反思50字Voe.16 No.8Aug. 2020
中国安全生产科学技术Journat of Safete Sciencc and Techno/vy doi * 10. 11731/j. issn. 1673-193x. 2020. 08. 018突出冲击波对防突风门的破坏失效研究
依法行政徐畀泽"2 °,李希建V °糖蛋白的作用
(1 •贵州大学矿业学院,贵州贵阳550025 ;
2•贵州大学瓦斯灾害防治与煤层气开发研究所,贵州 贵阳550025 ;
3•贵州大学 复杂地质矿山开采安全技术工程中心,贵州 贵阳550025)
油气储运专业摘 要:为了分析煤与瓦斯突出事故中防突风门的安全性,同时降低成本寻求对现有防突风门材料和结构的替代方案,研究不同 厚度的Q460钢制防突风门在突出冲击波载荷下的破坏情况0基于能量法得到不同厚度的风门最大挠度数学模型,再根据煤炭 行业规定中的对应数据和安全要求,运用LS - DYNA 软件
什么题什么作对冲击载荷下的风门破坏进行数值模拟,得到Q460钢制防突风门的静 力学特征并与能量法结果进行比对"结果表明:长宽分别为1-75 m 和1.8叫厚度为25 mm 和30 mm 的风门在0.6 MPa 的冲击 波超压作用下能满足安全要求,能量法计算结果与数值模拟误差在9%以内,基于安全设计余量可以接受;提出挠厚比概念,当 挠厚比小于0.84时,风门不会被破坏,在使用Q460钢设计防突风门时,应尽量确保该值小于0.840关键词:煤与瓦斯突出;冲击波;防突风门;最大挠度;数值模拟庄心妍的歌
中图分类号:X936 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1673 - 193X ( 2020) -08 -0113 -06
Rearch on damage failurr of outburss prrvention air door under outturss shock wave莴苣和莴笋是一样的吗
XU Bize 1'2'3 , LI Xijian 1'2'3
(1. Colleee of Mining , Guizhou Universita , Guiyyng Guizhou 550025 , China ;
2. Gae Disaster Prevention and ControO and Coat Bed Methane Development Institute , Guizhou Universita , Guiyang Guizhou 550025 , China ;
3. Mining Safeta Technoloay Engineering Centee of Complee Geeloay Mine , Guizhou Universita , Guiyang Guizhou 550025 , China )Abstract : In order te analyee the safety of outburst prevention aie door in the coal and gas outburst accident , and redud the cost and
ek the alternative lutions te the existing materiaas and structures of outburst prevention air door at the same time , the damage of outburst prevention air door made of Q460 sted with dSferent thickness under the load of outburst shock wave was studied. Bad on the eneroy method , a mathematicyt model for the maximum deflection of outburst prevention air door with different thickness was obtained , and ccmbined with the cyrresponding data and safety requirements stipulated by the cyat industo , the LS - DYNA software was ud te numericyl t y simulate the failure of outburst prevention air door under the impact load , then the static characteristics of outburst prevention air door made of Q460 sted were obtained and ccmpared woth th7 e7su ets o eth77n7egy m7thod. Th7 e7su ets show7d thatth7outbuestpe7e7ntoon aoedooewoth th7ength oe1 .75 m , th7 width of 1.8 m and the thicknes s of 25 mm and 30 mm respectivety cou / satisfy the safety requirements under the action of 0.6 MPashock waeeoee6p6e s u6e , and the e 6o66ange between the6esuetsoeene6gymethod and thenume6ocaesomueatoon was within 9% , which was acccptab/ bad on the safety desisn margin. The concopt of deflection-thickness ratio was propod. When the deflection-thicknes s ratio was less than 0. 84 , the outburst prevention air door would not be damaged. When the Q460 steeewasud todesogn the outbu6st p6e eent oon aodoo6, thoaeueshoued beeessthan 0.84 aa6aspossobee.Key words : coal and
gas outburst & shock wave ; outburst prevention air door ; maximum deflection & numericyl simulation 收稿日期:2020 -07 - 10
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(51874107);贵州省科技计划项目([2018 ] 5781 )