
更新时间:2023-05-19 21:40:47 阅读: 评论:0

1、 长话短说 To make a long story short
2、 特别爱说说 In a talkative mood
3、 回乡省亲 visit her native land
4、 超凡脱俗 to the full detachment
5、 耽于恶习 constant indulgence in bad habits
6、 全心全意 heart and soul
7、 富有生命力的人 a cat with nine lives
8、 赶时髦 in line with latest trends in fashion
9、 入不敷出 live beyond his income
新疆拉条10、 既惊奇,又绝望 between astonishment and despair
11、 公然挑衅 nothing less than direct provocation
12、 网上冲浪 surf the net
18岁生日快乐13、 人人都满意 all things to all men
14、 熟能生巧 practice makes perfect
15、 远洋集训 the oceangoing training
16、 并行不悖 develop in parallel
17、 头脑灵活 mental flexibility
18、 伤寒病 typhoid fever
19、 欲购从速 waste no time if you want to buy it
20、 满怀抑郁 original depression
21、 玩物丧志 pursuit of pleasure will diminish his aim
22、 积劳成疾 fall ill from overwork
23、 竭泽而渔 kill the goo that lays the golden eggs
24、 开门见山 come straight to the point
25、 节约粮食的诗句物极必反 when a thing reaches its extreme, it revers its cour
26、 不进则退 move forward or fall backward
27、 无私才能无畏 lflessness nurtures fearlessness
28、 度量衡制度 system of measurements
29、 安安稳稳 peace and curity
30、 审美 appreciate beauty
31、 有朋自远方来。不亦乐乎 it is a great pleasure to meet friends from afar
32、 男才女貌 talented man and fair lady
33、 天作之合 a match made in heaven
34、 权宜之计 measures of expediency
35、 说得很对 hit home
36、 改革开放 the policy of reform and opening
37、 四菜一汤 the food consists of four side-dishes
38、 御花园 imperial garden
39、 全面发展 all-round
40、 灾难深重 the disaster-ridden nation
41、 可歌可泣 move sb. to songs and tears
42、 聚宝盆 the best urn of a life
43、 拖了多年得不到解决的。。 long-unsolved
44、 前功尽弃 the labor will be totally lost
45、 活到老,学到老 it’s never too old to learn
福布斯中国46、 三思而后行 look before you leap
47、 不经一事不长一智 wisdom comes from experience
48、 得意忘形 carry away
49、 必游之地 a must for all tourists
50、 倾囊相助 to empty one’s pur to help people
51、 眼见为时 eing is believing
52、 服务外包合同洞察秋毫 with amazing insight
53、 临阵逃脱 fly from danger
54、 心不在焉 abnce of mind
55、 挑起重担 carry the load
56、 人不犯我我不犯人 we will not attack unless  we are attacked
57、 血汗工厂 outlawed sweatshops
1、 To a tourist on a one-day visit, Cambridge will appear more beautiful, becau the best part of Cambridge, with a row of colleges side by side along the banks of the River Cam, is more concentrated and easily accessible.
2、 but this act of purcha is only the prelude to posssion. Full ownership comes only when you have made it a part of yourlf, and the best way to make yo
urlf a part of it is by writing in it. an illustration may make the point clear. You buy a beefsteak and transfer it from the butcher’s icebox to your own. But you do not own the beefsteak in the most important n until you consume it and get it into your bloodstream.
3、 you can fight a hundred battles without defeat if you know the enemy as well as yourlf. You will win one battle and lo one battle if you know yourlf but leave yourlf in the dark about the enemy. You will lo every battle if you leave both the enemy and yourlf in the dark.
4、 the traveler from the coast, who, after plodding northward for a score of miles over calcareous downs and corn-lands, suddenly reaches the verge of one of the escarpments, is surprid and delighted to behold, extended like a map beneath him, country differing absolutely from that which ha has pasd through.
5、 having just left school or technical institute, where they had their place and a task to fulfill and where they were known and esteemed by their college, tho young people who do not land that first job they were so eagerly looking forward to have to face up for the first time to unemployment, a situation for which neither family nor school has prepared them,
6、 the united states has long been known as a melting pot becau many of its people are descended from ttlers who came from all over the world to make their homes in the new land, which has sparly populated by native Indian tribes.
Attracted by reports of great economic opportunities and stories of lf-made people from rags to riches, immigrants from many countries flocked to the united states, where they expected to make their fortune.

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