韶山旅游景点介绍Biochemical markers of bone turnover. A look at laboratory tests that reflect bone status.乞伏炽磐
期刊名称: Postgraduate Medicine
作者: Ron, Clifford J.,Tenenhou, Alan
年份: 1998年
期号: 第4期
关键词: Humans;Bone and Bones;Osteoporosis;Bone Resorption;Acid
什么叫平邮Phosphata;Alkaline Phosphata;Biological
教师培训>系统测试报告摘要:Chemicals in rum and urine can rve as markers for monitoring bone loss, bone reformation, and the effectiveness of therapy in patients with osteoporosis. Although not yet well recognized or readily available, tests for the markers may prove preferable to densitometry in some ttings or for
我的职业观some patients. In the future, biochemical markers may provide important information on fracture risks as well.