流 | Short-circuit dynamic stability current |
39 | 安全余量 | Safety margin |
40 | 电力变压器 | Power transformers |
41 | 干式电力变压器 | Dry-type power transformers |
42 | 油浸式电力变压器 | Oil-immerd power transformers |
43 | 降压变压器 | Step-down transformers |
44 | 升压变压器 | Step-up transformers |
45 | 变压器变压比 | Transformer voltage ratio |
46 | 变压器联接组别 | Transformer winding vector group |
47 | 阻抗电压 | Impedance voltage |
48 | 温升 | Temperature ri |
49 | 电抗器 | Reactors |
50 | 电容器 | Capacitors |
51 | 电阻器腌香菜的做法 | Resistors |
52 | 高压开关 | High-voltage switches |
53 | 交流断路器 | AC (alternating current) circuit breakers |
54 | 交流隔离开关 | AC disconnectors |
55 | 交流接地开关 | AC earthing switches |
56 | 变压器中性点隔离开关 | Disconnectors for transformer neutral point |
57 | 电流互感器 | Current transformers |
58 | 电压互感器 | Voltage transformers |
59 | 仪用互感器 | Instrument transformers |
60 | 避雷器(过电压保护装置) | Surge arresters |
61 | 交流系统用金属氧化物无间隙避雷器(过电压保护装置) | Metal-oxide surge arresters without gaps for AC systems |
62 | 变压器中性点避雷器(过电压保护装置) | Surge arresters for transformer neutral point |
63 | 交流接触器 | AC contactors |
64 | 热继电器 | Thermal relays |
65 | 过载保护器 | Over-load protection device |
66 | 中间继电器 | Intermediate relays |
67 | 保护继电器 | Protection relays |
68 | 熔断器 | Fus |
69 | 开关装置 | Switchgear |
70 | 开关柜 | Switchgear cabinets |
71 | 控制设备 | Controlgear |
72 | 控制柜 | Control cabinets |
73 | 电力系统保护 | Power system protection |
74 | 继电保护系统 | Protection relaying system |
75 | 电气测量系统 | Electrical measuring system |
76 | 电气控制系统 | Electrical control system |
77 | 绝缘 | Insulation |
78 | 绝缘水平 | Insulation levels |
79 | 绝缘配合 | Insulation co-ordination |
80 | 外部空气间隙 | External clearances in air |
81 | 过电压 | Over-voltage |
82 | 过电压保护系统 | Over-voltage protection system |
83 | 防雷电保护系统 | Lightning protection system |
84 | 接地 | Earthing |
85 | 接地系统 | Earthing system |
86 | 工频接地系统 | Working frequency earthing system |
87 | 防雷接地系统 | Lightning protection earthing system |
88 | 工频接地电阻 | Working frequency earthing resistance |
89 | 冲击接地电阻 | Impul earthing resistance |
90 | 屋顶避雷带 | Roof-installed lightning bars |
91 | 屋顶避雷针 | Roof-installed lightning rod |
92 | 独立避雷针塔 | Independent lightning arrester tower |
93 | 引下线 | Earthing lead |
94 | 接地极 | Earthing pole |
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