Ladies and gentlemen, as the saying goes :at home by our parents,outside by friends. Today,liyongfang lili caiyuna and me will bing a show for you~our friends.
first,thanks for your support!
Ok, our show consists of three parts
At first part ,we will introduce making living means about some miracle animals
The cond part is about some miracle graduates.
The third part is about our thoughts of making living
Ok, let yuna introduce miracle animals first.
Ok, before introduce my means of making living,i want to introduce a woman who I admire very much.
Xi murong, what is known for us is that she is a poet ,poetry writing is just her avocation.av
四大美女图片ocation means a job or activity that you do becau you are interested in it,rather than to earn your living. but the real job she works on is painter.
She said:when poetry writing
i want for nothing
i needn't view it as my major
so i can keep away from ambitions(企图心)
so i can enjoy the precious time in writing
大漠青春Ehh, i want to be a person like her. not jobs,but attitudes.
Yeah,i love handicraft,especially paper-fold.
The are in my bedroom.
And i also love economic. I have to be honest to say:money.
水粉画树So,what i really want to do is
My avocation:工作心得体会感悟简短
Be a boss about making handicraft works with no ambitions.Just enjoy my avocation.
幼儿园教师自我介绍And major job is be a you can e on my back:school of marine sciences.haha,be a rigorous scientist like him,is cool. Isn’t it?
小数乘法教案Now ,let’s go back to the game we play at first.
The game is like social competition后端工程师
You can choo it or not,then you may get reward or not.just do what you want. no one force you,but you should be responsible for your choice. That is what we want to bring this show for you.
Thanks for listening!