学生专业班级 | |
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教学目的 | |
教学内容 | 英美诗歌的韵步数,包括单韵步行、双韵步行、三、四、五、六、七、八韵步行 |
教学重点 | 三、四、五韵步行 |
教学难点 | 韵步与韵步数之间的关系,如抑扬格五韵步行、扬抑格四韵步行,学生要理解并熟悉这些术语有一个过程 |
教学进程 | 食不甘味第一学时讲授单、双、三、四韵步行 第二学时讲授五、六、七、八韵步行 |
教学方法 | |
教 具 | |
课后总结 | |
作 业 | Give a definition of meter and the types of it |
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第二讲 英美诗歌的韵步数
第一节 单韵步行
Gods cha
Round va.
天津最低工资What say?
What play?
Don’t know.
Nice, though.
(Desmond Skirrow: Ode on a Grecian Urn Summarized)
Go and catch a falling star,
Get with child a mandrake root,
Tell me where all past years are,
Or who cleft the Devil’s foot,
Teach me to hear mermaids’ singing,
Or to keep off envy’s stinging,
And find
What wind
Serves to advance an honest mind.
(John Donne: Song)
中秋英语作文第二节 双韵步行
Razors | pain you;
Rivers | are damp;
Acids | stain you;
And drugs | cau cramp.
Guns aren’t | lawful;
Noos | give;
Gas smells | awful;
You might | as well | live.
(Dorothy Parker: Résumé)
so much | depends
a red | wheel
glazed | with rain
beside | the white
(W. C. Williams: The Red Wheelbarrow)
第三节 三韵步行和四韵步行
While I | am ly| ing on | the grass
Thy two|fold shout | I hear
From hill | to hill | it ems | to pass
At once | far off | and near.
And I | can li|sten to | thee yet!
Can lie | upon | the plain
And li|sten, till |I do | beget
That gol|den time | again.
(William Wordsworth: To the Cuckoo)
The Ma|riner, | who eye | is bright,
Who beard | with age | is hoar,
Is gone:| and now | the We|dding-Guest
Turned from | the bride|groom's door.
He went | like one | that hath | been stunned,
And is | of n | forlorn :
A sa|dder and | a wi|r man,
He ro | the mo|rrow morn.
(Samuel Taylor Coleridge: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner)
Winter|time nighs;
But my | bereave|ment-pain
It can|not bring | again:
Twice no | one dies.
Flower |-petal | flee;
But, since | it once | hath been,
No more | that |vering | scene
Can ha|rrow me.
Birds faint | in dread:
I shall | not lo | old strength
In the | lone frost’s | black length:
Strength long | since fled! 电动车安全宣传
(Thomas Hardy: In Tenebris)
_ _ / _ _ / _ _ / _ _ /
For the An|gel of Death | spread his wings | on the blast,
_ / _ _ / _ _ / _ _ /
And breathed | in the face | of the foe | as he pasd;
_ _ / _ _ / _ _ / _ _ /
And the eyes | of the slee|pers waxed dead|ly and chill,
_ _ / _ _ / _ _ / _ _ /
And their hearts | but once heaved|, and for e|ver grew still!
(Lord Byron: The Destruction of Sennacherib)
第四节 五韵步行
五韵步诗行(pentameter)是由五个韵步构成的诗行。英语诗歌中的五韵步诗行一般都是由五个抑扬格韵步组成,这样的诗行叫抑扬格五韵步诗行(iambic pentameter),这种诗行迄今为止,仍然是英语中使用最多的诗行。例如丁尼生的《提脱诺斯》第一诗节:
The woods | decay|, the woods | decay | and fall,
The va|pors weep | their bur|then to | the ground,
Man comes | and tills | the field | and lies | beneath,
And af|ter ma|ny a | summer | dies the | swan.
Me on|ly cru|el im|morta|lity
Consumes: | I wi|ther slow|ly in | thine arms,
Here at | the qui|et li|mit of | the world,
A white|-hair’d sha|dow roa|ming like | a dream
The e|ver-si|lent spa|ces of | the East,
Far-fol|ded mists|, and glea|ming halls | of morn.
(Alfred Tennyson: Tithonus)
soider _ / _ / _ _ _ / _ _
Me on|ly cru|el im|morta|lity
_ / _ / _ / _ / _ /
But thy | eter|nal sum|mer shall |not fade,
度的词语 _ / _ / _ _ _ / _ /
Nor lo | pos|ssion of | that fair | thou ow’st.
/ _ _ _ / _ / _ / _