The Immediate Effects of Exposure Versus Respon Prevention in the Treatment of Obssive-
Compulsive Disorder
日昃是什么意思期刊名称: Behavioural & Cognitive Psychotherapy
作者: Keijrs, Ger P. J.,Hoogduin, Cees A. L.,Schaap, Cas P. D. R.,de Jong, Trix,de
Koning, Erica
年份: 1995年
期号: 第01期
摘要:Several empirical studies suggest that exposurein vivoand respon prevention have a differential treatment effect on the complaints prented by
patients with Obssive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). In the prent study it was
hypothesized that exposurein vivowould result in a greater decrea of obssional fear, whereas respon prevention would result in a greater decrea of rituals.
少华山景区Forty patients, diagnod with OCD, participated in the study. Half of the patients received exposurein vivoalone, followed by respon prevention alone, and half
received respon prevention alone, followed by exposurein vivoalone. No
differential treatment effects between exposurein vivoalone and respon
因果报应迟到大王prevention alone could be found, although ritualistic behaviour was less strongly affected by exposurein vivofollowing respon prevention.