April 27th, 2012
Decree of the State Administration of Work Safety
Decree No. 47
The Regulations on Surveillance and Administration of Occupational Health at Workplaces which were adopted at the Director’s Work Meeting of the State Administration of Work Safety on March 6th, 2012, are hereby promulgated and shall come into force as of June 1st, 2012. The Interim Regulations on Surveillance and Administration of Occupational Health at Operation Sites which were formulated by the State Administration of Work Safety on July 1st, 2009 is abolished simultaneously.
Luo Lin
Director of the State Administration of Work Safety
Regulations on Surveillance and Administration of Occupational Health at Workplaces
Chapter I General Provisions生字的成语
Article 1 Pursuant to the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Occupational Dias, other laws, regulations and administrative rules, the Regulations are formulated to reinforce the surveillance and administration of occupational health, to stress on the responsibilities of the Employer as the subject for the prevention and control of occupational dias, to prevent and control occupational hazards, and to cure health, relevant rights and interests of the workers.
Article 2 The Regulations shall be applicable to the Employer’s prevention and control of occupational dias, and the surveillance and administration performed by the surveillance and administration departments of work safety over the implementation of prevention and control activities of the Employer.
Article 3 The Employer shall strengthen the prevention and control of occupational dias, so as to provide its workers with the working environment and working conditions that comply with relevant laws, regulations, rules, standards and requirements on occupational health of the State; and effective measures shall be taken as well to ensure the occupational health of the workers.
Article 4 The Employer shall be the subject of liability concerning the prevention and control of occupational dias, and shall assume responsibilities for the occupational hazards generated.
准则是什么意思The principal of the Employer shall take full responsibility for the prevention and control of occupational dias of his/her Employer.
Article 5 The State Administration of Work Safety shall, in accordance with the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Occupational Dias, and duties assigned by the State Council, be responsible for the surveillance and administration of occupational health of the Employers nationwide.
The surveillance and administration departments of work safety under local people’s governments above county level shall, in accordance with the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Occupational Dias滞呆, and duties assigned by the people’s governments at the same level, be responsible for the surveillance and administration of occupational health of the Employers in their own administrative regions.
Article 6 糖尿病人不能吃什么The occupational health technical rvice institutions that are intended to provide technical rvices for the prevention and control of occupational dias shall, in accordance with the Interim Measures for the Surveillance and Administration of Occupational Health Technical Service Institutions as well as the requirements in relevant standards, codes and codes of practice, provide technologies and rvices to the Employers.
Article 7 Any unit or individual shall have the right to accu the offending activities of the Regulations and occupational hazard accidents that happen in the Employers to the surveillance and administration departments of work safety.
Chapter II Responsibilities of the Employer
Article 8 The Employer having rious occupational hazards shall establish or assign occupational health management agencies or organizations, and dispatch full-time occupational health officers.
Other Employers having occupational hazards shall, with more than 100 workers, establish or assign occupational health management agencies or organizations, and dispatch full-time occupational health officers; as for the Employers with less than 100 workers, they shall dispatch full-time or part-time occupational health officers to be responsible for the prevention and control of occupational dias.
Article 9 The principals and occupational health officers of the Employer shall have adequate occupational health knowledge and management capability of the production and operation activities of the Employer; and participate in occupational health trainings.
The occupational health trainings given to the principals and occupational health officers of the Employer shall mainly include the following contents: