Ginng is an important herb in traditional Chine medicine and is most commonly ud to enhance immunity. It tastes a little sweet, and its taste is a little warm. This herb is believed to "enter" the spleen meridian of Foot -Taiyin and the L汽车电瓶寿命ung meridian of hand Taiyin.
1) 一和就造句子Ginng is a perennial herb, native to northeast China, especially Changbai Mountain. It is a dry rhizome and leaves consist of 5 leaflets, belonging to Araliaceae. Roots are the medicinal part of plants and are usually harvested at the age of six from late August to mid-September. After removing the roots, the roots are dried.
活动庆典2) Ginng is said to be able to invigorate qi, enhance human body resistance, promote tissue regeneration, induce diuresis, fester, expel pus, and reduce swelling. It is commonly ud for the treatment of short breath, palpitation, insufficient physical strength, collap, spontaneous perspiration, night sweat, physical weakness, edema, etc.
3) Ginng has the effect of invigorating qi, and is beneficial to promoting fluid production and nourishing blood, overwork, spleen deficiency, anorexia, internal heat, diabetes, qi deficiency, blood deficiency and other dias. Ginng is often ud in combination with monkshood. There are many forms of herbal medicine in the market, such as tincture, tablet, capsule, powder, extract and combination products.
4) 有专 At the recommended do, ginng has no rious side effects and can be ud safely in general. However, it does interact with many other herbs and prescription drugs. If you have taken radish or radish ed, or taken anti-gas medicine, plea do not take ginng.
5) 月到中秋分外明The dosage of ginng should be determined by your doctor according to the treatment situation, age and weight. For decoction, the recommended dosage is 3-9g dry root per 12 ounces of water. For powder, 2g once and twice a day.创新团队
1) 人参是一种多年生的草药,土生土长到中国东北部,特别是长白山。它是一种干燥的根茎,叶由5个小叶组成,属于五加科。根是植物的药用部分,通常在8月下旬至9月中旬6岁时收获。除根后,把根晒干。
2) 人参据说能补气,增强人体抵抗力,促进组织再生,利尿,化脓,排脓,消肿。常用于治疗气短、心悸、体力不足、虚脱、自汗、盗汗、乏力、水肿等。
3) 人参具有益气的功效,有利于补液养血、过劳、脾虚、厌食、内热、糖尿病、气虚、血虚等疾病。人参常与附子合用。市场上的中草药种类繁多,有酊剂、片剂、胶囊剂、粉剂、提取物和复方制剂等。
4) 按照推荐的剂量,人参没有严重的副作用,总体上可以安全使用。然而,它确实与许多其他草药和处方药相互作用。如果您服用过萝卜或萝卜籽,或服用过破气药,请不要服用人参。
5) 人参的剂量应由医生根据治疗情况、年龄和体重来决定。汤剂的建议用量为每12盎司水3-9克干根。对于粉末,一天两次,每次2g。