Nowadays celebrities are more famous for their glamour and wealth than for their achievements, and this ts a bad example to young people.
古代骂人的话 To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Sample Answer 1:
钓鱼的故事 It is true that most of the celebrities are known for their luxurious lifestyles than for their performance or talents the days. Many people think that this kind of attitude is not a good example for the young generation. To a certain extent, I would agree that this kind of behaviour would be a bad example for the society, but there are other famous people are popular due to their outstanding accomplishment.
人应该怎样活着 On the one hand, it is a fact that many famous people become popular due to their fancy lifestyle, instead of their outstanding achievement the days. Their acting talent might be standard or below the average, but they are making nsation to the public by showing their wealth and glamorous lifestyles. One of the examples would be Kim Kardashian who i兰州拉面汤料配方
控烟团支部委员s famous for her reality television program, whereas it mostly shows her luxurious mansion, party and shopaholic lifestyles and less of her acting. It is believed that the behaviour would be a negative influence for the young people as it teaches them about hedonistic lifestyle.