United States Merchant Marine Academy
Master of Marine Engineering Program
Admission Application Form 1
I plan to begin the Certificate Program
Fall 20___ Spring 20___
Plea print or type in the requested information and be certain to
sign and date the application.
Incomplete applications will not be procesd.
Note: The complete application package must include Admission Application Forms 1 & 2, at least two letters of recommendation and a $125.00 check to cover the application fee.
United States Merchant Marine Academy
牵牛花的作文Master of Marine Engineering Program
Admission Application Form 2
Educational and Professional Background
Educational History: (List all Colleges/Universities Attended)
Professional History: (List last four employers) College/University
Dates of Attendance From To Major Degree Awarded Year
Employer Dates of Employment From To
Job Title and Function
中心组学习总结Licens Possd:
Professional Engineer State ___ Number _____________ Expiration Date ___/___/_____ Merchant Mariner Level ___________ Expiration Date ____/____/______
Plea list the names of at least two individuals from whom you have requested letters of recommendation. Submit the letters of recommendation to the MMarE Program Director.
Name Position Address
Note: Two letters of recommendation are required, including one from previous college or university faculty member.
I understand that all information submitted on this application to the United States Merchant Marine Academy must be
answered fully and correctly. Omissions of colleges and universities previously attended or falsification of information will constitute grounds for rescinding offers of admission and/or dismissal. I understand that all applications and supporting
documents received by the USMMA in support of an application for admission becomes the property of the USMMA and will not be returned. I understand that the application fee can not be waived or refunded. I understand that submission of the admission application and supporting documents does not guarantee admission to the MMarE program,
_____________________________________________ ____/____/____
Date Application must be signed and dated to be complete
United States Merchant Marine Academy
Graduate Admissions Recommendation Form
This form is to be given to individuals writing recommendations for your admission to the Master of Marine Engineering program. Plea enclo the completed form with your application:鳄龟怎么养
Information: Date of Birth: __/__/____
Expected enrollment date:宋神宗
Right to access: Public Law 93-380, the Educational Amendments Act of 1974, grants students the right to access letters of recommendation*.
Applicant’s Signature _____________________________________ Date ___/___/______ * Applicants who do not complete this ction waive their right to access this form and letter.
Recommendations must include this form attached to a recommendation letter.
To the Recommender: The letter should include how long and in what capacity you have known the applicant. Be as specific as possible about the applicant’s academic/professional performance and potential for advanced study. Plea keep in mind that applicant cannot be considered for admission until your recommendation is on file. Plea u official stationary, al and sign the envelope along the al. Send the aled envelop to the applicant.
Plea complete the following evaluation table:
Exceptional Above Avg. Average Below Avg. Unable to Judge Intelligence
Potential for Graduate Study
灰姑娘简笔画Signature of Recommender __________________________________ Date _______
Name (plea type or print)__________________________________________________
Institution or company ___________________________________ Title _____________
Address ________________________________________________________________
Telephone ____________________ E-mail Address _________________
United States Merchant Marine Academy
Master of Marine Engineering Program
Transcript Request Form
To the Applicant: Plea complete this form and forward it to your previous college or university. A transcript from EACH college or university attended must be submitted. To insure that the transcript is returned to you in a timely manner, plea be certain to nd this request early.
Print your name an address.
______________________________________________________________________________________ Last (Family) First Middle
______________________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address (Street number and Apartment)
______________________________________________________________________________________ City State Zip Code
Dear Sir: I request that my transcript be nt to my address in the lf-addresd and stamped envelope I have provided with this form.
__________________________________________ _____/____/_____ Applicant’s Signature Date
To the Registrar: The Master of Marine Engineering program office at the United States Merchant Marine Academy appreciates your cooperation in assisting the MMarE program candidate in the application process. Plea enclo this form together with an official transcript in the provided envelope. After aling the envelope, plea sign across the al to ensure confidentiality and return it to the applicant so that it can be included in the application package.