新GRE 数学词汇

更新时间:2023-05-20 08:43:29 阅读: 评论:0

Integer整数  concutive integer连续整数  positive whole number正整数  negative whole number负整数  even integer偶数  odd integer奇数  real number实数  divisor约数,除数,因子  multiple倍数  remainder余数  score二十  quotient商  composite number合数  prime number质数  prime factor质因子  successive连续的  spread范围  constant恒定不变的
Numerator分子  denominator分母  greatest common divisor/factor最大公约数  least common multiple最小公倍数  common multiple公倍数  common factor公因子  reciprocal/inver倒数  mixed number带分数  improper fraction假分数  proper fraction真分数  vulgar fraction/common fraction普通分数  simple fraction简分数  complex fraction繁分数  reversible可逆的,可倒转的  nearest whole percent最接近的百分数
Decimal place小数位  decimal point小数点  decimal fraction纯小数  infinite decimal无穷小数
  recurring decimal循环小数  digit位  decimal system十进制  units digit个位  tens digit十位数  tenths unit十分位  3-digit number三位数  quartiles四分位数  percentiles百分位数  inter-quartile range四分位差  negligible可忽略不计的  clost approximation最相近似的  calculate to three decimal places结果保留3位小数  approximately大约,近似  estimation估算,近似
Absolute value绝对值  nonzero number非零数  natural number自然数  positive number正数  non-negative非负的  rational有理数  irrational无理数
Common ratio公比  direct proportion正比  percent百分比  account for占(比例)  scatter-plot点阵  scale比例,刻度
Cardinal基数  ordinal序数  exponent指数,幂  ba/power底数/指数,幂  radical sign/root sign根号  radicals根式  square root平方根  cube-root立方根  product乘积  sommon logarithm常用对数
Subt子集  proper subt真子集  union合集  interction交集  empty t空集  solution t解集  t of data/data t数据集  ts集合  nonempty非空的  mutually exclusive互斥的  juxtaposition并列  disjoint不相交的  elements元素  event事件  compound events复合事件  independent events独立事件  sufficient充分的  Venn diagrams韦恩图  the interction of A and B;A与B的交集  the union of A and B;A与B的并集    the sum of A and B /the total of A and B;A和B的和
Average平均数  mean平均数,中书  maximum最大数  minimum最小数  median中位数  mode众数  arithmetic mean算术平均数  weighted average/mean加权平均数    geometric
mean几何平均数  range值域  dispersion离差,差量  standard deviation标准方差  to the nearest/round to四舍五入  round保留整数  value值,数值  probability概率  distribution分布  probability distribution概率分布  frequency distribution频数分布  normal distribution正态分布  relative frequency distributions相关频率分布  standard normal distribution标准正态分布  factorial notation阶乘  permutations排列,置换  combination组合  grid lines坐标线,网格线  circle graphs饼图  boxpiots箱型图  bar graphs/histogram柱状图,直方图  at random随机  random variables随机变量  discrete random variable离散随机变量  continuous random variable连续随机变量  equally likely event可能事件  roll a fair die掷骰子  heads up正面朝上,头朝上  tails up背面朝上,数字朝上  toss up掷硬币,(胜败)机会相等
Add/plus加  subtract/minus减  multiplication乘  multiply/times乘  divide除  difference差  sum和  is equal to等于  total总和  divisible可被整除的  division除,部分  divided evenly被整除  dividend被除数  the difference of A and B;A和B的差  the product of A and B;A和
B的乘积  prime factorization质因数分解  greater than大于  no less than大于等于  no more than小于等于  no solution无解  interval区间,间隔  invert倒置,颠倒  inver倒数  invert a fraction求分数的倒数  from subtract从  in equivalent to与相等  increa to增加到  increa by增加到  decrea to减少了  decrea by减少到  identical相等的  divisibility可约性,可除性
Coefficient系数  literal coefficient字母系数  numerical coefficient数字系数  term项  constant term常数项  quadratic二次方程  equivalent equation同解方程  linear equation线性方程  solution解  inequality不等式  expression表达式  equation方程式,等式  linear一次的,线性的  factorization因数分解  function函数  inver function反函数  trigonometric function三角函数  complementary function余函数  variable/variations变量  domain定义域  quence数列  quences of numbers数列  arithmetic procession等差数列  geometric progression等比数列新学期教学工作计划  inclusive包含序列的首末项    exclusive组名霸气不包含序列的首末项  parenthes括号  satisfy使迪奥香水广告成立  equivalent相等的璋怎么读
A line gment线段  midpoint中点  endpoint端点  right angle直角  perpendicular垂线  perpendicular lines垂直线  perpendicular bictor垂直平分线  parallel lines平行线  vict平分  partition分割  intercepts截取
Acute angle锐角  obtu angle钝角  opposite angles对角  vertical angle对顶角  vertex angle顶角  round angle周角  straight angle平角  included angle夹角  alternate angle内错角  interior angle内角  exterior angle外角  supplementary angles补角  complementary angles余角  adjacent angle邻角  a straight line直线  angle bictor角平分线  diagonal对角线  interct相交  angle measurement in degrees角度计算逗号
画拼音altitude三角形的高  arm直角三角形的股  equilateral triangle等边三角形  hypotenu斜边  inscribed triangle内接三角形  vertex顶角,顶点  isosceles triangle等腰三角形  median of
戚风蛋糕卷a triangle三角形的中线  oblique斜三角形  opposite直角三角形中的对边  right triangle直角三角形  similar triangles相似三角形  leg直角边  included side夹边  pythegorean theorem勾股定理  congruent angles全等角  congruent line gments等长线段

本文发布于:2023-05-20 08:43:29,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:事件   三角形   胜败   系数   平均数   标准   分布   保留
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