How long have you been like this[这种症状有多久了?]
When did your diarrhea start[你什么时候开始腹泻的?]
[你注意大便的样子了吗?是水样的还是粘液样?]What kind of stool did you notce, watery or mucous?
[大便是什么样子?]What`s your stool like
腹泻:diarrhea 水样便 watery stool 粘液便 Mucous Stool 稀便loo bowel movements 便血having blood in one's stool;hematochezia
脓血便 bloody purulent stool
Is there any blood in your stool(urine, sputum)?
量多much 量少little
一天几次How many times a day? [你记得去过多少次厕所吗/拉了几次了??] Do you remember how many times you went to the toilet
便秘:constipation 几天排便一次?How long do you defaecate once?
腹痛有无:Abdominal Pain 部位:上腹部 upper abdomen 右上腹right upper quadrant 右下腹right lower quadrant 脐部umbilical part/unbilical region
发烧有无: have a fever/temperature I feel hot and cold. 我觉得冷和嗓子疼I feel shivery and I've got a sore throat.
44.Did you take your temperature?你试过体温吗? Did you run any temperature[你发过烧吗?]
海鲜marine delicacies/a food
其他人有腹泻的吗?Are there anyone el/others who have diarrhea?
恶心naua;to feel sick 呕吐vomiting 量多少?
[你吐的是什么?食物还是血?]What did you vomit, food or blood
我没有食欲How about your appetite?-----I've got no appetite. (What`s your appetite[你的胃口怎么样?] How`s your appetite tho days[近来食欲怎么样?])
Where is your pain[你觉得哪儿痛?] Where does it hurt[哪儿痛?]
胃痛吗?Do you have a pain in the stomach?-------------我感到胃部隐隐作痛I feel a dull pain in the stomach.
What kind of pain do you feel[你觉得怎么个痛法?]
Do you feel pain after meals[是饭后痛吗?]
Do you feel abdominal pain when you go to the toilet[你去厕所时感到腹痛吗?]
Do you have a pain in your stomach[你肚子痛吗?]
你的胃有过烧心感(胸痛)吗?Do you suffer from heartburn stomachaches ( chest pains)?
你觉得乏力吗?Do you feel fatigue?--------------我只是觉得筋疲力尽I just feel all pooped out. 疲乏fatigue/to be tired;to feel weary;
急性胃肠炎acute gastroenteritis 痢疾dyntery You have got enteritis.[你得了肠炎。]
36. 你的白细胞(红细胞,血红蛋白,尿,大便,痰)需要检查一下.Your WBC(RBC, hemoglobin,urine stool, sputum) should be checked.
[你需要验验血(痰)。]You must have a blood (sputum) test.多项式概念
I`ll run some tests o
n you.[我要给你做些化验。]
37. 需要做个涂片.A smear should be taken.
72. Plea tell me something of your past illness.
Have you got any chronic dia before[你以前有过慢性病吗?]
[你过去用什么方法治疗过?]What kind of treatment have you had
42. What medicine did you take?
43.Have you taken any medicine?
64.Have you ever received any treatment before?
65. Has it gotten wor?
66.Has it happened before?
67. Are you feeling better?
68.Is the pain getting less?
69. Does it still hurt?
50.Let me examine you plea.
51.Plea take off your shoes and lie down.
52,Plea unbutton your shirt and loon your belt.
53.Plea take off your trours.
54. Plea lie on your back (stomach, right side, left side)。
55.Plea bend your knees.
56.plea relax.
58. Plea stick Out your tongue.
59.Plea let me feel your pul.
60.Let me take your blood pressure
61.Pleas,lift your left leg(right leg)
62. Plea open your mouth and say "Ah".
I`d like to listen to your chest.[我想听听你的胸部。]
I`ll give your some medicine.[我给您开点药。]
I`ll nd you some medicine (pill, ointment)。[给你开些内服药(丸药,膏药)。]
I`ll give you some tablets.[我给你一些药片。]
I`ll make up a prescription for you.[我给你开一张药方]
I`ll write out a prescription for you right now.[我马上给你开张药方。]
金毛犬多少钱一只 I`ll give you a prescription. Take it to the chemist`s [我给你一张处方,到药房去配药。]什么行车记录仪好
I think you`d better take Chine traditional medicine.[我认为你最好服用中药。]
Take the medicine according to the instruction.[请按医嘱用药。]
I`d like to put you on some medicine and have you come back in veral
One tablet each time, three times a day after meals.[每日3次,每次1片,饭后服。]
Take one capsule every four hours.[每4小时服用一胶囊。]
Take a do three times a day.[每天服3次,每次一剂。]
Put the ointment on the sore once a day.[把软膏涂在患处,每日1次。]
Shake well before using it.[使用之前要摇匀。]
The medicine will relieve your pain.[这种药会给你止痛。]
This medicine ca
n keep your fever down.[这种药可给你退烧。]
This is for oral administration.[这是口服药物。]
This lotion is for external u only.[这种洗剂只可外用。]
You`re suffering from acute appendicitis and must have an
I`m sorry to say you`ll have an immediate operation.[很遗憾,你得快动手术。]
Your meals should be frequent but small in quantity.[应该少吃多餐。]
Your meals should be light and digestible.[吃的东西要清淡容易消化。]
You should take some more vitamines[你应该多吃些维生素。]
You should go on a diet.[你应该节食。]
You can`t touch anything sweet.[你一点甜食也吃不得]
Fatty food will do you harm.[高脂肪食物对你有害处。]
Avoid eating greasy food.[不要吃油腻食物。]
Drink plenty of water.[要喝大量的水。]
Come back in a week for a re-examination of your eyes.[一周以后来复查您的眼睛。
消化系统疾病(digestive system dias;dia of digestive system)
词汇:消化系统:alimentary system:
嗳气 belching,
返酸sour regurgitation,
腹胀abdominal distension,
恶心和呕吐naua and vomiting.;
消防月总结腹痛 abdominal pain abd. pain,
血便 bloody stool
稀烂便 loo stool
脓血便 bloody purulent stool ["pjuErElEnt]
烧心 heartburn
消化道出血 gastrointestinal bleeding
黄疸 jaundice
吞咽困难 dysphagia
大便失禁 faecal incontinence
便秘 constipation
胃痛 stomachache
糖尿病 diabetes
食物中毒 food poisoning
痢疾 dyntery寻找合作
肠梗阻 intestinal obstruction
脱水 dehydration
肠道易激综合征 irritable bowel syndrome
肠肿瘤 bowel tumor
女生怕冷肠炎 enteritis
阑尾炎 appendicitis
消化性溃疡 peptic ulcer
胆囊炎 cholecystitis
胆石病 (胆结石) cholelithiasis
胰腺炎 pancreatitis