咨询接待 | Reception |
欢迎光临佰草集汉方SPA! | Welcome to Herborist Chine Herbal SPA! |
我是XXX,很高兴为您服务。 | My name is XXX. I am very glad to rve you. I’m XXX. I’m glad to rve you.. |
小姐贵姓? | May I know your name, Madam? |
XX小姐请,这边坐/请坐。 | Ms XX, plea take your at/ sit down plea. |
XX小姐,请喝茶,这是佰草集汉方SPA的特色。 | Ms XX, help yourlf with the tea, it is unique to Herborist Chine Herbal SPA |
这是护理间,这是化妆室。 | This is caring room and this is the dressing room. |
XX小姐,您以前在哪里做护理。 | Ms XX, where have you been for care before? |
XX小姐,您以前在外面有没有做过护理 是的/没有,一次也没有。 | Ms XX, have you ever had any care before at other places? Yes./No, never. |
XX小姐,您以前有没有到我们SPA来体验过呢? “没有”/“来过一次” | Ms XX, have you ever tried our SPA before? “Never”/”Only once” |
XX小姐,您平时使用过哪些品牌的产品。 | Ms XX, what products have you ever tried? |
XX小姐,我为您介绍一下佰草集的产品和护理项目好吗? 好的,谢谢你(非常感谢)。 不客气。 | Ms XX, may I introduce the Herborist products and caring events to you? Ok, thank you (very much). You’re welcome/My pleasure. |
我们的产品含有中草药添加剂,安全可靠,您可以放心使用。 好的。 | As Chine herbal additives are included in our products, you can u them at ea. They are safe. Ok. |
XX小姐,这是疗程单,请看 | Ms XX, this is our treatment cour. |
XX小姐,这是疗程单,让我来为您介绍一下 | Ms XX, let me introduce our treatment cours. |
XX小姐,请填一张表格好吗? | Ms XX, would you plea fill in a form? |
请写上您的姓名、住址、电话、电子信箱、生日、职业―――― | Plea fill in your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, birthday, occupation---- |
您的经期有规律吗? | Is your menstrual cycle regular? |
您体内是否放有金属物品? | Are there any metallic objects inside your body? |
您想改善哪些方面,肤色、皱纹或身体方面? | Which aspects do you want to improve: complexion, wrinkles or body? |
平时工作压力大吗? 大/不大,一点也不觉得/还可以。 | Do you have overstress in your work? Yes/No, not at all/just so so. |
是否经常出差? | Are you often on business trips? |
平时睡眠好吗? 是的,非常好/不太好。 | Do you often sleep well? Yes, very well/No, not so good. |
XX小姐,请您稍坐片刻,我去请您的护理师来。 | Ms XX, plea wait a moment and I will get your beauty caring specialist here. |
XX小姐,这是XXX护理师,今天由她为您服务。 | Ms XX, this is XXX, your beauty caring specialist today. |
小姐,您做好了XX护理是吗? | Ms XX, you have finished XX caring, haven’t you? |
XX小姐,您XX护理做完了? | Ms XX, have you finished XX caring? |
感觉不错吗? | Do you enjoy it? |
感觉还可以吗? | Do you feel good? |
很好,舒服,特轻松,一般,还可以,感觉不明显,精神很好 | Very good, comfortable, relaxed, so-so, good, no obvious feelings, freshened |
第2课堂您看上去精神多了,皮肤比刚才有弹性,感觉也滋润多了,所以说,做和不做相差还是很大的。如果有机会,以后再做个仪器的疗程,效果还要好。 | You look spirited with skin more flexible and moistened. So the SPA does make you look different. I suggest you take an instrument treatment next time, it will make you look even better. |
.回去多喝水。 | Drink more water when you home. |
保养是一个过程,效果是循序渐进的。 | The caring effect will appear gradually. |
XX小姐,不好意思,耽误您2分钟时间,请您填一下表格好吗?这次护理您感觉满意吗? | Excu me, Ms XX, may I take you another 2 minutes to fill in this form? Are you satisfied with the caring? |
有什么地方让您觉得不舒服,或需要改进的? | Is there anything uncomfortable or that we need to make improvement? |
XX小姐,这是您要的 XXX产品。 | Ms XX, this is the XXX product you want. |
XX小姐,您今天护理XXXX疗程,这次的美容费用是XXX元,产品是XXX元,请在这里签字。 | Ms XX, you have taken XXXX treatment today. The beauty caring charges XXX RMB and the product costs XXX RMB. Plea sign your name here. |
刷卡还是付现金。 | Are you going to pay with credit card or in cash? |
您下次护理时间是――――要帮您预约吗?――――电话联系吧。 | Your next caring time is――――do you need to make an appointment?――――plea call us for help. |
您下次护理的时间是X月X日X时。 | Your next caring time is: x o’clock, _____(m)_____(d ). |
这是您的产品,请拿好。 | Here are your products, take care plea. |
别遗忘了您的物品。 | Don’t forget your belongings. |
请慢走,欢迎再次光临! | Thanks for coming and welcome back! |
护理师接待 | Reception |
欢迎光临佰草集汉方SPA | Welcome to Herborist Chine Herbal SPA |
我是XXX,很高兴为您服务 | My name is XXX. I am very glad to rve you. |
请跟我来。 | Follow me plea. This way plea /That way plea. |
请换拖鞋。 | Plea change your shoes to slippers. |
能脱下您的眼镜、手表吗?(耳环、项链、戒指、和手镯) | Would you plea take off your eyeglasss、watch?(Earrings\ Necklace\ Ring\ and Bracelet) |
这是您的浴衣、浴巾、毛巾,这个小手袋内有一次性浴帽和内裤。您洗完澡后可以使用。 | This is your bath gown, Turkish towel, towel and a small handbag containing disposable bath cap and underpants. You can u it after bathing. |
达克宁乳膏请用这个冲淋房,水的温控往左为热水,往右为冷水,我在门口等您,有什么不适可以告诉我。 | This shower room is for you. The shower temperature can be adjusted by turning the temperature controller, left for hot water and right for cold. I’ll wait for you by the door and if you feel anything uncomfortable plea let me know. You may enjoy your shower first and I will wait for you at the door. |
您是否需要去洗手间? | Do you want to go to the restroom/toilet? |
XX小姐,我们开始做护理了,请躺下,面朝下放在孔里/背朝上/请翻身(面向上) | Ms XX, we will start caring now. Plea lie down with your face downward in the hole/back upward/plea turn back (with your face upward). |
XX小姐,请放松,不用紧张,在护理中有不适,请对我说。 | Ms XX, plea get relaxed in the caring. If you don’t feel good, plea let me know. |
“烫吗?/热吗?/冷吗?/现在可以吗?/您觉得室内温度合适吗? | “Do you feel hot?/warm?/cold?/ How about now?/Is the room temperature ok? |
“这样的力度是否合适?/再重点/再轻些。 | Is the strength /pressure ok?/stronger/lighter. Would you like stronger or lighter? |
灯光可以吗? | Is the light ok? |
请翻身。对不起,枕头。 | Plea turn over . Excu me, pillow. |
护理做完了,请起。 | That’s all for the caring, plea get up. |
XX小姐,这是您的衣服,请慢慢更换,我在门口等您。 | 成都周边景点Ms XX, this is your clothes, plea take your time to change the clothes. I will wait for you by this door. |
请稍等,我马上回来。 | Plea wait a moment, I will be back in a minute/ immediately. |
这是佰草集汉方SPA的特色。 | This is unique to our SPA. (Chine medicine/ Traditional Chine medical science) |
别遗忘了您的物品。 | Don’t forget your belongings. |
李道宗回去多喝水。 | Drink more water when you home. |
SPA疗程名称 | Cour of Treatment |
(一) 汉方美颜 | Beauty care |
气血通调 | Regulating qi and blood |
肌本理护 | Basic facial care |
晒后理肤至要 | Repairing facial for sundamaged skin |
芳香清肌至要 | Aroma and Toxins cleansing facial |
活力紧肤至要 | Revitalizing and tightening facial |
新七白靓颜至要 | Whitening and brightening facial |
平衡暗疮净颜至要 | Anti acne and soothing facial |
全天候焕肤保湿至要 | 24-hour moisturizing facial |
爽洁控油至要 | Refreshing, purifying and oil control facial |
逆时恒美润颜至要 | Anti ageing everlasting moisturizing facial |
清肌养颜太极至要 | Tai chi facial care for cleaning and beautifying |
玉石能量至要 | Jade energy facial care |
舒眼亮眸至要 | Refreshing and brightening eye contour treatment |
纤纤玉手至要 | 自律神经Delicate and beautiful fingers treatment |
纤肌玉颈至要 | Neck beautifying treatment |
冰球护理 | Facial beauty care with ice ball |
艾草焕颜修容灸 | Facial reshaping moxibustion with wormwood |
(二) 汉方养生 | Health care |
三焦 | Triple energizers |
上焦“气”护理 | Regulating qi of the upper energizer— “qi”care |
中焦“化”护理 | Regulating transportation function of the middle energizer — “transformation” care |
下焦“通”护理 | Regulating discharging function of the lower energizer — “discharging” care |
上焦衡氲经穴按摩 | Meridian point massage releasing the upper energizer |
中焦衡运经穴按摩 | Meridian point massage activating the middle energizer |
下焦衡蕴经穴按摩 | Meridian point massage accumulating the lower energizer |
三焦组合护理 | Triple energizers combined massage |
经络 | Meridian |
正体芳香清肌枢要 | Aromatic massage for strengthening and cleaning the body |
七气调神枢要 | Refreshing the spirit with Seven-Qi Decoction massage |
美背经络按摩 | Points and meridians massage for the beauty of the back |
汉方保健按摩 | Traditional Chine health protection massage |
一指禅全身保健推拿 | General one–finger TuiNa for health protection |
背部刮痧 | Scraping the back |
背部罐法 | Cupping the back |
背部温灸 | Warm back moxibustion |
除陈焕肤枢要 | General corneum removal |
汉方玉肌体膜 | Chine herbal skin care mask |
汉方清肌养美组合 | Body cleaning and beauty suite (Chine formulas) |
喜悦佳能组合 | Joy and energy suite |
热石能量组合 | Hot stone and energy suite |
汉方玉肌秘要组合 | Secret skin care suite (Chine formula) |
奇恒之腑 | Extraordinary organs |
头部一指禅 | One-finger head massage |
芳香耳烛秘要 | Fragrant ear candles |
芳香舒脐秘要 | Fragrant navel relaxation |
汉方金莲足部护理 | Foot Care (Chine formula) |
丰盈美胸秘要 | Bust beauty therapy |
纤体塑型秘要 | Shape slimming therapy |
汉方女子胞养护秘要 | Chine Uterus Care Secret Prescription |
(三) 水疗本方 | Nurture with Spa |
玫瑰飘逸浴 | Ro bath |
舒缓沐心浴 | Relaxing bath |
汉方纤体草本浴 | Figure slimming herbal bath( Chine herbal recipe) |
红花舒缓花瓣浴 | Saffron petal bath |
汉宫泥浴 | 幼儿园画画教程Han Gong mud bath |
(四) 外治本方 | Nurture with External Treatment of High-tech |
五感复整舱 | Five-n Reshaping Cabin – A980 Space capsule |
纤体热毯 | Sliming Thermal Blanket |
BIO专意理疗仪 | BIO Instrument for Professional Physical Therapy |
美颜回春秘要 | Secrets of facial rejuvenation |
祛斑素颜秘要 | Secrets of whitening and pigment reducing |
细致毛孔秘要 | Secrets for Pore refining |
清新美目秘要 | Secrets for eye beauty |
GSD修形仪 | GSD Special Shaping Apparatus |
提升轮廓秘要 | 野泉 Outline improving |
紧肤/亮肤秘要 | Skin firming/brightening |
局部修形去脂秘要 | Secrets of local shaping and fat burning |
(五) 美妍护理 | Nurture by Exquisite Care |
洋甘菊舒敏软膜 | Chamomile Anti-allergy soft mask |
香薰滋养水膜 | Fragrance moisturizing mask |
太极泥面膜 | Tai Chi Mask |
美肌水库面膜 | Skin Moisturizing Facial Mask |
腋下脱毛 | Armpit Hair removal |
手臂脱毛(半) | Arm Hair removal(single) |
腿部脱毛(半) | Leg Hair removal(single) |
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